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as much as i've tried to understand it, i still don't understand bitcoin

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even if it went to 10k i still wouldn't buy it because it's too sketchy for me but i don't really get the appeal. it's a trading currency but it's not a real currency but it's backed by nothing but actually there's some algorithm. idk


I mean the 'value' of bitcoin keeps going up so why not get some? I feel the same way about it being sketchy,


but if the value goes up you'd make money same as investing in stock right? I just don't actually know how


you buy bitcoins, and how you trade them in so..


I mean the 'value' of bitcoin keeps going up so why not get some? I feel the same way about it being sketchy,


but if the value goes up you'd make money same as investing in stock right? I just don't actually know how


you buy bitcoins, and how you trade them in so..

but what is the value? the fact that other people are using it as a trading currency? what is it backed by? and why in the ever loving fuck would i do any sort of transaction that's not ACID compliant


They're for criminals, investors, and free market libertarians.


Most people just use it like gold. They don't actually shop w/it. They're just holding it as an investment which is one of the things I think will be holding it back or maybe even it's downfall.


It's going to go way way way way way up.


If u don't mind supporting industries which benefit greatly from an anonymous online currency like human trafficking/career child abusers/organized crime/terrorists, then it's probably the best ROI w/lowest risk you're going to get anywhere.


You just have to pay attention to the news incase like the world bans it overnight & it crashes. I believe if u pay enough attention u can see the big rises & falls coming. Like if a major news outlet does a big story on btc in a region of the world where there's low btc awareness, price will go up as all the region's new adopters invest in btc. National economic collapses also increase the price, but usually more temporarily, as ppl convert their national currency to btc to get it out of the country or immunitize themselves from the collapse. Rich countries accepting bitcoin as legal also drives the price up. Rich countries banning them or severely limiting them will make it go down.


The thing that keeps me from supporting it ideologically... if everyone switched over to bitcoin, we would have wealth inequality the likes of which the world has never seen. I wrote another post awhile ago going into detail on how exactly it functions inherently as a frumious wealth gap increaser.


But if u wanna make some easy money, btc is there.

but how do you get it back into real money without the IRS fucking your asshole or wondering how you got rich overnight


How do u convert it to USD without it being taxed? Illegally. That's how.


But u can make a profit off bitcoin, convert it into USD and report it as income. Btc isn't illegal in the US.

eh i'll stick to large cap growth. it's slow but it's stable


anyone who thinks the dollar is going to be replaced by bitcoin is delusional. i can use cash for bad stuff, i can use bitcoin for bad stuff. but it sounds way less sketchy for me to say that i have $1000 in cash lying around than if i said i have $1000 in bitcoins


Wall street is the only place in America where collusion is a crime.


Bitcoin is a real gamble, and used by criminals and rogue regimes to evade sanctions. Ethics aside it is just a matter of time before it is targeted and subsequently crashes.


When it interferes with revenue collection or approaches displacing of the yuan or USD as a global reserve currency, then it will be disposed of under the guise of stopping the criminals who do admittedly use it.


And here I thought derailing shit with pokemon was kinda OUR thing.....Silly me.


Ur right. I was gonna message u this but fuck it. Let's join up for once and take on the battle tree and see how far we get. Or if that sounds like shit and you don't want to team up or fight AI let's battle but instead of 6v6 doubles we do 4v4 doubles not knowing which 2 Pokemon on each other's teams are staying on the bench. I just hit 50 wins in the tree and am riding the 4v4 high


even if it went to 10k i still wouldn't buy it because it's too sketchy for me but i don't really get the appeal. it's a trading currency but it's not a real currency but it's backed by nothing but actually there's some algorithm. idk

Just buy gold and silver coins.  After the EMP, nobody's going to use bit coin because there won't be computer access.

Ur right. I was gonna message u this but fuck it. Let's join up for once and take on the battle tree and see how far we get. Or if that sounds like shit and you don't want to team up or fight AI let's battle but instead of 6v6 doubles we do 4v4 doubles not knowing which 2 Pokemon on each other's teams are staying on the bench. I just hit 50 wins in the tree and am riding the 4v4 high


Didn't know we could run the tree together....I'm down.


The 4on4 is still legit too.  Hitting the highway in like 10 mins and picking my kids up........I should be home by 930......So 10 is still the go time, tentatively.


my brother started mining & told me all about them when they were under $5 each. That's why I know so much about em.


And I remember quite vividly him trying to convince me to use my laptop which was a weak netbook at the time to start mining. My response was "it's so weak it'll take me forever to mine any coins"


Worst financial decision of my life haha. Whoopsie daisy.


i made a nice system to mine other crypto currencies about 3 years ago but got out of it pretty early once everything crashed hard. well i would have been able to stick with it but i was hit with unemployment in less than a year and had to sell all my equipment at around a 40% loss. sold my coins as well when they were at around $400 each  :D

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