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Everything posted by Vela

  1. And what is an "insane" dancer, anyway? Oh I'm sure you'd get paid... Woah wait...I just looked some stuff up. There's this type of training the Romans adopted from the Greeks called Pyrric dancing, like weapon dancing, for training for battle that mimicked attack and defense moves. That seems pretty cool.
  2. I missed the whole imposter thing, you mean on our team? 'Cause it looks like one of our teammates forgot about us today so we certainly don't need any "help" from an imposter
  3. You'd be farming up in the Mogollon mountains Well it doesn't specify whether you wanted to be an insane dancer in the Roman empire. There's definitely a back story here Plus I can be high maintenance sometimes...how could I not have been wealthy?
  4. Too savage for a cave-man
  5. Agree
  6. N i i i i i i i i c e
  7. lmao. Aw c'mon now...I think you would have committed to it had you found yourself in that...particular predicament.
  8. @Game Master DON'T "" ME!!! This is how I feel! The next time you have a brilliant idea, no matter how logically sound it sounds the answer is no, no, no no no, in all the no ways. Not the no-no ways, just the regular no ways. No.
  9. I know...there was actually prob less than two min on the clock when I left the message.
  10. No srsly...I was trying to remember what all was going on during that time because those pics are saved in a folder of randoms, so the dates aren't accurate...and I'm thinking I was like 18, maybe 19 yrs old there
  11. Everybody else here are criminals! (except Insipid and beardmane ((which...theirs suit them extremely well 0_o)
  12. Wealthy outlaw in the Victorian era. Must be why I liked steampunk and collecting pillbox rings way back when. Jeeze, I'm a fucken kid in these pics 😅
  13. Don't be sad We had a lot of fun. And I myself learned a little more about the posters in other folders, which is always fun for me
  14. If you and @Insipid vote in the next TWO minutes, it'll be a tie and they won't kick one of our teammates out https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments
  15. [classic_swim]? I'm not sure who this question is for. Is it for Greeny? Well just in case it's for me - There's a few of us who are participating in these Survival Challenges and our second assignment was to pick a UEMB member to nominate and a toonami character to endorse them. Our team, Team Dean, picked [classic_swim] (for Commissioner) because he actively posts in toonami (and has a good sense of humor), thus the "Vote [classic_swim] for Commish" memes. Our team made a "trailor" : https://youtu.be/bqaTVKYwblI You can view the specifics as well as both teams' submissions here: https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments and cast a vote =)
  16. 👍 okay to post then. Only applies to the creation of new memes.
  17. yesssssssssss nice
  18. I'm not overly familiar with star trek in general but about younger generations not watching the old ones; I know by watching my nieces and nephews that they have 0 interest in watching old live-action anything, that young age where there has to be constant bright colors and noise to hold their interest BUT they're also old enough for conceptualization and grasping theories/lessons. So I can see how this show would be useful and helpful for parents who've been "raised by TVs" to help teach their kids shtuff.
  19. I honestly don't know if anything was said about that. But...::nods:: yeah...it might be time to call it.
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