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Literally everyone is scheduled to work on Christmas Day

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From the schedules I've seen, at least. Maybe a few people who've been here 20+ years managed to get vacation but it looks like most people didn't even get it as their scheduled day off, which is so statisticly unlikely that they must have changed people's rotations to make sure they work that day. 

Probably counting on a bunch of people quitting before then or calling off. Fuck this place. 

1 minute ago, Cau said:


Happy new year I have to work that too and everyone has to work new years eve but like 2 people got new years day off on the house I work on at least. 

3 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

moooooooooove on to something else

I'm trying fam I said I wanted to quit before Christmas even if I don't have something else lined up but y'all told me it's a bad idea. 


When I worked at the casino they said "everyone will work on Christmas at some point so no one will complain about not having off".......I worked in the hotel part, and I didn't care because I didn't have kids or even a girlfriend at the time, but it's odd how empty hotels are during the holidays.  Me and the other clerk were the only people there besides like 4 guests.

5 minutes ago, lupin_bebop said:

Yeah. If I worked at a place that made me work Christmas, I'd quit, too. I have yet to work at a place that forced me to work Christmas.

Someone always needs to be here to watch the clients. Still, seems like there has to be a better way to schedule people. Like I know they only schedule so many extra people because they know people are gonna call off that day or just do what I'll (hopefully be able to)  do and just ounce before the holidays. 

27 minutes ago, lupin_bebop said:

Clients? Really? Are your clients really going to be crazy then? Seriously? Wow, is this place stupid.

Well I work at a residential facility for people with disabilities so yes they quite literally are crazy.

But still most of the more stable ones will probably be going home for the holiday so if anything we'll need less staff.

3 hours ago, Athena Ninety-two said:

Tell me ur job title I'll apply to all those positions 

do you reeeeeeeeeeeally want to know what i do? i'll tell you if you really do but not here

4 hours ago, Athena Ninety-two said:

Well I work at a residential facility for people with disabilities so yes they quite literally are crazy.

But still most of the more stable ones will probably be going home for the holiday so if anything we'll need less staff.

I know..........I'm just.......TRYING to understand the people who run it more than the clients.

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Gogo Yubari said:

When I worked at the casino they said "everyone will work on Christmas at some point so no one will complain about not having off".......I worked in the hotel part, and I didn't care because I didn't have kids or even a girlfriend at the time, but it's odd how empty hotels are during the holidays.  Me and the other clerk were the only people there besides like 4 guests.

That's how my hotel does it, everyone gets scheduled for a 4 hour shift so no one will bitch. I usually take on other people's shifts and work 8-12 hours since Christmas doesn't mean shit to me and it's always an easy day. Don't get paid anything extra for working on holidays tho

Edited by Nabloom
11 hours ago, Athena Ninety-two said:

I'm trying fam I said I wanted to quit before Christmas even if I don't have something else lined up but y'all told me it's a bad idea. 

Don't listen to them, listen to yourself, and put in your 2 week notice the next time you go on. 


I almost applied for a residential facility with mentally disabled teens because I was so desperate to get a job in social work. I was even going to take a pay cut. 




I think I'll work on my master's 

7 hours ago, Nabloom said:

Don't listen to them, listen to yourself, and put in your 2 week notice the next time you go on. 

But money.

Like, I'm sure my parents would be willing to help me pay my bills for awhile if I were to get fired or something, but I kind of doubt they'd support me if I just quit without having anything else lined up. I barely have enough in savings to pay one month of bills.

8 minutes ago, Vamped said:

I almost applied for a residential facility with mentally disabled teens because I was so desperate to get a job in social work. I was even going to take a pay cut. 




I think I'll work on my master's 

I make good money where I am now because it's a state owned facility. 

I want to go back to school but I can't afford to right now. Why can't student loans just give you an extra 20k a year so you just have something to live off of while you go to school <_<

Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Athena Ninety-two said:

But money.

Like, I'm sure my parents would be willing to help me pay my bills for awhile if I were to get fired or something, but I kind of doubt they'd support me if I just quit without having anything else lined up. I barely have enough in savings to pay one month of bills.

My real advice, its gonna sound like a joke and fools like ginguy are going to read it and be shaking their damn heads but, if you really need out of your crazy place this month then get some random easy shitty paying job that you can actually put up with while ur job searching, like any bullshit hotel would hire you off the street for about $10/hr, 32-40 hours a week, even Wal-Mart starts at $10, if that isn't enough for you to live on in the short term of a few months while u try to find something you like then figure out why it isn't enough and make the necessary budgeting changes, ie stop paying your car insurance and buying frozen foods/eating out ever, also you can sell plasma twice a week for an extra couple hundred a month, cancel as many Netflix type subscriptions that you can stand to, if possible cancel your cable and internet too and just get a cheap unlimited high speed data phone plan for $55 or $60 a month and tether ur Netflix machine to that, do all these things and you can be done with your jerkplace before the new year. Worst case scenario you somehow can't find anything at all after a few months and have to live broke a little longer than you expected, but does that really sound worse than another 6 months at this place you've been hating every day?

