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I'm getting really tired of this myth that promethazine fucks you up.


I've been prescribed promethazine before. It's a fucking antihistamine. I was prescribed it for nausea. And it does wonders for that.


It is not a fucking recreational drug.


What is promethazine?


A mythical substance, one half of the nebulous concoction know as "lean", often (incorrectly) presumed to have catalytic properties and enhancing the high of opiates.




A mythical substance, one half of the nebulous concoction know as "lean", often (incorrectly) presumed to have catalytic properties and enhancing the high of opiates.


What it does is potentiate the pain-killing effects of opiates while simultaneously suppressing the nausea that is often a side effect. Vistaril (hydroxizine) is often used for the same purpose.


And it can mess you up - when I was in labor with my second, they gave me Phenergan because I was puking so much. That shit hit me so hard that I kept falling asleep between contractions, and seeing as they were two to three minutes apart, I was fairly impressed.

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