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The world is ending as you are rocketing away in a space shuttle

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last man/woman alive....how're you gonna ride this out?


set your own parameters for fuel, oxygen, food, and whatever


Find a planet of angry, dumb, blood lusting monkeys and become their hero that they don't deserve against the scant few others of my race that somehow escaped and still exist in the universe.


Find a planet of angry, dumb, blood lusting monkeys and become their hero that they don't deserve against the scant few others of my race that somehow escaped and still exist in the universe.


holy shit, they should totally update the stories in the bible to get more of the youth interested and this should be Jesus' back story....I'd but it...


Sexy British exchange student who just came to NY for her junior year of college. She says she gets 1,000 messages a day on OKC. What do I say to her to make her meet up with me so that I can impregnate her and start my family life? I've decided that we should be husband and wife and that she'll be the one to bear Johnnygundam.




I'm not familiar with Metroid's back story, but I remember in Super Metroid, the space colony Samus was on blew up and she went to Zebes. But I think she was just there to kill mother brain, not to live. Right?


*sigh*......Why must you take me so literally.....I was just saying that this generic formula has been overused and only slightly modified to seem fresh.


But since you asked (or didn't but because I want to) Samus was an orphan and was raised by the alien species on Zebes......I think the Corzo or some shit.  She left to go be a bounty hunter but learned that her foster parent's race was killed off by the Metroids and she came back for revenge......Or at least that's the cribnotes version


*sigh*......Why must you take me so literally.....I was just saying that this generic formula has been overused and only slightly modified to seem fresh.


Yeah, you're right. Another thing this thread reminds me of is the Black Sabbath song Into the Void (released in 1971).


But since you asked (or didn't but because I want to) Samus was an orphan and was raised by the alien species on Zebes......I think the Corzo or some shit.  She left to go be a bounty hunter but learned that her foster parent's race was killed off by the Metroids and she came back for revenge......Or at least that's the cribnotes version




Sexy British exchange student who just came to NY for her junior year of college. She says she gets 1,000 messages a day on OKC. What do I say to her to make her meet up with me so that I can impregnate her and start my family life? I've decided that we should be husband and wife and that she'll be the one to bear Johnnygundam.




The really sad part is that you've chaffed so much ass here that even though the retarded story you told isn't reflected anywhere in this completely tame conversation in the picture, someone is going to report it.


This is the type of girl who cheats on whoever she's with every other day, so I like it. I can't wait for the daily drama and chasing her around trying to catch her in the act and then pounding on her boy toy's apartment door with a beer in hand like the true lone wolf alpha male warrior I am, while he scrambles to put his pants on and hides in the closet, and asks her to answer the door because he's busy pissing his pants!! :it:


resign to the fate that I'll probably die floating through space, given that technology on earth is far under par with that of other intelligent life....I mean seriously...even if I DID find them I'm not sure they would be all that interested in a lower earthing....all these years...and aliens are only interested in our assholes? Eh....


I'd hopefully be able to make it to a space station where there's enough food for me to contemplate how I'll spend my future. If I don't kill myself, maybe I'll try and grow food and build robots or something. That will highly depend on whether or not I have something like a kindle to pass the time.


i would be boldly going where no man has gone before  that or  :painfap: :fap:


Everyone knows how endowed you are now, shouldn't have to be doing that yourself.


dont worry zeni one day you'll be in prison and all the boys are gonna be hitting you up & you won't feel ignored anymore


In 2 days, that's when our lone wolf alpha warrior hero is gonna blow off his court date and get that bench warrant issued for FTA.....



As long as fuggz is in the cargo bay and the ship can handel the payload I'll be ok for a while.


there are no cannibals in space..............wait, you are gonna eat her right?




resign to the fate that I'll probably die floating through space, given that technology on earth is far under par with that of other intelligent life....I mean seriously...even if I DID find them I'm not sure they would be all that interested in a lower earthing....all these years...and aliens are only interested in our assholes? Eh....




I'll put you down for quick decent into space madness/becomes reaver


I'd hopefully be able to make it to a space station where there's enough food for me to contemplate how I'll spend my future. If I don't kill myself, maybe I'll try and grow food and build robots or something. That will highly depend on whether or not I have something like a kindle to pass the time.


uh huh.....i'm gonna go ahead and put you down for crashes shuttle into space station


i would be boldly going where no man has gone before  that or  :painfap: :fap:


wrong order...i'm sure it'll start out as  :fap: then quickly decent into  :painfap:


id try and fly between two black holes in binary orbit


sooo....suicide then.....you could just say that....always gotta be all fancy and ish


uh huh.....i'm gonna go ahead and put you down for crashes shuttle into space station


Why you gotta hate on my driving in a far-fetched scenario where no one can witness me hit the space station? Huh? HUH?


Why you gotta hate on my driving in a far-fetched scenario where no one can witness me hit the space station? Huh? HUH?


the only reason I do anything




*Wipes tear from eye* For your parents? Man, that's so sweet.


:'( they died for my sins........


  :| or was that the other guy, hmmmm.....either way  ::]::

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