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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Thank you all for continuing to ignore that this is what I remember instead of the birth dates and phone numbers of dear friends and loved ones
  2. It's wild out there on the streets, driving is so dangerous...
  3. HAPPY BDAY YACKIEEEEEE!!! Let's all just turn 30 this year, I mean why not right?
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! glug glug glug, nah i'm just kidding I know you're back off the poison.
  5. fukk yeaaah
  6. Sounds like a really lead poisoned brain you were dealing with there
  7. My feet so fat I can't fit into my rollerskates
  8. Did you have to get tested because you came in contact with someone who was positive? I've had multiple coworkers at both my jobs get it but I've managed to dodge it so far. . . Afaik. Some scaredy person told me the tests don't catch it 30% of the time, like if you got tested too soon after being infected, or for just whatever reason, but I only read that about the instant result tests and antibody tests, I have no idea what the fail rate is on the health dept tests, and I doubt anyone else does either.
  9. The title sounded gross and the description only made it worse. Honey bunches of oats is about as sweet as I can stand
  10. Honestly not sure if that absolute titan is a cat at this point
  11. You're right. I'm gonna sit on it for a couple months and see how his stock does, but it just might be worth the trouble of creating a depop store to unload this thing after all
  12. The finish to that Swagger match was stupid - I can buy him not noticing the ref counting the pinfall but how would he not notice the other guy's music playing while he's celebrating? Dude is just corny and it's obnoxious how much they protect both these guys but I will admit I'm ready for someone new to come in and beat the shit out of swagger and no sell all his moves, that would be nice. Cody should just get his ass beat lose that plastic crap toy title and turn heel already. That Taz promo was awesome, and I am cool with Hangman joining the rednecks as a beer drinking heel stable to beat the Elite. Cassidy better go over next week
  13. That's right
  14. We stan a tall queen
  15. @PhilosipherStoned what the hell is going on over there?
  16. Fukk yea that's awesome man. Always good to get in with a small business owner by displaying your value as a worker able to competently make him more money, you basically got a job for life now. Even if you leave or move away in the future it sounds like he'll always have you back. That's a good thing to have in this early-stage great depression. Also no more zoom interviews for awhile at least
  17. I knew it
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