AnimationFan14 Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 There's no doubt in my mind that the big UFC event and *ahem* Dave Chappelle on SNL knocked Toonami down. Check back next Tuesday for ratings that don't fit in your echo chamber. UFC and Dave Chappelle's first true return to tv in almost 10 years certainly spelled double trouble for Toonami's ratings last Saturday, but that can happen from time to time. I expect things to bounce back up a little this coming Saturday at least
moose Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 I blame One Piece. Can't be One Piece. I'd sooner blame JoJo and IBO since it's actually affecting the shows after it.
PokeNirvash Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 If we're able to truly go full circle across the board one day then perhaps an upcoming year will feature Month of Movies III and Intruder IIII both premiering to great success Intruder IIII You are a disgrace to Romans everywhere.
AnimationFan14 Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 You are a disgrace to Romans everywhere. Et tu, PokeNirvash?
OwlChemist81 Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Well, this is quite disappointing! 11/19/2016 JoJo's Bizzare Adv. Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.52 Estimated 18-34 - 353,000 Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42 Estimated 18-49 - 533,000 Total Viewers - 964,000 11/19/2016 Gundam IBO Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.42 Estimated 18-34 - 285,000 Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.35 Estimated 18-49 - 445,000 Total Viewers - 795,000 Both shows hit scary new lows, and missed the top 10 at #12 and #15 respectively, but to be fair, the competition WAS pretty scary. USC vs. UCLA dominated the football front at #5, and there was a huge boxing match on PPV, Kovalev vs. Ward, which BTW had about 60,000 tweets and in part enfeebled Toonami's social media presence: Ironically, the decision to air a normal lineup on Thanksgiving weekend might lead to Toonami's highest-rated week in November, as I'm pretty sure neither boxing nor UFC will have a huge event that night, and football competition might be lighter despite rivalry week since it's spread out over 3 days! So let's just hope Intruder 3 finishes strong! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood Arc and Gundam IBO S1 too, although to be fair those have a few more weeks to go!
OwlChemist81 Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 One Piece failing all up in here. You don't know that. For all we know at this point, OP could have rebounded and beat Gundam. It's incredibly unlikely, but it HAS done better than 795K/445K 18-49 before in the past.
Sketch Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 One Piece failing all up in here. We all know you're just trying to rattle cages. Man if FG and DBZ aren't also significantly down due to competition, hoooooooooo boy that is unfortunate for the rest of the night.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 We all know you're just trying to rattle cages. Man if FG and DBZ aren't also significantly down due to competition, hoooooooooo boy that is unfortunate for the rest of the night. I'm pretty sure they will be. I'd be surprised if DBZ Kai cracks 1.2M/750K 18-49 this week! And likewise with 11:30 Family Guy; no way that beat 1.5M/0.8 18-49!
Jman Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Realistically, there has never been a dramatic drop between Kai and the rest, just a drop. More often than not it's the shows starting slow and that's how the rest of the night is impacted.
moose Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Why even bother responding to him seriously anymore? You know he's a joke. Lol.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 One Piece failing all up in here. This time you're actually right. One PIece DID indeed fail to make the Top 100: Naruto Shippuden just barely made it at #99.
Jman Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 This time you're actually right. One PIece DID indeed fail to make the Top 100: Naruto Shippuden just barely made it at #99. Your witness, defense.
moose Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Can't really succeed when the block started like crap. You know how Toonami works. Ratings go lower deeper into the night. So when you're already at 700k at 1.00am...
OwlChemist81 Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Well, I've got Exhibit B for you right here: 12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,250,000 (78.32%) 12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 964,000 (77.12%) 1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 795,000 (82.47%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 709,000 (89.18%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 637,000 (89.84%) 2:30 AM One Piece - 599,000 (94.03%) 3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 632,000 (105.51%) TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 798,000 12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 700,000 (82.27%) 12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 539,000 (77.00%) 1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 446,000 (82.75%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 414,000 (92.83%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 374,000 (90.34%) 2:30 AM One Piece - 336,000 (89.84%) 3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 360,000 (107.14%) ADULTS 18-49 AVERAGE - 452,714 One-Punch Man outrated One Piece and gave Shippuden a run for its money! Even so, no one's celebrating piss-poor numbers like these! Save us, Turkey Day Weekend Saturday!!
moose Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 The fact of the matter is EVERY show is down. Toonami isn't looking too good right now, and that isn't only OP's fault.
