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a follow up to that Dream Daddy thread

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and sad that I have to give up the gamegrumps now

I never really "got" the appeal of Gamegrumps.


Like, it seemed like everyone stopped giving a fuck after JonTron left, but even with JonTron I couldn't follow most of the conversations since it was mostly people screaming over each other.


I never really "got" the appeal of Gamegrumps.


Like, it seemed like everyone stopped giving a fuck after JonTron left, but even with JonTron I couldn't follow most of the conversations since it was mostly people screaming over each other.

I actually thought Danny was better than Jon, but I see they're trolly a-holes now, so...I'm gonna watch Oneyplays from now on, they're similar, except I am faaaiiirly sure they aren't a bunch of homophobes since one of them is actually gay


pretty sure they film in the same building too (and Ding Dong, one of their members was actually trying to warn people that he felt that this game was Homophobic leading up to it's release)


Something really fucked up is wrong with this game


people found dummied out content in the game via datamining that shows that all the dads get together and murder you as part of a cult in one of the games endings (apparently in Joseph's inaccessible good ending)



I'm not fucking kidding


It's just a game mochi.


Try not to get too worked up over it.


Ignoring the definition bullshit, there's a funny thing that I noticed. I've been checking the gender of players tweeting about the game and it was mainly only women at first. Once the cult story was revealed, a shit load of dudes popped up saying that they want to play it now. Dating Sim gamers are also laughing in the dreamdaddy tag in a 'Oh you sweet summer child' way. Evidently, fucked up secret endings are a thing, and they keep bringing up Hatoful Boyfriend.


I guess they wanted it to be like Hatoful with a novel concept and a creepy underlying backstory, but the Grumps have neither the wit nor the originality to pull it off.



Hatoful was great because of the bait and switch of playing a stupid dating sim with birds and watching the ridiculousness of it all unfold normally, but then get you with the darker elements as you go through several of the routes. A good example is the teacher, who looks like a fat derpy bird and plays the Nutcracker suite whenever he arrives. At first, it's just random goofy shit that shouldn't be as funny as it is. Then, it starts to get creepy as it starts to build up towards his demented behavior. It's shocking, but never forgets that it's still the same game where a cross dressing cafe has a waitress' portrait show up as a pidgeon with a maid outfit.


With Dream Daddy, I guess they wanted to creep out people that want to fuck the dads. The only thing that'd clue you in to anything that isn't yet another generic bara VN that other Tumblr game makers are pushing is that it's written by the Grumps, but that does nothing to make the game look any less generic.



Ignoring the definition bullshit, there's a funny thing that I noticed. I've been checking the gender of players tweeting about the game and it was mainly only women at first. Once the cult story was revealed, a shit load of dudes popped up saying that they want to play it now. Dating Sim gamers are also laughing in the dreamdaddy tag in a 'Oh you sweet summer child' way. Evidently, fucked up secret endings are a thing, and they keep bringing up Hatoful Boyfriend.

I've seen just as many gay men who like me, are disgusted with the game


though a large majority seem to think being killed by a satanic priest is sexy :|


I guess they wanted it to be like Hatoful with a novel concept and a creepy underlying backstory, but the Grumps have neither the wit nor the originality to pull it off.



Hatoful was great because of the bait and switch of playing a stupid dating sim with birds and watching the ridiculousness of it all unfold normally, but then get you with the darker elements as you go through several of the routes. A good example is the teacher, who looks like a fat derpy bird and plays the Nutcracker suite whenever he arrives. At first, it's just random goofy shit that shouldn't be as funny as it is. Then, it starts to get creepy as it starts to build up towards his demented behavior. It's shocking, but never forgets that it's still the same game where a cross dressing cafe has a waitress' portrait show up as a pidgeon with a maid outfit.


With Dream Daddy, I guess they wanted to creep out people that want to fuck the dads. The only thing that'd clue you in to anything that isn't yet another generic bara VN that other Tumblr game makers are pushing is that it's written by the Grumps, but that does nothing to make the game look any less generic.


