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Alright, let’s have some fun with reruns.

Watch this show.

 Tell me afterwards if you think it needs a sequel.  If you do, explain why.

This isn’t meant to be trolling, but an honest to God thought exercise on why this show, besides DeMarco’s self admitted nostalgia.

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For once, one of these infernal marathons is actually working in my favor.

In yet more Making Benny Feel Old News, went down to south Texas for my youngest cousin's high school graduation.  And we're leaving this evening to go back home, only to leave tomorrow to drive to Dallas to visit my brother, his wife, and my new(ish) nephew one last time as they've decided to move to Rhode Island now instead of the end of June.

But it's only because for some ungodly reason the school disctrict decided to have her graduation on Memorial Day weekend.  And I don't know why my brother changed my plans.  I sure as hell didn't plan anything special because it's Memorial Day weekend.  It's just how things worked out.

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7 hours ago, Jman said:

besides DeMarco’s self admitted nostalgia.

i mean, adult swim has been asking for more flcl since they first aired it

6 minutes ago, korosu said:

i mean, adult swim has been asking for more flcl since they first aired it

Like I said, we’ll watch it tonight, and we’ll determine for ourselves.

But for the life of me I do not remember any plot hooks or bait for sequels.

18 minutes ago, Jman said:

Like I said, we’ll watch it tonight, and we’ll determine for ourselves.

But for the life of me I do not remember any plot hooks or bait for sequels.

adult swim also wants "Cowboy Bebop 2" so that's not a concern

"lupin the fourth" isn't weird since a lupin the eighth show was in development at one point

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it won't change your opinion, but i can direct you to the bright side of it:

tsurumaki and sadamoto are involved
adult swim has wanted more since they aired it so it's not a case of reviving something years later for the fuck of it
adult swim would do more to respect the show than if it was in anyone else's hands

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2 hours ago, korosu said:

it won't change your opinion, but i can direct you to the bright side of it:

tsurumaki and sadamoto are involved
adult swim has wanted more since they aired it so it's not a case of reviving something years later for the fuck of it
adult swim would do more to respect the show than if it was in anyone else's hands

only because it's like An Adultswim original only in japan

3 hours ago, Jman said:

Like I said, we’ll watch it tonight, and we’ll determine for ourselves.

But for the life of me I do not remember any plot hooks or bait for sequels.

It's really not about that, but [adult swim]'s nihilistic desire for a new installment. They don't care about everyone else's opinions, because they discovered the show first, aired it, and it's basically their pride and joy after so many years. And if [as] thinks they can make a new FLCL series that isn't just a rehash of the original, and in fact it will be two of them will improve the world as we know it with their presence, then let them take a stab at things.

It helps that I'm not as emotionally invested in the original show as other people. B|


Now taking votes: should I keep the 4/14/18-5/19/18 run of FLCL Classic on my DVR or delete it and record the 2nd pass of tonight's marathon?

Because this time everyone's saying "Fooly Cooly" and not "Eff El See El", I'm leaning toward the latter.

What do y'all think?


marathons like this only help push me towards streaming...for some reason toonami keeps thinking the majority of their viewers are drunks who go partying out all night on times like this


i don't know anyone whose holiday activities last late into the night

16 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

marathons like this only help push me towards streaming...for some reason toonami keeps thinking the majority of their viewers are drunks who go partying out all night on times like this


i don't know anyone whose holiday activities last late into the night

What's funny is I partied hard LAST week, and I still haven't completely caught up yet! Only on DBS-Black Clover!

Tonight is a low key Saturday night to me though. And it isn't just Toonami--AMC isn't showing new FTWD or Into the Badlands tomorrow night!

22 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

What's funny is I partied hard LAST week, and I still haven't completely caught up yet! Only on DBS-Black Clover!

Tonight is a low key Saturday night to me though. And it isn't just Toonami--AMC isn't showing new FTWD or Into the Badlands tomorrow night!

kinda wish i had gotten hyrule warriors definitive edition a couple days ago......meh but that's not here nor there


i just think treating the toonami block like it's not some insomniac block that would require you to really be extremely busy out the ass or have a weird job to miss it

Posted (edited)

Well, it's less of an insomniac block than it used to be, beginning at 10:30 now and most of the good new shows are on at fairly watchable times!