Jman Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 If you want me to point the blame honestly, fall sports, particularly college football, are the issue. That's a consistent drain, past one time events like a Connor McGregor fight.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 SHOW AVERAGES SO FAR Dragonball Z Kai - 1,376,617 (94 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 1,034,200 (5 episodes) Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 951,818 (22 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 916,857 (28 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 892,625 (136 episodes) One Piece - 805,411 (162 episodes) One Punch Man Rerun - 651,000 (4 episodes) ADULTS 18-49 Dragonball Z Kai - 793,489 (94 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 615,800 (5 episodes) Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 565,182 (22 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 538,714 (28 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 492,548 (136 episodes) One Piece - 437,542 (162 episodes) One Punch Man Rerun - 394,000 (4 episodes) ADULTS 18-34 (Estimated) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 394,200 (5 episodes) Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 372,909 (22 episodes) Say what you want about JoJo being inferior to the likes of Akame ga KILL!, Dimension W, One-Punch Man, and even Parasyte, DBZ Kai was still doing worse in both total viewers (1001K) and Adults 18-49 (531K) on average through its first 5 episodes. Gundam IBO, on the other hand, is on track to be the worst-rated show with an average start time only 6 minutes later than the likes of KILL la KILL, Akame ga KILL!, and Dimension W. Finally, November 2016 itself has been the worst month for ratings since January 2015 (and that's just comparing the 12-3:30 AM time frame of both months), but fortunately it's not over yet. The final weekend could still beat the other 3, since it's comparatively light on competition, and Toonami has wisely opted to just let the normal lineup run instead of tossing on a marathon of reruns around the thrilling conclusion of Intruder 3! So hopefully America will be watching!
Blatch Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Youch... not good ratings-eses for these times. Running the normal lineup on Thanksgiving weekend will probably turn out to be a wise decision... or at least we all hope so.
brianycpht Posted November 23, 2016 Posted November 23, 2016 This doesn't seem so bad considering Adult Swim is way down overall from last year. That 11:30 Family Guy only tops out at 1.5 million lately even on weeknights. I think Toonami is keeping pace rather well all things considered!
Daos Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Too many bad shows may be bad for ratings. Weird huh? =)
PokeNirvash Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 I don't know how many times we have to tell you this, but... BAD. IS. SUBJECTIVE.
Ginguy Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 The more things change, the more they stay the same huh. I am not worried about dropping ratings, these things tend to be cyclical. Toonami probably has two or three years left, then it will go away for four or five, and come back.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 I disagree. It lasted 11 years in its prior CN state; on [as] it will probably last at least that long if not longer. It probably won't disappear until Jason and Gill retire, but even then it may continue with new blood!
Jeffchao228 Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 Well our Ratings seem to be back to Averages again, let alone hoping for a DBZ Kai Ratings jump, which is very good for the need of Dragon Ball Super to make it on to toonami.
matrixman124 Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 How have the ratings been since Toonami got revived? I know they brought in a lot of hot series in the last few years and I imagine they've been doing fairly well. Is that not the case?
Bookend47 Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 I'm expecting decent to mediocre ratings this week like I imagine most sensible people are, due to Thanksgiving and competition from that 600 eps Simpson marathon on FXX. But I have a good feeling that it might surpass my expectations with Intruder 3 ending and the refreshing newness of the redesign.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 29, 2016 Posted November 29, 2016 This has been such a shitty news week already, what with Gatlinburg on fire, and the Brazilian soccer team being involved in a plane crash, so it would REALLY help to see good ratings this morning to lift my spirits. So, JoJo and Gundam IBO, how'd ya do?? Well that figures. Kinda forgot despite the normal line-up on Toonami it WAS a holiday. Guess we'll be in suspense until tomorrow!
