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Nobody asked for Toonami to take over, or to air a bunch of crapy anime and no American action cartoons.


Um... I'm pretty sure fans were pining for Toonami's return in the 4 years it was off.


Um... I'm pretty sure fans were pining for Toonami's return in the 4 years it was off.


Not really. ASA was always better than Toonami. Toonami is for kids, and that's what it comes down to. All of its better acquisitions under the Adult Swim namesake have been ASA influenced (Hellsing Ultimate, Parasyte, NGE movies, Lupin), but everything else reeks of the little kid weekday Toonami of old, and all of that lame stuff could be on Cartoon Network during the day if they wanted to make a few edits and air it. Heck yeah Dragonball, Hunter x Hunter, and Naruto could easily be on CN. Toonami sucks because it's so limited in its appeal. Adults don't dig this shet. Only something edgy, aimed at the very least toward an older teen audience, as opposed to little kids, could reignite interest.


American live-action superhero movies killed them.


Yeah, but Arrow and The Flash proved you could do action shows on a TV budget and not look awful. 


Case in point - Why do you think The Tick revival is live action and looks a billion times better visually than the Patrick Warburton one?


Play nice you two.  Zeni's a busta, it shouldn't effect how you discuss stuff.


Buy maybe it does affect how she discusses..



*gets in your face while you shy away and look at the ground*


Buy maybe it does affect how she discusses..



*gets in your face while you shy away and look at the ground*


Role playing!

Rogue_Alphonse[/member]  get him!


point #1:


Toonami is kind of a nice mix of different things.  New/old.  Nostalgia/edgy.  etc.  And people were pretty much unanimously insane for it when it came back.  It's not even really a matter of opinion.  I mean, if you were online period during that time, you know it was huge, and people were crazy excited about it.


Since then I think the lineups have sometimes skewed too far one way or the other, but the ratings have been pretty consistent.  Most weeks they have several shows in the top 10 and I think pretty much the whole block lands at least in the top 20 or so.  More often than not I think Toonami has the #1 show for the night with the demo they are trying to attract.


It's one thing to say "meh, not for me".  It's another thing to make shit up and/or try to make "meh not for me" sound somehow like it's not for anybody, when clearly, by the data, a ton of people watch it and are interested/invested in it.


point #2:  This ain't eds/rants or Dumpster Fires.  So don't flame each other in this folder.


point #3:  This is a Toonami fan folder.  If you don't like Toonami or any of the shows Toonami runs, you shouldn't be posting in the folder.


Back to the topic, anyone care to take a stab at predicting ratings for last night? Here's my guesses:



DBS11: 950K/550K

DBZK: 1000K/600K/400K

JBASC: 950K/550K/350K

TGRA: 850K/500K/300K

HXH: 750K/450K

LT3: 650K/400K/250K

NS: 600K/350K

GITS: 550K/300K

AOT: 500K/250K


Back to the topic, anyone care to take a stab at predicting ratings for last night? Here's my guesses:



DBS11: 950K/550K

DBZK: 1000K/600K/400K

JBASC: 950K/550K/350K

TGRA: 850K/500K/300K

HXH: 750K/450K

LT3: 650K/400K/250K

NS: 600K/350K

GITS: 550K/300K

AOT: 500K/250K


One thing to note. On my cable guide, it listed JJBA as having an OAD of sometime in '14 (when the test dub came out).


There's a chance it won't show up in SBD's cable original report tommorow. HxH uses the Japanese dates so it's the same way.


I'm predicting something in the range of 600k total for Jojo


I think the thing that disqualifies HxH and Shippuden (and also disqualified One Piece) is that they aired on the I-Channel while that was still a thing. But at some point you would think HxH and even Shippuden would requalify if that's the case. There's no confusing episodes in the 60's of HxH with the 1999 original, which I don't think even aired on TV, so that can't be it...


One thing to note. On my cable guide, it listed JJBA as having an OAD of sometime in '14 (when the test dub came out).


There's a chance it won't show up in SBD's cable original report tommorow. HxH uses the Japanese dates so it's the same way.


I'm predicting something in the range of 600k total for Jojo


Totally called it. Our highly requested show Jojo, the one everyone has been waiting for:

638,000 total viewers 0.28 18-49 .At midnight. What a joke.


The night started out low again with Kai at 11:30 doing something in the 700s at 11:30.


It goes all the way down to Lupin getting 475,000 at 1:30 AM.


Meanwhile on Sunday. Rick and Morty gets 2.8 million viewers. 


What is happening guys?



I was optimistic. I was wrong.