I'm just generally pissed off that there aren't as many people pissed off about this ending as there should be

What the fuck are you even trying to say here.

You can break the word down into it;s roots with a 5th grade education and see that it was never intended to be used

in that context.. Phobia from the greek word Phobos literally meaning fear so..irrational fear DOES have to be included

for the word to really make any logical since. That's like me saying I have arachnophobia, but I'm not afraid of spiders,

I just think they have no business in this country.  :|


I've seen just as many gay men who like me, are disgusted with the game


though a large majority seem to think being killed by a satanic priest is sexy :|


There are good arguments from both sides, but the cult scene still hasn't proven to be a playable route yet.


There are good arguments from both sides, but the cult scene still hasn't proven to be a playable route yet.

someone on steam unlocked it, but it's since been proven that he hacked it



someone going through the files discovered that there is no scene trigger in that ending's files, meaning it's either a last minuet removal, or was something they meant as DLC


obviously the guy who found the scene hacked a scene trigger into that ending's files



at this point my main hope is that that...disgusting ending isn't the only DLC they have planned and that they release some more fleshed out endings for each of the guys and maybe an alternate ending for Joseph where he doesn't reveal that he murdred all the dad's wives then fucked them in an attempt to open a portal to hell


not sure if this makes me feel any better, but the fans of the ending are currently pissed off, because their meddling has lead them to belive that this ending is not accessible in any form, and may not have actually ever been meant to be played


it may very well only be in the game as a punishment for hacking, or at least some people have come to that conclusion


the dev Team has now spoken out and confirmed several things about the cult ending


1. it was originally planned as a Halloween DLC

2. it is not canon

3. they removed it and never plan to release it

4. the only way to access the files is via datamining, you cannot play the ending (nobody knows how that one guy got the achievement for it)


that said, tons of lines and artistic cues in the Canon gameplay reference the cult ending


so I'm thinking the end WAS canon at some point, but in response to the backlash, they've decided to ditch the ending completely


I've watched lets plays


I had intended to play it once I found out it had some canonically Trans and Gay dads (previously I'd been told all the dad's seemed Bi)


then I found out that it's (at the time seemingly) True ending involved revealing that the closeted christian dad was a satanic cultist who was killing all the dad's wives and then fucking their husbands to try and open a portal to hell


so I'm not playing it


even if the devs do now retroactively claim that the cult ending is non Canon


You can break the word down into it;s roots with a 5th grade education and see that it was never intended to be used

in that context.. Phobia from the greek word Phobos literally meaning fear so..irrational fear DOES have to be included

for the word to really make any logical since. That's like me saying I have arachnophobia, but I'm not afraid of spiders,

I just think they have no business in this country.  :|

Why are you still arguing this?


If you break down the root words, it still doesn't mean "irrational fear of homosexuals". It would mean something else, but you're only looking at the root word of "phobia" while ignoring the root word "homo".


And no, "phobia" is not exclusive to fear. The definition includes "aversion to". You can have an extreme or irrational aversion to something, but not afraid of it, and still be phobic to it. All you're doing is drawing a pointless line in the sand at the wrong place in order to drag out a meaningless argument you have no footing in.


I've watched lets plays


I had intended to play it once I found out it had some canonically Trans and Gay dads (previously I'd been told all the dad's seemed Bi)


then I found out that it's (at the time seemingly) True ending involved revealing that the closeted christian dad was a satanic cultist who was killing all the dad's wives and then fucking their husbands to try and open a portal to hell


so I'm not playing it


even if the devs do now retroactively claim that the cult ending is non Canon

This game sounds like a big fuck you, don't you think?