OwlChemist81 Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Well, crap. Those numbers for JoJo and Gundam are terrible. But to be fair, Gundam actually improved slightly in 18-34. Might have even broken 300K, but sadly we'll never know for sure. 11/26/2016 JoJo's Bizzare Adv. Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.50 Estimated 18-34 - 340,000 Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.40 Estimated 18-49 - 508,000 Total Viewers - 856,000 11/26/2016 Gundam IBO Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.44 Estimated 18-34 - 299,000 Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.35 Estimated 18-49 - 445,000 Total Viewers - 772,000 At this point, that estimated 225K in 18-34 that Children Who Chase Lost Voices pulled 3 weeks ago at 3 AM looks pretty beastly, huh? And it's even worse that this was against pretty much minimal competition. Sportscenter reigned supreme in 18-49, and I'm really not sure why, but at least JoJo and Gundam appear to have won their timeslots among cable originals in 18-34, just edging it out with that demographic. Ditto for females and males 12-34, so all that is at least a silver lining on this dark cloud. Even so, Toonami needs that "must see" hook like it used to have last year and earlier this year, and right now it just doesn't seem to have it. Intruder 3 was, IMHO, an appalling failure ratings-wise even if it got critical acclaim. Gundam Unicorn Re:0096 coming next year is interesting but I doubt it will help much. Also interesting is a #4 by Batman vs. Superman on HBO against strong football competition. Adult Swim might actually do well next year to borrow live action superhero action movies from TBS/TNT leading-in to Toonami if such a thing is even possible.
MasqueradeOverture Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 What...the hell... Running a marathon might have been a better move. JoJo's numbers are making me sad.
Jman Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Jesus these ratings are hideous. I know everyone skips Phantom Blood but GOD DAMN.
Blatch Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Ouche. With ratings this bad, they'll probably go back to airing a Thanksgiving marathon in 2017. Though really, the whole of November of this year has been down. So who (or what) do we blame for this? [probably not politics]
OwlChemist81 Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Well, to be fair, these two timeslots did better than their corresponding timeslots in 2014 (Naruto: Shippuden and One Piece), but still lost hard to Parasyte reruns in 2015, and Naruto/One PIece premieres in 2013 still handily bested them! Still, 2014's TG weekend was handicapped by the completely asinine decision to air an Attack on Titan rerun at 11:30, and this one had Family Guy in that timeslot. Both had DBZ Kai as a lead-in. Here's hoping some new blood can bring the numbers back up in 2017. Lupin III Part 4 and/or Mob Psycho might be up to the challenge? And of course, I expect things to get better next week, though December 10th is a toss-up and December 17th is a complete unknown! Oddly enough, the remainder of the night didn't do TOO bad: 12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,205,000 (80.71%) 0.54 (-0.01) 12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 856,000 (71.04%) 0.40 (-0.02) 1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 772,000 (90.19%) 0.35 steady 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 714,000 (92.49%) 0.34 (+0.02) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 685,000 (95.94%) 0.32 (+0.03) 2:30 AM One Piece - 607,000 (88.61%) 0.28 (+0.02) 3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 609,000 (100.33%) 0.29 (+0.01) TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 778,286 Yep, everything after 1:30 was actually UP from last week slightly in 18-49, with One-Punch Man outrating One PIece once again, and Gundam IBO held steady. Still, JoJo seems to be bombing hardcore, which means that their apparent decision to air 2 episodes back-to-back (and ending one arc while beginning another, mind you) is just plain ludicrous! We still don't know actual numbers for 18-49 (courtesy SOTB/PI) or how they rank across all shows on cable (courtesy TVBTN), but I estimate about 457K 18-49 for the block, which is up about 4.5K from last week.
moose Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Crap. JoJo suffered a big-ass-drop from DBZ Kai. Guess people really aren't gravitating to it. Or maybe.... casuals just don't give a fuck about any anime other than DBZ and the occasional other one (OPM, AoT) It's really kinda sad. There's so many stories to be told... yet the Toonami audience only wants more Goku. There's more to anime than DBZ, mainstreamers. -__- Looks like Super is our only hope. Joy. :-\
PokeNirvash Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 Crap. JoJo suffered a big-ass-drop from DBZ Kai. How do you know that.? ???
moose Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 It was on the page, just all jumbled up. Looks like ALchemist rounded them all up together now, though.
