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Everything posted by Vela

  1. THAT'S ALL I'M WATCHING NOW!!! There are so many vids
  2. 😬I have no idea how to take a screenshot with an iphone, and I'd like to say that when you do take a screenshot that the option to crop it would pop up, but iphones are a whole other breed of phone XD I know how to screenshot on amazon fire but then cropping it is a whole process and I doubt worth the time. 😃 But you're going to get a pc soonish, right? Do I remember you saying that?
  3. Well I wasn't until my phone screamed at me. Now I might be a tad afraid of zapping my computer
  4. Do you have an android?
  5. ...does...she know she's old?
  6. I thought it was heat lightning at first but then I got an alert on my phone telling me to stay away from doors and windows and unplug appliances, computers, power tools and TV sets. But... I dun wanna...
  7. Snipping Tool When I first joined here someone practically yelled at me that I was sloppy with my screenshot XD XD XD And I was like, "Then fucking tell me what to do!!! Sit there yell'n at me, lol." And...then they were like, " just use Snipping Tool." lol
  8. I call them all puppies. Aw, sweet pup.
  9. I'm actually worried about what I had for dinner, if you would call it a dinner. Anybody here ever get food poisoning?
  10. Nice... okay I'll be right there...just ...just give me a... ...a sec...
  11. Puppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy She's just happy you're home for so long, it's like you're her new best friend all over again.
  12. Now this ----> means 'you're welcome' too.
  13. but then again... Maybe more drink, less questions?
  14. Or maybe your sense of self-preservation is just too strong
  15. Knew it HI DISTORTED'S MOM!!! ::waves::
  16. There are all sorts of vampires and werewolves. But if you go the True Blood route vampires have this regenerative thing going on; at dusk they go to sleep, regenerate while they sleep and then wake up in the same form they were in on the day they were turned into a vamp. For example there's a character in the show that's a virgin when she's turned into a vamp. She later falls in love with someone, sha bing sha...bang...but then guess how she wakes up the next night? A virgin again. Has to fucken pop the cherry every single damn time she has sex. So my proposal is that WW can turn vamps considering vamps are running on human blood, but vamps are only howling for a small duration of time until the infected blood has run it's course and they need to replenish.
  17. I kind of did karaoke once. I was at a bar that set up a karaoke machine seemingly as an afterthought. I thought maybe I'd give it a try and two bars into the song some lady came outta no where and decided she was going to sing with me...loudly...and...that was the rest of my night because she kept wanting to sing song after song with me...she held that mic hostage.
  18. I wonder what a noble cave-man would look like.
  19. I read a John Cleese quote the other day (I keep Reader's Digest in my bathroom), it was something about...oh right, when asked who his dream dinner guest would be he said, "Mark Twain, because he said 'Wagner's music is much better than it sounds.'"
  20. Hmmm...I know they occasionally did theatrics during "games". Like there were costumes involved n stuff. People had different jobs and they dressed as different Gods when they carried out said jobs. There was also cheering and chanting during the shows. But cheerleaders as we think of them...I wonder too. From what I remember learning in Theater History and also in History of Costume and Decor it was more like a Rodeo with people in costumes stepping in to do stuff (checking if the gladiator was dead, finishing off the defeated gladiator dressed as the guy that ferries the boat to the underworld, stuff like that.)
  21. Calm down now, she probably just forgot what day it is/was.
  22. I've sorta kinda gotten over myself, let's say, within the past decade
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