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Only wageslaves feel bad about Monday.


Seeing as how you don't have to work, just jack off like usual and before you know it Tuesday will arrive.


Really we're not that different, those of us working stiffs and the unemployed. We do the same thing every day and it never seems to get any better.




so what..? Do we get a thread for everyday of the week? Is it to remind everyone here who doesn't have a job of life passing them by? Cause the rest of us who work for a living KNOW what fucking day it is


Only wageslaves feel bad about Monday.


Seeing as how you don't have to work, just jack off like usual and before you know it Tuesday will arrive.


Really we're not that different, those of us working stiffs and the unemployed. We do the same thing every day and it never seems to get any better.





so what..? Do we get a thread for everyday of the week? Is it to remind everyone here who doesn't have a job of life passing them by? Cause the rest of us who work for a living KNOW what fucking day it is


monday bitch don't forget  ::D::

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