OwlChemist81 Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 One Piece missed the boat once again in terms of the Top 100. And Adult Swim peaked for the night at less than 1.5M with the 11:30 Family Guy. Somehow Toonami's ratings don't seem THAT bad in light of that, but JoJo is still REALLY dropping the ball! Programming Insider's 18-49 ratings are also in, and the average was better than I thought: 12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 692,000 (78.97%) 12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 510,000 (73.70%) 1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 448,000 (87.84%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 432,000 (96.43%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 405,000 (93.75%) 2:30 AM One Piece - 353,000 (87.16%) 3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 372,000 (105.38%) ADULTS 18-49 AVERAGE - 458,857 We'll round that up to 459K, better than last week, but not by much. Hopefully the block will get back into the 500Ks in 18-49 in December, though I'm not holding my breath. Source: Finally, here's how all the shows currently airing are averaging so far: SHOW AVERAGES SO FAR Dragonball Z Kai - 1,374,811 (95 episodes) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 1,004,500 (6 episodes) Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 944,000 (23 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 909,862 (29 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 891,098 (137 episodes) One Piece - 804,201 (163 episodes) One Punch Man Rerun - 651,000 (5 episodes) ADULTS 18-49 Dragonball Z Kai - 792,421 (95 episodes) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 598,167 (6 episodes) Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 560,087 (23 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 535,034 (29 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 491,812 (137 episodes) One Piece - 436,832 (163 episodes) One Punch Man Rerun - 394,000 (5 episodes) ADULTS 18-34 (Estimated) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 385,167 (6 episodes) Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 369,696 (23 episodes) JJBA still holds over a million total viewers, but this might be its last week in that echelon if it doesn't improve. It's already under 600K 18-49 on average, which is troubling. The block just doesn't look super-healthy right now like it did last year.
CaptainStarwind Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,205,000 (80.71%) 0.54 (-0.01) 12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 856,000 (71.04%) 0.40 (-0.02) 1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 772,000 (90.19%) 0.35 steady 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 714,000 (92.49%) 0.34 (+0.02) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 685,000 (95.94%) 0.32 (+0.03) 2:30 AM One Piece - 607,000 (88.61%) 0.28 (+0.02) 3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 609,000 (100.33%) 0.29 (+0.01) TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 778,286 Yeeeeouch. That 350K drop for DBZ to JoJo makes me depressed just looking at it. Hopefully the next arc after Phantom Blood clicks with the audience. The rest of the night seemed a lot better, though., which makes me happy.
moose Posted November 30, 2016 Posted November 30, 2016 I dunno, I just think the campiness is too much for the casuals to handle. It's isn't generically badass enough to fit their fancy lol.
Jman Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 I dunno, I just think the campiness is too much for the casuals to handle. It's isn't generically badass enough to fit their fancy lol. Phantom Blood is the shortest arc for a reason.
moose Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 I know it's considered the lesser arc of the series, but I always thought it was still well-received? I think it should be doing a lil' better than it currently is, at least. For all the hype it had.
Daos Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 I honestly think Fairytail would do better than IBO or Jojo, lol. I like Jojo but it seems more like anime for anime fans. It's not going to have the casual appeal that One Punch man has.
moose Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Probably. It's more generic than either, which is what the casuals like. Buuuut, we have enough shonens. Although I wouldn't mind Shippuden getting the boot for FT. HxH and One Piece I still enjoy tho, so I'd rather those stay.
CaptainStarwind Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Probably. It's more generic than either, which is what the casuals like. Buuuut, we have enough shonens. Although I wouldn't mind Shippuden getting the boot for FT. HxH and One Piece I still enjoy tho, so I'd rather those stay. I definitely wouldn't complain if Shippuden left Toonami. There's too many long runners on the block and Shippuden is the one I want to see gone the most.
Daos Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 The fact that they haven't snatched up Re Zero yet means they are flat out retarded. I don't expect anything from the guys that run this.
OwlChemist81 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 I don't think Re Zero even has a dub yet, but I could be wrong...
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