Edited by Nabloom

If ur rent is too high to do this or you have a secret baby or something that makes surviving on $1100 a month impossible then, appeal to your parents and just let them know how miserable they are, the fact that you mentioned them sounds like they might float u for a little while until you find your way if you cry a little bit. 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nabloom said:

My real advice, its gonna sound like a joke and fools like ginguy are going to read it and be shaking their damn heads but, if you really need out of your crazy place this month then get some random easy shitty paying job that you can actually put up with while ur job searching, like any bullshit hotel would hire you off the street for about $10/hr, 32-40 hours a week, even Wal-Mart starts at $10, if that isn't enough for you to live on in the short term of a few months while u try to find something you like then figure out why it isn't enough and make the necessary budgeting changes, ie stop paying your car insurance and buying frozen foods/eating out ever, also you can sell plasma twice a week for an extra couple hundred a month, cancel as many Netflix type subscriptions that you can stand to, if possible cancel your cable and internet too and just get a cheap unlimited high speed data phone plan for $55 or $60 a month and tether ur Netflix machine to that, do all these things and you can be done with your jerkplace before the new year. Worst case scenario you somehow can't find anything at all after a few months and have to live broke a little longer than you expected, but does that really sound worse than another 6 months at this place you've been hating every day?

I like all of those ideas except not paying my car insurance. Also 10 an hour is a bit too low,  even full time my gross pay would be too low to make rent in a single check, let alone after tax pay. 

My parents already know how miserable I am. And they are probably a bit sad too since this year was the first Thanksgiving in 25 years that I wasn't with them. My dad did also say that sometimes it's best to just quit while you can. A few years ago my mom was stuck in a job at hated and my dad told her to just quit. She didn't and ended up getting fired. Their financial situation is quite a bit different from mine, though. 

Edited by Athena Ninety-two
Just now, Athena Ninety-two said:

I like all of those ideas except not paying my car insurance. Though 10 an hour is a bit too low,  even full time my gross pay would be too low to make rent, let alone after tax pay. 

You may have to bite the bullet and give up your deposit and just find somewhere cheaper to live before your lease is up.

3 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

You may have to bite the bullet and give up your deposit and just find somewhere cheaper to live before your lease is up.

Moving is expensive and annoying tho. Like I'd rather stay here than take a $10/hr job and basically put myself into poverty. I'm not that desperate yet. 

12 minutes ago, Athena Ninety-two said:

I like all of those ideas except not paying my car insurance.

If you're a bad driver then I guess keep it but if you're sterling then it's worth the gamble, that stuff is expensive. If police pull you over you still have proof of insurance, they don't know that you ain't paid on it in eight months, if someone fucks your shit up they're still liable for the damage they cause you even if you don't have insurance. Tho if you are set on keeping it and your car isn't a raggedy pos maybe driving for Lyft for a minute could help supplement a Wal-Mart paycheck. You'd probably come close to working almost as much as you do now, but at least no mandatory OT and shifts longer than 8 hours.

After taxes $10 an hour comes out to a little less than $9 take home pay, say $8.50 × 40 hours = $340 a week take home, ×4 = about $1300 a month, so if your rent is more than $650 and you're stuck there bc of a lease or something or that's just as low as prices go in your city, and you're not cool with the plasma pain and have no side hustles to speak of then ya, at that point you are a little bit trapped at your current job since your expenses are really high relative to what you'd make working most lower skill jobs while job hunting for something decent. So idk, if the extra free time and happiness isn't worth the drop in disposable income, a choice many miserable working people make, then I guess you're gonna be working a double on Christmas this year or w/e that place makes you do.

All that bullshit aside I still say quit and try to make something else work. Idk ur life but -- you won't end up homeless, it sounds like you are fortunate enough to have some cushions protecting ya from that outcome, so why not go for broke and try to make life away from that place work. If only to put an end to these fffffffFFFFFucking threads.

2 minutes ago, Nabloom said:

If you're a bad driver then I guess keep it but if you're sterling then it's worth the gamble, that stuff is expensive. If police pull you over you still have proof of insurance, they don't know that you ain't paid on it in eight months, if someone fucks your shit up they're still liable for the damage they cause you even if you don't have insurance. Tho if you are set on keeping it and your car isn't a raggedy pos maybe driving for Lyft for a minute could help supplement a Wal-Mart paycheck. You'd probably come close to working almost as much as you do now, but at least no mandatory OT and shifts longer than 8 hours.

After taxes $10 an hour comes out to a little less than $9 take home pay, say $8.50 × 40 hours = $340 a week take home, ×4 = about $1300 a month, so if your rent is more than $650 and you're stuck there bc of a lease or something or that's just as low as prices go in your city, and you're not cool with the plasma pain and have no side hustles to speak of then ya, at that point you are a little bit trapped at your current job since your expenses are really high relative to what you'd make working most lower skill jobs while job hunting for something decent. So idk, if the extra free time and happiness isn't worth the drop in disposable income, a choice many miserable working people make, then I guess you're gonna be working a double on Christmas this year or w/e that place makes you do.

All that bullshit aside I still say quit and try to make something else work. Idk ur life but -- you won't end up homeless, it sounds like you are fortunate enough to have some cushions protecting ya from that outcome, so why not go for broke and try to make life away from that place work. If only to put an end to these fffffffFFFFFucking threads.

I'm not a great driver and try to avoid doing illegal things when I can <_<

My car's probably a little too shitty for Lyft or Uber. Though I did apply for a delivery driver type job for one of the companies that Amazon contacts to, and I did get invited for an open interview session. Pay still isn't great but it's more than Walmart, and I'm assuming I'd be driving my own car so I'd have to ask about mileage reimbursement. Plus it's a 4 10 hour day schedule and I'd get Saturday - Monday off so I could still easily interview. 

My rent is 850 so ya 10 is pretty low. 

What will I make threads about if I get a new job that I don't hate. 

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