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Just stream that shit, preferably legally. No need to horde every mediocre title you come across, only buy the shit you like.


Yeah my collection is basically complete to this point physically. I only wanna buy the original Evangelion series for nostalgia and maybe one or 2 other series, perhaps The Future Diaries and one other thing. Thats about it.


Yeah my collection is basically complete to this point physically. I only wanna buy the original Evangelion series for nostalgia and maybe one or 2 other series, perhaps The Future Diaries and one other thing. Thats about it.


Future Diary was absolute :poop:


Future Diary was absolute :poop:


Really? I need something new to get my dick wet.


My current collection is like 10-15 titles. Mostly just all the classic series, bebop, trigun, movies like Akira, the evangelion movies, old school stuff- Iria, Armitage crap like that. Some other random shit. All of InuYasha.


Alot of anime doesn't seem worth buying or even watching.


Akame Ga Kill looks pretty but its probably stupid. None of the new shit out really interests me.


It's not. 15 years ago, a 3 or 4 episode DVD cost as much as a season does now.


This. Hell, there are complete series sets cheaper than what a 4 episode dvd used to cost back in the day.


If you're looking for older anime titles, you can always buy used.

Also buying dvds is cheaper than blu-ray.


Yeah I buy all my stuff used on amazon. :fap:


Just stream that shit, preferably legally. No need to horde every mediocre title you come across, only buy the shit you like.

Or do like me and buy a ton of shit sight-unseen because lol who needs money amirite?


(no I don't have a problem why are you looking at me like that)


A lot of the high prices were initially due to it being such a niche market that they could charge whatever they wanted and there would be people who would pay it because they didn't have many other options.


Now, prices have gone down significantly like others have pointed out. Prices that may still seem high are likely due to whatever company doing the dubbing trying to make a little back for their costs.


A lot of the high prices were initially due to it being such a niche market that they could charge whatever they wanted and there would be people who would pay it because they didn't have many other options.


Now, prices have gone down significantly like others have pointed out. Prices that may still seem high are likely due to whatever company doing the dubbing trying to make a little back for their costs.


Some stuff is just ridiculously priced. Especially some older stuff.. Like the Evangelion series cost like 200 bucks. Its fucking bull shit.


That's because it's out-of-print.  We're talking about currently-sold series.  Really the only things that are absurdly expensive are those released by Aniplex of America and Pony Canyon, who can both fuck right the hell off.


That's because it's out-of-print.  We're talking about currently-sold series.  Really the only things that are absurdly expensive are those released by Aniplex of America and Pony Canyon, who can both fuck right the hell off.


Akame Ga Kill blue ray cost like 50 bucks. This is outrageous.


And the Boco No Pico Blue ray special edition cost 70 bucks. Blaspheme.


...$50 for an initial 13-episode release isn't even close to "outrageous."  That's not even accounting for being smart and waiting for RightStuf or Sentai's frequent sales, which can knock about 50% off the MSRP.


Akame Ga Kill blue ray cost like 50 bucks. This is outrageous.



I could have sworn I saw that exact thing for far less at WalMart Thursday.


Full series often cost more because it's the full series and you are paying for the convenience of the full series at once. If you are willing to risk it though, you can wait awhile and other places are bound to start carrying it too or it'll be re-rereleased in a cheaper set as part of an 'Anime Classics' thing [depends on who owns the rights naturally] .


Things like Evangelion however are almost always going to be retardedly priced because people will continue to pay for the retarded prices. And then they'll just fart out another re-piecing of it with an additional 3 seconds of dubbing and people will buy that one too.


...$50 for an initial 13-episode release isn't even close to "outrageous."  That's not even accounting for being smart and waiting for RightStuf or Sentai's frequent sales, which can knock about 50% off the MSRP.


it is when you're a broke nigga


I could have sworn I saw that exact thing for far less at WalMart Thursday.


Full series often cost more because it's the full series and you are paying for the convenience of the full series at once. If you are willing to risk it though, you can wait awhile and other places are bound to start carrying it too or it'll be re-rereleased in a cheaper set as part of an 'Anime Classics' thing [depends on who owns the rights naturally] .


Things like Evangelion however are almost always going to be retardedly priced because people will continue to pay for the retarded prices. And then they'll just fart out another re-piecing of it with an additional 3 seconds of dubbing and people will buy that one too.


They have anime at walmart?


I am going to pay out the ass for Evangelion... I accidentally pwned my old Eva series for heroin back in the day. I think the Dragon Ball Z went up the nose as well.  |::


They have anime at walmart?


I am going to pay out the ass for Evangelion... I accidentally pwned my old Eva series for heroin back in the day. I think the Dragon Ball Z went up the nose as well.  |::


Bad Phillies. Anime is for eyeballs, not heroin. >:(


And yep, WalMart has anime. It's not exactly a spectacular selection at any given time but I'm guessing whoever is doing their purchasing for them has a fairly free reign because I picked up both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul, I think I saw Kill La Kill [but it was blue ray] , and I'm pretty sure Akame Ga Kill was there [also blue ray] along with a DBZ Kai, Sailor Moon Crystal, and Black Butler.


Bad Phillies. Anime is for eyeballs, not heroin. >:(


And yep, WalMart has anime. It's not exactly a spectacular selection at any given time but I'm guessing whoever is doing their purchasing for them has a fairly free reign because I picked up both seasons of Tokyo Ghoul, I think I saw Kill La Kill [but it was blue ray] , and I'm pretty sure Akame Ga Kill was there [also blue ray] along with a DBZ Kai, Sailor Moon Crystal, and Black Butler.


I am going to go to walmart and check this out... thought that would require leaving the basement... i will just send waifu.


And yeah I had problems back in the day. Thankfully those days are done with.  :420:


Yeah, that doesn't exactly fall into the "legally" bit.  Plus ad-supporting shitty malware-infested illegal streaming sites just sucks.  At that point you're far better off downloading the thing and cutting out the scummy middleman.


I picked up Mob Psycho and 91 Days on Steam that I got during the summer sale.  They're not physical copies but they were still a pretty good deal.  I would prefer to be able to download them, though instead of just streaming.

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