And as for tonight--it's a split block in 2 shifts--like it should be.

I'm hoping for a Toonami that's more like this in 2019--8 shows 10 PM-2 AM that repeat 2-6 AM.

Edited by OwlChemist81
2 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

i don't know anyone whose holiday activities last late into the night

I wonder if that's a CN/Adult Swim decision even beyond Toonami as well.

37 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

What's funny is I partied hard LAST week, and I still haven't completely caught up yet! Only on DBS-Black Clover!

I was extremely mad about nothing in particular and basically took a mulligan on the whole block. I only missed JoJo's and HxH, but the two shows I did watch (My Hero and the last FLCL) are probably worthy of another one because of how not into it I was. :(

3 minutes ago, DangerMouse said:

I wonder if that's a CN/Adult Swim decision even beyond Toonami as well.

the fact CN is airing new material on memorial day makes me think toonami just wants to stretch out certain shows to make them seem longer with marathons

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

the fact CN is airing new material on memorial day makes me think toonami just wants to stretch out certain shows to make them seem longer with marathons

You might be right, if they last an extra week or two that's probably good for them if they get them by season or something.

CN's airing new eps of stuff on Monday? Guess that answers that. Not there's anything I'm really watching on CN atm.

Edited by DangerMouse

Believe it or not, CN and AS are run by different people.

CN thinks a new episode on Memorial Day will work, but [as] isn't even showing Robot Chicken/Joe Pera premieres tomorrow...or are they!?


1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Now taking votes: should I keep the 4/14/18-5/19/18 run of FLCL Classic on my DVR or delete it and record the 2nd pass of tonight's marathon?

Because this time everyone's saying "Fooly Cooly" and not "Eff El See El", I'm leaning toward the latter.

What do y'all think?

Ooops, spoke too soon...

3 minutes ago, DangerMouse said:

You might be right, if they last an extra week or two that's probably good for them if they get them by season or something.

CN's airing new eps of stuff on Monday? Guess that answers that. Not there's anything I'm really watching on CN atm.

they'll be airing a new teen titans go special as well as a Lego DC Superheroes Movie: The Flash

3 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Believe it or not, CN and AS are run by different people.

CN thinks a new episode on Memorial Day will work, but [as] isn't even showing Robot Chicken/Joe Pera premieres tomorrow...or are they!?


yep they are...that's what makes this extra stupid


4 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

yep they are...that's what makes this extra stupid


Not really. Robot Chicken will repeat and Joe Pera is just throwaway summer trash that should probably have been on the Livestream.

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Not really. Robot Chicken will repeat and Joe Pera is just throwaway summer trash that should probably have been on the Livestream.

we're in the age of streaming....marathons shouldn't be a requirement for diddly

if people are out that late then they really aren't doing the usual memorial day festivities and are probably drunk off their asses

i wish people would stop acting like the internet isn't a thing when these marathons happen because toonami does

if people wanna catch up they should just do it via streaming because otherwise they'll just lose out to streaming anyways

Edited by CountFrylock
Just now, OwlChemist81 said:

and Joe Pera is just throwaway summer trash 

I've seen tremendous praise given to the show in just about all publicity I've seen of it. The original Infomercial special this was based on probably got good reviews as well. On top of that, it's something I genuinely want to see, which speaks a lot to my current viewing situation when I've only watched two episodes of the most recent Rick and Morty season. Maybe you should stop blindly hating all live-action shows this network makes.


Now that's a little unfair! I actually kinda like some of their live action stuff! Certain episodes of Tim & Eric had me rolling on the floor laughing. I also like Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell and some of Saul of the Molemen! I must admit I couldn't get into the more dramatic stuff like Delocated or NTSF:SD:SUV.

But yeah, I just can't bring myself to watch Pera when there's better stuff on other networks.

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