7/29/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8:30) #8 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.37

Estimated 18-34 - 251,000 ( 37.30% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-49 - 359,000 ( 53.34% )

Total Viewers - 673,000


7/29/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #4 (+1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-34 - 285,000 ( 39.53% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.33

Estimated 18-49 - 423,000 ( 58.67% )

Total Viewers - 721,000


7/29/2017 JJBA: Stardust Crusaders - #7 (-1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.36

Estimated 18-34 - 245,000 ( 38.40% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-49 - 359,000 ( 56.27% )

Total Viewers - 638,000


7/29/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #11 (-2)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.32

Estimated 18-34 - 217,000 ( 36.29% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.25

Estimated 18-49 - 321,000 ( 53.68% )

Total Viewers - 598,000


7/29/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #18 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-34 - 190,000 ( 40.00% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.21

Estimated 18-49 - 269,000 ( 56.63% )

Total Viewers - 475,000


To be fair, we still don't know what will happen when new Rick & Morty that HASN'T been run into the ground through asinine publicity stunts is in the "lead-up". That episode that got 2.8 million on Sunday is playing at 9:30 on Saturday and hopefully that will give Toonami a boost.


Sunday is CLEARLY back on top of the old "Numbers Game" after getting its ass kicked week in and week out by Toonami in 2015 and 2016 except for during marathons. Over FOUR TIMES as many 18-34s watched Rick & Morty and over 1.5 times as many 18-34s watched Decker: Mindwipe and Apollo Gauntlet than watched DBZ KFC and JoJo the previous night.


All we can do at this point is watch, tell others to watch, and hope things get better. But Live PD is a serious, weekly-recurring threat to Toonami. However, I wonder if it continues to do better if A&E will consider moving it to another night of the week? Also, UFC was a big thing last week, which only stands (no pun intended) to hurt Toonami even worse whenever it happens. But that won't be the case next week and hopefully people and on-screen guides alike will be used to this new schedule!


Clearly this is the fault of Cartoon Network airing nothing but Teen Titans Go all the damn time. Either that or it really is Toei cementing itself as worse than Gonzo.


Well that's not surprising


Super failing

Lupin doing even worse

A new series getting horrible ratings


So far it seems Demarco is a bigger idoit than the Detroit tigers manager Brad


People ditching cable doesn't stop Rick and Morty from getting almost 3 million viewers.


People just aren't excited about Toonami anymore. Or they aren't generating enough hype themselves


I was going to make a joke about how the ratings would be 100K lower than you were expecting. So yeah, this isn't a surprise. I just doesn't hope it turns to serious fearmongering and stuff.


Why do you all automatically blame Toonami?  People ditching cable in droves is NOT their fault.


Hey I only compared him to the Detroit tigers manager


People ditching cable doesn't stop Rick and Morty from getting almost 3 million viewers.


People just aren't excited about Toonami anymore. Or they aren't generating enough hype themselves


Are the newest episodes of Rick and Morty online?? If so, that doesn't hold up on the argument.  Hell, I know that the Season 3 premiere ep was streaming online at the same time it was on TV!  Do they count ratings for that?


I was going to make a joke about how the ratings would be 100K lower than you were expecting. So yeah, this isn't a surprise. I just doesn't hope it turns to serious fearmongering and stuff.


I can't bother predicting ratings for upcoming weeks anymore, even if it's a game, because it would force me to accept that the ratings are shit, will BE shit, and are ALWAYS shit now, in 2017 and until the block dies. And i'd rather not have that stress in my life.


Are the newest episodes of Rick and Morty online?? If so, that doesn't hold up on the argument.  Hell, I know that the Season 3 premiere ep was streaming online at the same time it was on TV!  Do they count ratings for that?


I know it's not exactly the same thing, I was just making the point that when you put something on TV that people are excited about then you will get the viewers. Rick and Morty is like Jack though in the aspect that not a lot of people hung around for the shows after it.


Jojo despite being heavily requested and being at "the part" that people like does not get the viewers excited to bring them in. Super has its split viewer problem but at this point I think a premiere would only bring modest gains to the rest of the block as DB fans go away as soon as their show is over if they aren't into what's next.


I'm sure they'll give it the month of August, but I don't think Jojo is going to cut it there for a whole year. I'd love to be wrong about that. Gundam coming back in October isn't really going to help much either.


They really need to rethink their approach about what to pick up moving foward. Requests are not going to always yield good results.


you guys always take the ratings data out of context.


food for thought aye?


