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Because of my busted right mirror and the cop came up behind me and ran my plates and it showed that.my.registration was expired, so I showed him my insurance card which has a December/17 valid thru date and my valid registration, so he wanted to get to the bottom.of it, so he spent 10 minutes in his car and found out that.my registration had ben suspended because I had not had insurance since April, but because I insisted that everything was up to date as the cards showed, he simply told me to pull over off the highway and call my insurance company to resolve it, and then he gave me three tickets (broken light, insurance, registration). POS cops trying to ruin me, I won't show up at my court date

I'll take the FTA and suspended license instead. Will get it back later on when I have the $$$.



I'll post screenshots. Such garbage. I could understand if I was a threat, but I'm an amazing driver. Auto insurance and the cops are scams. Now I'll have to take the bus to work every day.


As many dumb/illegal things I have done in the past 12 years of driving, I have NEVER, EVER driven without insurance or registration.


I've even had fake inspection on 98% of the vehicles I have owned. :|


ive been pulled over so many times...never gotten a ticket tho...I'd like to thank my honesty for that "can you tell me why you were speeding?" "Well no, I can't...there really isn't an excuse for speeding"..."have a nice day ma'am"


aw was hoping you wouldnt get pulled over. you were lucky tho. he could have put you in jail ... that shit happened to me when i drove with a suspended license. but im black and im in sc.. so i guess thats not really the same situation :D


He was thinking he'd copped like $1,000 in fines from those three tickets (broken light, driving without insurance, driving without registration), but instead they'll be getting $0.00 from me after my failure to appear. Just had to make sure that they wouldn't issue a warrant for my arrest, they'll definitely suspend my license indefinitely, but hopefully not revoke it, but I get the feeling it'll be revoked because they'll be pissed.


That cop is going to be relieved when you don't show up, because he won't have to listen to you whine again, and you're still going to owe the fines.


What a beta way to enter the criminal justice system.


That cop is going to be relieved when you don't show up, because he won't have to listen to you whine again, and you're still going to owe the fines.


What a beta way to enter the criminal justice system.


Yeah well he's lucky I didn't get out of my car and size him up!!  :it:


But yeah they're getting zero bucks from me.  S:


zeni show up to court and kiss that cops ass so he'll reduce your fines... thats what fuggs does anyways *shades smilie*


I just don't have it...



If I had it, :( I still wouldn't pay it!  ;)


I just don't have it...



If I had it, :( I still wouldn't pay it!  ;)


get your mom to help. go to court and ask for a payment plan. itll be embarrassing but worse than letting get so bad they throw you in jail.. again..speaking from experience


From what I've read online, they can only issue a failure to appear to the DMV and either indefinitely suspend or revoke my license, but the court can't issue a bench warrant because it's a civil infraction. Looks like I'm in the clear. They can get in line and send it to the rest of the creditors I owe money to!


From what I've read online, they can only issue a failure to appear to the DMV and either indefinitely suspend or revoke my license, but the court can't issue a bench warrant because it's a civil infraction. Looks like I'm in the clear. They can get in line and send it to the rest of the creditors I owe money to!


Well it will end up on your background check so all employers will see that


Lulz. Zeni thinks civil infraction won't result in bench warrant but it does. Unpaid tickets that aren't paid in a timely manner will result in a bench warrant issued for failing to pay your traffic tickets.


Just gonna keep the job I have, hopefully my school never shuts down.



If you're in a Union they can let you go without the school having a say


Lulz. Zeni thinks civil infraction won't result in bench warrant but it does. Unpaid tickets that aren't paid in a timely manner will result in a bench warrant issued for failing to pay your traffic tickets.


Just read that the cops don't look for you if you have a bench warrant. So it's just like having a 1 star in a GTA game, which is nothing.


Just read that the cops don't look for you if you have a bench warrant. So it's just like having a 1 star in a GTA game, which is nothing.


Well that also depends on how much money you owe if it's a lot you will have a warrant


Well that also depends on how much money you owe if it's a lot you will have a warrant


It'll probably be a lot, but I'm not sweating it.


"You need moar peoples, dawg!" (escapes through bedroom window)



But seriously, they're too beta to send cops to my house lol. It'll be a bench warrant at worst, but hopefully the lawyers on Ask a Lawyer who said it'd just be an FTA are correct.


This is crazy how much "trouble" I've gotten into these past few years, and I really haven't done anything wrong other than non-payment of stuff lol.


Now that will destroy your credit score


Imagine what fun you'd have had if whatever container you're hiding your alcohol in had spilled.


I had like six empty, but open cans crunched underneath my passenger seat.

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