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she was supposed to open the store at 8:00...we couldn’t get ahold of her so I went over to her apartment and called and called...beat on the door...was there twice....her car was in the lot....so I called the non emergency line and asked for a wellness check.... and I left cause I had to be to work...well a few hours later my manager comes to get me and says that he called back for an update...and they said that they did find her in the apartment...but they couldn’t tell us anything cause we weren’t next of kin...and they asked for her emergency contact info....


im devastated... please let it be anything other than death...she’s not even 50....


We’ve been told it’s of natural causes....

she had no one...I mean she has sisters...but if she didn’t have people who cared about her at our store how long would it have gone before anyone noticed? 

Or...she worked Saturday night...so when did she pass? Saturday night? Sunday? This morning?....

5 minutes ago, Still Me said:

We’ve been told it’s of natural causes....

she had no one...I mean she has sisters...but if she didn’t have people who cared about her at our store how long would it have gone before anyone noticed? 

Or...she worked Saturday night...so when did she pass? Saturday night? Sunday? This morning?....

It's awful you had to be the one to discover that she had passed.  At least someone cared enough to check up on her right away.

6 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

It's awful you had to be the one to discover that she had passed.  At least someone cared enough to check up on her right away.

She was my friend, she loved to hang out with LB and I...we would take her to dinner...she made some damn good gumbo....

lol she used to use LB as her pack mule...she would go to costco and get big cases of water...and make him carry them up 3 flights of stairs....

whenever I would go to buy stuff like...trash bags, gift bags, wrapping paper, ect...she’d be like “don’t waste you’re money on that shit, I got plenty of that I bought it on clearance...you can have it”

and for every employee that had a baby she would cross stitch a custom baby banner....

3 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

Ugh, shades of Luuv all over again. :(

Condolences. :( You did what you could at the time which still made a difference. That's what matters. 

I know...thank you


Sorry for your loss.  Been there with family, coworkers, regular customers & classmates - it's always tough.  

It feels like some piece of your life just went missing.


Yo.  SO that does not need to happen.  On my current job, the same thing could happen although on my last one, it wouldn't because they would call the cops on you if you didn't show  up. 

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