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Whats a questioned youre still searching for an answer for?


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4 hours ago, Nabloom said:

Why do democrats stay silent while Obama deports millions of people and destroys countries and holds people in indefinite detainment camps all over America like so many Guantanamo Bays but it isn't until Trump gets elected that any of that is suddenly a problem

President = Puppet. They use the office and who in particular happens to be in it to manipulate public opinion. They give us a black President followed by a rich white bigot to get people riled up about racism.

Black Panther is a hit in the box office and it wouldn't have been 10 years ago...

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Just now, Still Me said:

See I doubt that there is one...considering the ignoramus you responded to is one who tends to respond to her

Wrong again sassycakes....I like to watch her threads plummet....I don't respond until one of you other assholes has validated it.  I guarantee....If none of you reply first, you won't see me at all.

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1 hour ago, Noboru Yamaguchi said:

Now, if I may answer your question without having to toss you guard dog a bone, Simple.....No replies.  Don't get the ball rolling because once it does, it's a lost cause and then I'm going to come shit in it.

What if............I want to take my shit in it?

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