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They need to do this pre-Toonami:

8 PM DB Super

8:30 Rick & Morty x2 (2 Sundays ago premiere followed by last Sunday's premiere)

9:30 American Dad x2

10:30 Family Guy x2


There's really not that much AD left on the [as] schedule right now, and Saturday could use a couple of episodes so it finishes strong! They don't even need to encore later in the night--just play 2x at 9:30 PM!



But as it is, an unadvertised "sneak peek" plus an advertised "premiere" that is actually a rerun just doesn't seem very smart at all!


Of course it isn't smart.  I can't think of any reason Toonami would air the premiere of a show earlier in the night unannounced unless they were contractually obligated to.  I wonder if there's any sort of stipulation that dictates that Dragon Ball Super must air on Saturday... otherwise I see no reason why they haven't moved the show back yet.



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 637,000

8:30 PM Samurai Jack S5 456,000 (71.59%)


11:00 PM Family Guy 1,019,000

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 855,000 (83.91%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 741,000 (86.67%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 659,000 (88.93%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 575,000 (87.25%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 555,000 (96.52%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 523,000 (94.23%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 504,000 (96.37%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 442,000 (87.70%)

3:30 AM Samurai Jack S5 419,000 (94.80%)



My god these are terrible ratings.  It been rare to see a non-marathon night of Toonami where absolutely nothing gets at least 1 mil.  I'm also pretty surprised by the lack of retention between DB Super and DBZ Kai.  Of all the shows on the block, you'd think the retention would be the best between those two shows.  Perhaps the US is finally tired out of Dragon Ball Z?  Or maybe the audience for Super just isn't the same audience that watches DBZ Kai.  Regardless, I think it's time for another show to move into the lead spot on the block.  Could JoJo do the job?  After the ratings from last season, I'd be wary, to say the least.  If they were to shuffle the schedule with JoJo, I'd imagine this to be there best bet:


11:30 PM: DBZ Kai

12:00 AM: Stardust Crusaders

12:30 AM: Hunter × Hunter

1:00 AM: Lupin The 3rd

1:30 AM: Tokyo Ghoul

2:00 AM: Dragon Ball Super

2:30 AM: Naruto: Shippuden

3:00 AM: Ghost In The Shell HD


It's time to give DBZ Kai a chance at the front of the block.  I don't know how much better it can do, but if it pulls at least 1 million a week, it's better than Super.  As the new premiere, JoJo gets 12:00.  HxH seems to have pretty good retention, so that goes next.  That also loads all the shonen up at the front of the block.  Lupin III gets bumped up because I think it at least deserves a shot in a better timeslot.  I'd imagine Ghoul would do best moving from a show that's at least semi-realistic, hence it coming after Lupin.  Then we have a encore of the 8 PM Super premiere, because if they have to have the 8:00 showing, they might as well treat the Toonami showing as a rerun. 


Maybe trying Super on another night would be good but I think Toonami would be scared st the prospect of having no Dragonball next year. It was a bad deal plain and simple. TOEI only cares about how Super does and not how it affects the rest of yhe night.


AS seems to be playing cheap with Saturdays with FG the only thing that's not an original. Venture in prime time though never seems to work and that's brining things down a bit. I don't think this is really Toonami's fault. If it was KOTH, AD, and FG before. We'd be back to where we were before adjusted for cable deflation!


After 8/4s encore of the Rick premiere we shouldn't need two slots for it anymore. Just one for an encore of Sunday's episode should suffice.


Maybe trying Super on another night would be good but I think Toonami would be scared st the prospect of having no Dragonball next year. It was a bad deal plain and simple. TOEI only cares about how Super does and not how it affects the rest of yhe night.


AS seems to be playing cheap with Saturdays with FG the only thing that's not an original. Venture in prime time though never seems to work and that's brining things down a bit. I don't think this is really Toonami's fault. If it was KOTH, AD, and FG before. We'd be back to where we were before adjusted for cable deflation!


After 8/4s encore of the Rick premiere we shouldn't need two slots for it anymore. Just one for an encore of Sunday's episode should suffice.


Hmm Super on another night? I have the perfect slot for it on the 8th day of the week.


Ha ha I get it. Seriously though Toonami needs to somehow convince TOEI that having it premere at 11:30 is better for the show.


The aftermath of 4Kids and Saban have caused Toei to rule with an iron fist. Not happening.


Jesus the Jack reruns and Venture Bros are eating the momentum before the block...


Toonami had a million+ lead in FG and the rerun to start soiled the sheets. Time to get a better deal or change up the schedule to not lead with two reruns.




Maybe trying Super on another night would be good but I think Toonami would be scared st the prospect of having no Dragonball next year. It was a bad deal plain and simple. TOEI only cares about how Super does and not how it affects the rest of yhe night.