This game sounds like a big fuck you, don't you think?



it's like the kind of thing I'd expect an anti-sjw to make in an attempt to "trigger" people (which is exactly what ended up happening) promising a "wholesome" game full of gay and trans representation where you get to play as a widowed gay father deciding to "get back out there" and meet someone new thanks to the encouragement of his daughter


then springs a satanic cult ending on you comparing gay men to demons out of nowhere



only silver lining is that someone on the dev team held back the release to destroy that ending and now asserts that it is not canon anymore


there's some other oddities implying that the cult ending was ingrained into the game more deeply than the team member who says it's non-canon says


such as the fact that all the dads can kill you if you fuck up badly enough on their routes

(it was initially believed only Brian would kill you but they can apparently ALL kill you)




it's like the kind of thing I'd expect an anti-sjw to make in an attempt to "trigger" people (which is exactly what ended up happening) promising a "wholesome" game full of gay and trans representation where you get to play as a widowed gay father deciding to "get back out there" and meet someone new thanks to the encouragement of his daughter


then springs a satanic cult ending on you comparing gay men to demons out of nowhere



only silver lining is that someone on the dev team held back the release to destroy that ending and now asserts that it is not canon anymore

Yeah but once something is out there it kinda kills it.


Yeah but once something is out there it kinda kills it.

the game IS basically circling the grave at this point since it's fanbase automatically became toxic and everyone is pirating the game now because they're too guilty to give the dev team any money

the game IS basically circling the grave at this point since it's fanbase automatically became toxic and everyone is pirating the game now because they're too guilty to give the dev team any money

You should pirate it too. Don't play it if you don't wanna, just steal it.


the cult ending may have been cut earlier in development than originally thought


as two of the games routes directly contradict it unlike all the others that hint at it


the cult ending's transcript mentions that Joseph murdered all of the dad's wives, but there's a problem there


one of the dads, Hugo, did not have an ex-wife...he had an ex-husband, and his ex-husband is still alive with joint custody of their son (He is the "fun weekend dad")

and in Craig's route he specifically mentions several times that his ex-wife Ashley ("Smashley") is still alive


so it's possible the cult ending was cut at the same point in development that the rumors that every dad was cis & bi (Including the player character)originated from, because the cult ending's transcript makes it sound as if the cult ending operates on the idea that every single dad was once married to a now deceased woman


its possible the throw-away line confirming Damien as a Trans man was also added after the cult ending was cut, as it's literally the only time Damien being trans is ever mentioned (he mentions he has trouble choosing the right binders to go with his goth aesthetic)


never mind, the cult ending specifically mentions he caused the divorces too


And yet this game has a positive rating and rave reviews.




All I'm seeing is that you're finding fault for something that isn't there. While you're claiming that it's anti-sjw but all you have to back up your claim is Tumblr, random youtubers and obscure bloggers that no one ever heard of.

the reviews are mixed even if the rating is "very positive"



and most people I've spoken to either say "they love it but it's too short and all the endings are really anti-climatic" or are mad that the cult ending is a thing



from what I hear you never really get to be with one of the dads, their routes just end abruptly on a cliff-hanger after the third date with a vuage hint that they might someday consider starting a relationship with you at some point in the future


a few people used the words "expanded demo"


it seems like the game is a "base" that they intend to add more DLC to down the line to make it more complete



also they released the game only 1 month after announcing it



also, bad things often have good reviews and big fan followings



look at Sword art Online S:




also, from what I've heard a lot of people who bought dream daddy are demanding refunds due to how short and anti-climatic the game is



I just had a funny probably wrong, theory about the cult ending



what if it was something Jared, Arin, and the game's artists hid in the game without the other dev team members knowing, and on release day they saw it in there were like "the fuck is this?" then looked at it and were like "HELL NO!" and pulled the release to get it out of there?


it's now official that the cult ending IS canon


as a patch released today added more content to it, meaning for all in tense and purposes it is now playable


It's only canon because Tumblr bitches complained about the secret ending that was scrapped.


Whole point of the game was a parody of dating sim.

