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Everything posted by Vela

  1. That is good sleepy weather. Hard for me to wake up from in the a.m. though.
  2. Yeah, I got my love of gadgets, sci-fi and knives from him
  3. I was getting ready to go play in the snow in this pic. And I'm not making this up but I got them for Christmas one year. I thought my Dad was joking when he asked me what I wanted for Christmas so I told him night goggles XD What's even weirder is today, well technically yesterday now because it's so late, would have been his birthday
  4. I...I already have a pair >.>
  5. I was getting The Lorax
  6. lmao...well it depends on what time of day it is. For some reason my nerves are a lot better mid day...but if it's early morning or starting to get dark out...my go-to look-out is the kitchen window because there's more exits and more...knives.
  7. Yeah I thought so too. But apparently the guy walked all around my property to survey it because he sited the grass and a fallen tree which I had to tell him was on town property and not mine. I just wanted him to go away and not come back, stuff like that stresses me out far more than it should.
  8. Oh...I do too. I have two spots where I can look out and know I can't be seen. Three if there isn't another person in the car waiting for the person at the door.
  9. But the notice actually said I would get a fine if I didn't cut the mf grass, so I answered to let them know I was planning on it...so then the guy gave me a week to do it in.
  10. Eeeesokay!
  11. I didn't know how to.
  12. Well shit I was just going to tell him that I didn't tell the guy who came knocking on my door to 'fuck off' because I didn't even want to answer the door in the first place but I was more afraid of getting fined so I did.
  13. Yes and Greeny
  14. Omg the two of you
  15. It's a pretty big lawn though...that's a lot of astro turf . By all accounts it's a decent size for a ride on mower. Greeny's right, I should probably invest in one. I can't let it grow because my house is conspicuous. The property is triangular shaped with main roads on both sides and at the tip of the triangle where the two main roads meet is a little monument with a fountain n everything...long explanation short my house is on display and one summer I visited family for a month and came back to a notice from the town yelling at me about "overgrowth". In all fairness they probably have strict ordinances because of the Lyme disease, it originated only about 40 min from me in Old Lyme and the ticks are less of a threat in short vegetation.
  16. Only because the ball was in my court. But good *rubs hands together* it was so long ago you've forgotten, bahahah. And also #>.># #^.^# Thank you! You know...I was thinking that it would probably make a good fall or winter project anyway. This time of year we should be trying to get outside or trying to stay cool inside and not submerging ourselves in fabric and stuffing.
  17. I...do not. But I do have a battery op mower with a whatchama call it...like autopilot...goes on it's own until I squeeze the thingy to make it stop don't hafta push much.
  18. lmao You mean like, let it grow? Or leave the disease up to fate.
  19. has an engaging intellect
  20. Mowing the lawn is a big production for me because I live in lyme disease territory. I have to cover from head to toe which is oh so much fun in the heat. But my neighbor down the block lost her husband to lyme disease so I'm terrified and don't let even a centimeter of skin or single strand of hair show I even wear goggles. I look more like I'm going out to inspect hazardous waste rather than out to mow/weed wack.
  21. Well then I will say no more so I don't ruin anymore of the show >.<
  22. I agree with everything you said. It really depends on the type of vampire in question. The spellcast kind are definitely not human anymore or quite possibly had never been human in the first place but born entirely from darkness. It doesn't sound like those kind would have a body hospitable to human pathogens. I guess I was thinking of the True Blood variety which were essentially superhumans, somewhere along the evolution line they picked up traits that other humans didn't. They're essentially humans that "live" in a cryptobiosis state...like tardigrades hibernating! When these kind of vampires turn humans into vamps it's almost like the humans contract a persistent virus, an infectious disease there is no known cure for. I think those kind of vampires would be able to contract lycanthropy or some werewolf traits, though temporarily. (in the show they consume fairy blood and become high as a kite until the blood leaves their system.) Yeah, werevamps would be very baddass.
  23. I had too much fun derailing threads or replying to people's posts with obscure references to make many threads of my own. One or two a night as a way of saying 'hi' to everybody. Mostly my threads were purely nonsense with a touch of rp.
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