It makes sense, at least from their perspective.  Super is their new big show, and they want the most exposure for it, in a relatively primetime slot.  As long as Super gets exposure they don't care about the rest of the block. 


Unfortunately for them, that doesn't seem to be happening, anyway.  It's hard to say if Super sucks in ratings right now because people don't like it, or because it's split into two showings.  Regardless, if Super doesn't do well, there's nothing stopping Toei from not offering the contract back up when it's time to renew it.  We very well could be looking at a Dragon Ball free 2018.


Maybe TOEI needs to understand that Dragonball does better in the US with young adults vs young children? And that 8pm on a Saturday is a bad place to premiere anything. The DVR ratings for 8pm Super are probably great as well. It just does Toonami no favors.


Who would've thought that with a lineup of Super, Buu Kai, Titan broadcast dub, Jojo on the horizon, we'd be having this issue.


Brian, Dragon Ball Super is not for young adults. It's for toddlers at best, and it's boring and sucky.

Literally everything Dragonball related in a nutshell. O0

I actually thought kids had zero interest in Super and  it mostly coasted on nostalgia viewers in their 30's.


It is certainly sucky though.


It ain't that bad, but I would say nostalgia viewers in their 20s and 30s is definitely the biggest audience!


Also, COME ON, TOEI! You're just gonna force us to make a worse deal for it next year if you don't play ball! Adult Swim is NOT 4Kids! They KNOW what they're doing!


It ain't that bad, but I would say nostalgia viewers in their 20s and 30s is definitely the biggest audience!


Also, COME ON, TOEI! You're just gonna force us to make a worse deal for it next year if you don't play ball! Adult Swim is NOT 4Kids! They KNOW what they're doing!


You can't possibly believe that after they led the block with Jack reruns and aired TG =P


All that is true , but then again we have bigger problems with the lineup when Family Guy at 11:30 does just shy over a million.

Yeah if anything, the ratings for the pre-Toonami line-up are of bigger concern than Toonami itself.


If 8 PM DBS is outrating the next 2 hours after it, and the 10 PM hour can only draw a 0.2 in 18-49, then even Family Guy is going to have problems recovering enough for Toonami to benefit. The fact that it barely got 1 million and a 0.46 in 18-49 speaks to that.


Looking back over the last year of ratings it's obvious that we are seeing lower numbers mostly due to the lead ins going from Bobs Burgers and American Dad to Samurai Jack, Rick and Morty , and Venture Bros. Family Guy rises a bit but if it can barely hold a million Toonami doesn't stand a chance. However, from AS point of view, they are spending less money over all on Saturday so maybe it offsets things.


It is kind of sad that Toonami relies so much on the FOX shows doing well. But it's possible that we had inflated numbers because of it. That combined with the decline in cable puts us where we are now. I don't think Toonami is doing anything wrong other than the Super situation. However, even THAT was doing 1.2-1.3 when led in by pure FOX. What we are seeing here is more the pure dedicated Toonami audience and less of the casuals who hang around after FOX shows. This is the audience that AS can count on week after week and sell to advertisers!


Looking back over the last year of ratings it's obvious that we are seeing lower numbers mostly due to the lead ins going from Bobs Burgers and American Dad to Samurai Jack, Rick and Morty , and Venture Bros. Family Guy rises a bit but if it can barely hold a million Toonami doesn't stand a chance. However, from AS point of view, they are spending less money over all on Saturday so maybe it offsets things.


It is kind of sad that Toonami relies so much on the FOX shows doing well. But it's possible that we had inflated numbers because of it. That combined with the decline in cable puts us where we are now. I don't think Toonami is doing anything wrong other than the Super situation. However, even THAT was doing 1.2-1.3 when led in by pure FOX. What we are seeing here is more the pure dedicated Toonami audience and less of the casuals who hang around after FOX shows. This is the audience that AS can count on week after week and sell to advertisers!


Yeah, but how good of a sell is 197K viewers 18-34 watching Lupin at 2 AM? It's certainly better than anything ELSE airing at 2 AM, at least for now. SportsCenter is in reruns at that point so it will likely continue to be even through Football season.


Wow that's pretty low! I didn't see that !  Who are the other 300,000  people? Kids ? Or older people?


It's my estimate, based on a number I picked up somewhere a couple of years ago that, I'll admit, might have been adjusted up or down. That number is 679,600 adults 18-34 = 1.0 in adults 18-34. Lupin got a 0.29 in adults 18-34, and 0.29*679,600 = 197,084, which of course rounded to the nearest thousand is 197K.


