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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. He's homeless, I haven't talked to him in a long time.
  2. Wow......I mean.... what sort of people did he kill?
  3. And you love it
  4. You really can't, women are just attracted to cool dangerous murderers, it is what it is
  5. Bats flew out of a cave. A ghost screamed A pack of howling wolves draws nearer... Next on Sick Sad World
  6. Oh, I don't like to wear them. Is part of the fun because Trump wears them?
  7. Why are you often seen wearing a tie
  8. Seeing Bill Burr host SNL feels so weird to me but he didn't change his act at all there which is good.
  9. I totally believe in Jimmy the bucket
  10. Saw a big dog in the street playing with it in the way they do where they let their prey go chase it pin it down and repeat, had it on the sidewalk cornered against a wall when I got over there, so I scooped it up with a pair of underwear I had in my bag and carried it the couple minute walk to my yard At first when I set em down it didn't move so I was like ohno but with a little goading it quickly hopped away and seemed fine. I followed it once it reached some bushes for cover and it was just laying there panting really hard. Yes I pet it. Goole said it was big enough to be on its own so I filled a little garlic sauce cup with water and set it down near the bunny as a water bowl, and put some leaves and a black microwave plastic tray laying nearby on the grass above the rabbit as a shield from the sun, since it was already getting to be a hot day with the sun shining right on the stationary rabbit. I checked the next day and it was gone
  11. Not even a little bit and it could be the shittiest Dollar Tree pirate beard on the market
  12. Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
  13. It can but only the ones that are intentionally sexual, not like innocuous chewing asmr or w/e.
  14. porn only
  15. Well that one got fun for a little bit there
  16. My hands begin to quake, unsteady but still true
  17. Futurama is my favorite show of all time. Thank you for your posts that frequently remind me why
  18. The hallowed season of honoring that age old October promise, descended upon us like a thick night fog settling in hazy under a putrid yellow moon, a cold misty wind carrying with it dead leaves, bats, and all manner of evil auras stirred awake by all the power of keeping that sole promise to October
  19. Took it and got a 19
  20. Hdb Nathena
  21. Just go ahead and give me my 27
  22. I skipped game two but about to watch the replay of game three. Jimmy triple double
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