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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. Ya know, I’ve thought of that. We have a pond at the bottom of the hill though, so I assume it takes little bird baths down there. This rail sits in the sun all day, so the little thing just likes getting warm and airing it’s feathers out. It’s adorable.
  2. Just basking.
  3. it’s apparently sunbathing. I’ve never seen a bird do this before, but this little guy comes and basks on the porch rail every day. So cute. So tiny. So flat yet so fluffy.
  4. new coffee pot acquired.
  5. Million dollar cake. It has cream cheese in the frosting though.
  6. It all depends on if I can find a fabric I like. Baked the cake though.
  7. Work your way up to it. Don’t be a pussy. The coffee shits are good for you.
  8. Manually? How do?
  9. No, I painted it yesterday.
  10. It doesn’t match the room that it’s in, and I’m a crazy person who likes everything to match.
  11. this series makes me appreciate life a little more.
  12. Seems like one of those things that gets eternally pushed off to the next to-do list.
  13. iPhone notes
  14. She will not brew me another drop. Rest in power, sweet baby angel. I have a Keurig too, but I don’t like it as much. I feel a great loss. 😢
  15. Are we supposed to give you our to-do lists or contribute to yours?
  16. I’m sure your mom has seen your boobs before, so it’s not the worst, right? 😭
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Minding my own business is best. I’ll just wait for the inevitable implosion. I do feel bad for the ol boy. I feel bad for her too, really. It has to be shitty to be so shitty. It’d be one thing if she was just playing the game, but she’s trying to fool herself into happiness which is sad to watch.
  19. Ugh. I know. It’s just so gross.
  20. My best friend has been dating this one guy on and off for years. She acts like they’re madly in love and planning a marriage, but I think that has a lot to do with jealousy and the fact that I got married before she did. She won’t ever be real with me about their relationship, which suits me just fine, but I know they’re always on the rocks. Anyway, she’s fucking her boss. I asked if she had any plans to tell her boyfriend and break up with him, and her response was that she was waiting to see if the thing with her boss went anywhere. Meaning that if it doesn't, she’s just going to continue pretending to live a perfect life with this other, completely oblivious dude. I feel so bad for him, and if I were in his position, I’d want someone to tell me. So I’m torn for multiple reasons. She is my friend, and I’ve never really liked the boyfriend. Still, it has really been sitting heavy on my conscience that he is being cheated on while he works out of town and sends her money. Tldr: would you tell someone if their significant other was cheating or would you mind your business?
  21. I’m posting from my phone, so it ain’t no thing.
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