Maybe, but we've seen a downward trend over the last year and their have been several schedule changes this month to indicate thstvthey aren't exactly thrilled with the numbers.


I just don't understand why they didn't even bother with a new schedule promo for this lineup. Just confuse the hell out of people by saying JoJo is coming at 12:30 one week, then Midnight the next, and maybe run a scant number of Dragon Ball Super topicals with the correct airtime (11 PM), and you pretty much get what you deserve when the promos with the wrong time stream more often than those with the right time and the cable/satellite on-screen guides just can't keep up with the change (DirecTV's wasn't correct until Thursday afternoon).


Granted, maybe such a promo exists and I still haven't seen it. I didn't watch the Super power hour last week (but I most likely will this week), so maybe they aired one on there. But anyway, after this knee-jerk schedule change, hopefully next week it will improve. That is what we saw in 2015 and 2016 when making similar changes, after all!


Damnit I based my Jojo projection on thinking Kai would at least get close to a million. Those are some awful numbers. I actually thought I was lowballing it.


But yeah, the first Jojo didn't do well in the ratings, no reason to expect this Jojo to do any better.


And who says Jojo was heavily requested? Its a good show, but it wasn't even in the top 3 last time I checked.


I just don't understand why they didn't even bother with a new schedule promo for this lineup. Just confuse the hell out of people by saying JoJo is coming at 12:30 one week, then Midnight the next, and maybe run a scant number of Dragon Ball Super topicals with the correct airtime (11 PM), and you pretty much get what you deserve when the promos with the wrong time stream more often than those with the right time and the cable/satellite on-screen guides just can't keep up with the change (DirecTV's wasn't correct until Thursday afternoon).


Granted, maybe such a promo exists and I still haven't seen it. I didn't watch the Super power hour last week (but I most likely will this week), so maybe they aired one on there. But anyway, after this knee-jerk schedule change, hopefully next week it will improve. That is what we saw in 2015 and 2016 when making similar changes, after all!


There was a promo, but I only saw it on Facebook Saturday night. Too late


Damnit I based my Jojo projection on thinking Kai would at least get close to a million. Those are some awful numbers. I actually thought I was lowballing it.


But yeah, the first Jojo didn't do well in the ratings, no reason to expect this Jojo to do any better.


And who says Jojo was heavily requested? Its a good show, but it wasn't even in the top 3 last time I checked.


Yeah it was requested back in 2015 originally.


At the Momocon panel, Jason remarked at how people were still requesting more Jojo even as they were airing it.


Yeah it was requested back in 2015 originally.


At the Momocon panel, Jason remarked at how people were still requesting more Jojo even as they were airing it.


Oh so years ago. They should pretty much stop listening to that tumblr they use to get their "top requested" shows from. The results usually don't even come close to meshing with what's currently hot and popular in the anime world.


According to that Tumblr, people were clamoring for TG and more Gundam.


Oh so years ago. They should pretty much stop listening to that tumblr they use to get their "top requested" shows from. The results usually don't even come close to meshing with what's currently hot and popular in the anime world.


According to that Tumblr, people were clamoring for TG and more Gundam.


That was the MomoCon 2017 panel. JoJo was a safe bet, and it remains one, though it admittedly has begun with a "thud". But these are the Crunchyroll test dub episodes we're in right now. Once those end, maybe people will start watching again?


That was the MomoCon 2017 panel. JoJo was a safe bet, and it remains one, though it admittedly has begun with a "thud". But these are the Crunchyroll test dub episodes we're in right now. Once those end, maybe people will start watching again?

Doubt it


That was the MomoCon 2017 panel. JoJo was a safe bet, and it remains one, though it admittedly has begun with a "thud". But these are the Crunchyroll test dub episodes we're in right now. Once those end, maybe people will start watching again?


I think Jojo has a place on the block, but further down. We can't have numbers like this in the 12am hour for a whole year.


Personally I think they went the wrong direction and the block should be at midnight again with 10pm American Dad and 11pm Family Guy to at least give it a decent start. Next, they need to stop letting TOEI program the night.




11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 721,000

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 638,000 (88.49%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 598,000 (93.73%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 475,000 (79.43%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 475,000 (100.00%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 461,000 (97.05%)

2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 416,000 (90.24%)


That's enough information to figure out that these shows are down 46% from the same time frame last year. Even more troublingly, it appears far from being lucky, 7/17 will go down in history as being the first month without even one show cracking a million since it first aired on [as].


I believe Super CAN work at 11 PM but it HAS to be a premiere! That being said, we still don't know how well it did this week. We will soon enough though.

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