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Post some of your favorite anime openings.

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I could not agree more, it's just sad about Gangsta's second season fate at this moment


Yeah, it'll likely never get made, it's sad too considering so many shit animes get made these days.


I have never seen or heard of Bounen no Xamdou, it looks cool though, I put it on my too watch list.

I only ever watched one episode but from what I gather it's made by the same team as Eureka 7 and has key similarities but delivered in a different way


basically X'amd is to Gurren lagann as Eureka 7 is to Evangelion


okay seriously where are you finding these OP's now AnimationFan14[/member]  and how come when I search for them I can't find any proof they exist ::]::



That's not the actual OP, just what someone edited to the full version of the song with added (unnecessary) subs.  It's not bad, but it loses a lot of the visual cues synced to the beat, like the rocket slamming into the title.  :D


Anyway, I highly approve your choice of OPs.  For comparison, this is the OP as it appeared in the episodes:



It's an anime so obscure that no episodes even exist online. But goddamn if that theme song isn't the shit. 8)



I looked into this show a bit


apparently the show was never actually given a home video release in Japan, it was released here, but was so obscure that almost nobody owned it, and as  result no rips exist online


the show might very well be a candidate to be labeled Lost media

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