So fuck off with the "woe is me" because they made a game and you didn't like it because you couldn't get to sleep with all the Dad's.



that excuse is kinda half assed, in real life gay men in miserable false straight marriages do sometimes leave their beards, at the very least they could have included a dad who did divorce his wife because he realized he was gay and not because "an evil incubus killed my wife then raped me"



edit: it just occurred to me that none of the people who follow my porn blog except for the one or two satanists seem to like dream daddy(or at the very least haven't made any posts about it), and most of the people following it are gay men....it seems like almost the whole fanbase is women and gay satanists :|

some interesting points about that article


"we didn't want the whole game to be a joke" It is though

“I’m really frustrated with in media is that a lot of romance stories end after you kind of get to know each other.”  every route ends right after you and the dad get to know eachother and before actual dating occurs, the game ends as soon as you and the other dad officialy begin dating, that statement contradicts the whole game


also you can normalize homosexuality and still mention that it exists


some interesting points about that article


"we didn't want the whole game to be a joke" It is though

“I’m really frustrated with in media is that a lot of romance stories end after you kind of get to know each other.”  every route ends right after you and the dad get to know eachother and before actual dating occurs, the game ends as soon as you and the other dad officialy begin dating, that statement contradicts the whole game


also you can normalize homosexuality and still mention that it exists


There's just no way of pleasing your dumb ass views of video games without you mentioning how there's not enough gay people. It's their game and how they want to purvey to their general audiences.


There's just no way of pleasing your dumb ass views of video games without you mentioning how there's not enough gay people. It's their game and how they want to purvey to their general audiences.

obviously the game has gay people


they just won't confirm which ones are and aren't, just that they all like men (Hugo and Damien are probably gay, the rest seem to all be Bi)


and honestly Joseph is kind of the only thing I REALLY have an issue with


the rest of the game actually seems okay


basically just absolutely everything about Joseph is wrong


You can date most of the dads.




You can't date one dad because he's already married. The same dad also has a creepy alternate ending.


Fuck this game!  Boycott it out of existence! Westboro out of 10


You can date most of the dads.




You can't date one dad because he's already married. The same dad also has a creepy alternate ending.


Fuck this game!  Boycott it out of existence! Westboro out of 10

actually you can't date two, one of the others turns you down specifically because the previously mentioned dad with the creepy alternate ending ruined him emotionally and he doesn't want any relationships now


if the game did not basically flat out say that remaining closeted and in a failing marriage is the best possible ending for Joseph and that choosing to be celibate just because one guy broke his heart once is best for Robert I would not hate it so much


Apparently you failed reading comprehension to understand what the devs wanted out of their game. And your lack of emotion for the pure enjoyment of video games makes you a Debbie Downer amongst others.


[youtube autoplay=1]




Apparently you failed reading comprehension to understand what the devs wanted out of their game. And your lack of emotion for the pure enjoyment of video games makes you a Debbie Downer amongst others.

I know exactly what they wanted out of their game, they wanted money


that's why they made a bland game that they knew would be inoffensive to straight players, with some hidden homophobic shock-value to catch those same straight players off guard


rather than something actually meant for gay people to play


I know exactly what they wanted out of their game, they wanted money

- you have no evidence to support your claim but your slanted opinion because you felt the game ripped you off, while many others felt satisfaction, including other gay folks.


that's why they made a bland game that they knew would be inoffensive to straight players, with some hidden homophobic shock-value to catch those same straight players off guard

- nope still not buying your slanted interpretation.


rather than something actually meant for gay people to play

- and what exclude other gamers by sexual orientation because it isn't meant for their kind of people to play?


and again, you failed reading comprehension because they consorted their gay friends/colleagues before making this game. it was meant to be a parody while being semi-serious with product. had they not rushed this out in time for their set release, there would have been more content and polished script.


and again, you failed reading comprehension because they consorted their gay friends/colleagues before making this game. it was meant to be a parody while being semi-serious with product. had they not rushed this out in time for their set release, there would have been more content and polished script.

if they add more satisfying and well written endings as DLC then I'll retract my complaints
  • 2 weeks later...

I heard about this game the other day.... I think it's a good step forward for equality.... now gays can have their own really shitty dating sim game. :|

there've already been several, and at least one far better one


Dream Daddy just got attention because it was produced by a bunch of rich white straight youtube letsplayers who make homophobic jokesk, so nobody was expecting them to make a gay dating sim



of course as this thread points it it's not a dating sim at all, the games yet to be released true ending reveals it's actually a horror game disguised as a dating sim

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