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Everything posted by Vela

  1. This is about the cat pillow isn't it...you 're salty and you want me dead, like 300 million volts to the heart, brain fried kind of dead. I see you.
  2. "Korean" BBQ chicken n summer squash + tteikbokki with orange bell pepper n onion. I didn't make the sauce for the tteikbokki but it was super sweet so I think Imma try diced pineapple in it next time even though I'm mildly allergic . I just need to know.
  3. Holy shit Mascarpone Ice Cream...me want.
  4. Vela


  5. ghostreks's weiner is a slytherin [please dismiss, I had to type it because I couldn't get it out of my head]
  6. Thank you, this is exactly what grabbing pussy reminded me of.
  7. Un de wear. I mean footed! I MEAN FEATED!!!
  8. I say nice things to you until you attempt your own lobotomy using whatever tools you can find within reach. I am undefeated
  9. Right, it's just on paper.
  10. Vela

    Weather 2023

    Now you can can-can.
  11. Vela

    Weather 2023

    Same. At least the rain is keeping the heat at bay...and it will also help with the smog floating in from Canada.
  12. Vela

    Weather 2023

    No, it's not your imagination. It's exactly what we were dealing with a few weeks ago further East (and will be again within the next couple of days). Limit your time outside. You're tasting the fine particles from the Canadian wild fires.
  13. lol, counting the 9 months is one thing but giving everyone the same date on paper is extreme.
  14. That's what disco is saying *enthusiastic nodding*
  15. It stems from the old Chinese age system. As foreign as a concept as it is/was I always thought it was an interesting cultural aspect. It's changes like these that have small reverberations and leave future generations wondering how certain things came about
  16. It's the mental image of a Hellen Mirren shaped ear, isn't it. Either that or this is an indicating that there is intelligent life out there and Jesus was just a humanoid extraterrestrial.
  17. lmao According to you he's got like 25 eyes. And one ear that looks like Helen Mirren.
  18. That's just his Aryan side shining through. I get it, I've seen his baby blues too, but SNAP OUT of it, THEY'RE WASHING YOUR BRAIN!
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