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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. @Admin_Raptorpat your whole name is in that screenshot.
  2. I’ve always had a weird relationship with food. I like to eat, but I’ve never been very hungry. A lot of times I force feed myself or get really stoned to be able to eat a normal amount of food instead of just picking like a bird. Since getting pregnant, I wake up and go to bed absolutely fucking STARVING. Hunger like I have never felt in my entire life. It’s so strange. I’m “underweight” and probably a little malnourished, and I think my body is overcompensating by demanding all the food. I used to drink a lot of coffee too, but now my body is rejecting the sweet bean juice. I can barely drink a cup before I start gagging. All of this is to say that my body is doing different things, and I suppose it’s just going to keep getting more and more different. It’s all weird and scary, and I’m so hungry.
  3. Like a baby bird testing its wings
  4. Women show love in a lot of ways besides sexual favors.
  5. It’s all too much.
  6. $24 with shipping! What a steal!
  7. I wish I could add that hat to my collection of two hats
  8. I like to eat the fur and all.
  9. And shit. I had so much shit to deal with.
  10. Yeah, but I’m thinking it was the kitten. My fat ass cats haven’t ever caught a mouse before, and I don’t think they have the gumption to take a bite out of one like what happened here.
  11. Funny story, I just went to put my dish towels up and realized that the fucker chewed the silicone off of my nice oven mitts.
  12. say it back
  13. Looks like a really nice wholesome time. ❤️
  14. I FINALLY got a new connection, but I have to drive an hour there and back to get it. Better than the brick weed I’ve been smoking though. Go visit nabs and make a trip down to see me! I’ll smoke you out. Not like rapper smoke you out, but we can rip bongs.
  15. Sausage and cheese biscuits and fried potatoes
  16. Gatorade betrayal
  17. The possessions that I’ve had the longest are my Atlanta Braves teddy bear and a yellow baby blanket. They’ve seen some shit The oldest possession I have is either my great grandfather’s tie rack or a grammar book from the early 1900s.
  18. Molly Coddle is my new emo band name
  19. You sort of do. Summa Cum Laude distinction. Good luck, Jackie! I’m sure you’ll do great!
  20. I completely forgot that I have a rare renal disorder. Whoops! It’s usually pretty benign, and I don’t think of it often. Turns out, it could make my pregnancy high risk. Fun! I love my body and my deformities! While I’m here, I would like to file my first complaint about cravings and morning sickness. I WANT FRIED POTATOES AND SAUSAGE BISCUITS WITH CHEESE. I need them. My morning sickness is here, and it isn’t just in the mornings. I’m sick as fuck all the time, dizzy and seeing stars. We’re off to a good start.
  21. The good times are killing me
  22. If I were to pump an average of 25 ounces a day, that’s a possible $2,500 a day. Don’t tell me how to sell my fluids, fuggs. I know what I’m about.
  23. $100 an ounce
  24. Thanks for all the congrats. I’m still freaking out and also feeling sick already. 😢
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