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lets get all the threads from FFA moved into DF


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You're not even trying....

Think about your ex getting a train run on her by a bunch of surfer dudes.... Bottle that up... Reach deep down... And.... Look at a pic of Fuggs....

Then.... Start typing.

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2 minutes ago, Clu said:

You're not even trying....

Think about your ex getting a train run on her by a bunch of surfer dudes.... Bottle that up... Reach deep down... And.... Look at a pic of Fuggs....

Then.... Start typing.

what if i just starting typing like ghostrek


wow that mean

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Just now, Clu said:

Think about your ex getting a train run on her by a bunch of surfer dudes.... .

Go on...

1 minute ago, Clu said:

Bottle that up... 

I'm trying, but I'm not sure I can. Jacking off too much now.

2 minutes ago, Clu said:

Reach deep down... 

Almost there....


2 minutes ago, Clu said:




3 minutes ago, Clu said:

Look at a pic of Fuggs....

Then.... Start typing.

GODDAMNIT! Boner gone!

*breaks stuff*

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