As for the other 326K-ish viewers, since there were 282K adults 18-49, that means 282K-197K=85K of them were between 35 and 49 (like me). However, that still leaves 241K unaccounted for in Adults 18-49. My best guess, considering the fact that 50+ was extremely low, and the huge ratings for males 12-34, is a lot of them were teenage boys 12-17. That's not saying all 241K of them were, no, probably more like 100-150K if that. I guess a lot more kids stay up and watch Toonami on Saturday nights than we think, but would you really want your 8-year old to watch Tokyo Ghoul??


There's also the fact that it takes a LOT of viewers to equal one ratings point in P50+, so even though the 0.07 it got is super low, it may actually be a greater percentage of 50 and over than we realize.



How to improve the ratings

Start Toonami at 8pm and end at 12:30


Fast way to maintain the audience from cartoon Network


I'd only go for that if the whole thing was repeated from 12:30 to 5 AM!


I REALLY hope Stardust Crusaders fits the bill!


I don't see it happening. Jojo is kind of like Lupin. It appeals to anime fans, not  regular TV viewers.


I am not expecting Jojo to do any better than Titan. Remember, we were all hoping Titan would get us out of the rut with retention caused by the first season of Jojo! It doesn't help that AS is going to wait until the last minute to promote it despite the fact that the promo has been in the can since the beginning of the month.


EDIT: Jason Demarco says the promo has been running this week. Has anyone seen it on air?


I am not expecting Jojo to do any better than Titan. Remember, we were all hoping Titan would get us out of the rut with retention caused by the first season of Jojo! It doesn't help that AS is going to wait until the last minute to promote it despite the fact that the promo has been in the can since the beginning of the month.


EDIT: Jason Demarco says the promo has been running this week. Has anyone seen it on air?


I was up stupid late Tuesday or Wednesday and I tuned in for awhile but I didn't see it.


Pretty bad if the promo is soiling the sheets.

Bottom line, Toonami is getting stale, well, actually all of [as] is getting stale, combined with people cord cutting and moving towards streaming, and ratings will be down

and continue to trend downward.


SC will still fart on the fan though, I predict no better than 82% retention.


Pretty bad if the promo is soiling the sheets.

Bottom line, Toonami is getting stale, well, actually all of [as] is getting stale, combined with people cord cutting and moving towards streaming, and ratings will be down

and continue to trend downward.


SC will still fart on the fan though, I predict no better than 82% retention.


Do you suppose Toonami can do anything to break out of this cycle or is it just a sign of the times?


Do you suppose Toonami can do anything to break out of this cycle or is it just a sign of the times?


Well unfortunately they're trying to run an anime block without any of big hits that would appeal to a mainstream US audience. That's a pretty big crutch.


Jojo, Lupin and endless Gundam shows may appeal to a small niche but you're never going to get ratings that way.


And airing stuff like Super and TG is just cancerous.


Do you suppose Toonami can do anything to break out of this cycle or is it just a sign of the times?


  The crowd that [as] targets is changing the way it consumes content, and niche programming blocks are not enough to change that. I would like to see Toonami just go streaming and broaden its title selections instead of endless marathons. Broadcast the very latest shows on Saturday and stream a much wider range of content, old and new.



Well unfortunately they're trying to run an anime block without any of big hits that would appeal to a mainstream US audience. That's a pretty big crutch.


Jojo, Lupin and endless Gundam shows may appeal to a small niche but you're never going to get ratings that way.


And airing stuff like Super and TG is just cancerous.


Hey you leave JoJo and Lupin alone!  :P JoJo has decent popularity.  Lupin is pretty niche though.


Why do they keep ignoring the must-get animes?  Then they pick up shit like Unicorn because GUNDAM and then get Tokyo Ghoul years after the peak of its hype?  Yeah it sucks, but even if it has an audience, they've moved on.


Hey you leave JoJo and Lupin alone!  :P JoJo has decent popularity.  Lupin is pretty niche though.


Why do they keep ignoring the must-get animes?  Then they pick up shit like Unicorn because GUNDAM and then get Tokyo Ghoul years after the peak of its hype?  Yeah it sucks, but even if it has an audience, they've moved on.


I think they have the money for one big headliner, and they picked Super. Shows that don't need exposure like MHA would probably cost an assload.


People really turned on TG after the second season, so it was probably quite a bargain.


Because it airs at goddamn fuckin 2 AM!


Or because they didn't start it at the beginning of the series and do what they did with op let's start a few seasons late not at the very beginning


So far lupin has been a bed shiter for ratings


I think it's doing fine if you compare it to Gundam. Really, the 2:00 hour, no matter what shows are in it (even One Piece), has been down for most of this year.


You can watch this show on VRV, but that is not the end-all solution, especially since the Funi simulcast is two weeks behind (or three, if you're not subscribed).


Or because they didn't start it at the beginning of the series and do what they did with op let's start a few seasons late not at the very beginning


Every Lupin III show is self-contained.  You do not need to watch 1 show to enjoy another.

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