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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Just for the record though...we all know I don't really dress like that, right? I mean, power to middle aged goth "chicks" I guess XD but I dug up an old Halloween wig and face paint that I had on hand for this +1? for coming up with the idea two days prior and recording it after dealing with a flash-flood crisis in my basement/garage...nobody knows me well enough to tell how spent I look in the vid...but I can tell
  2. I like her too, the actress seems to have a great personality and her character is like the Gothic version of Mae West who I'm also a fan of.
  3. I feel exactly this way. I have fun in our collabs and during these challenges was the most I've ever interacted with @StarPanda and @blueraven1999 before, plus it seems like I see more of @[classic swim] posts around ever since we nominated him last challenge. But it can certainly be difficult to concentrate on the challenges on days where real life leaves you brain dead, which then turns it into stressful. Before we would visit the boards on our own time and often with no agenda. But now there's all this...purpose and thinking and shit, lol.
  4. @[classic swim] but now I'm gonna listen to This Magic Moment and feel better.
  5. >.< Because of a stand up comedian mentioning it.
  6. Oh...no being late was unrelated to the time confusion. We would have been over a day late if you hadn't submitted something, or we would have submitted something unfinished. No, what I meant was I had to have scoob tell me in two different ways what time/day the submissions were due, lol. I was like, "soooooooo essentially the night before...." and he was like, "Well...no literally by midnight the day of, but whatever you need to tell yourself." I'm paraphrasing, but I know he's sitting there wondering what's wrong with us and questioning how we've survived in this society for so long. The answer is; barely, scoob. Barely.
  7. Ah scoob...he went through this with me during the first challenge
  8. Anybody else think the submissions went a little dark this round?
  9. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D= D= D= x_X
  10. @Gemini I was having trouble finding the correct "Waiver" file. Thank you.
  11. uhhhhhhh...okay then!!!! Just wondering where everybody is XD Team Dean's Submission for the 3rd Survival Challenge:
  12. I'd try it. I used to really like Kahlua in chai with milk.
  13. No wonder you're already tired. Nighty night!
  14. I was thinking of going the pasta route tonight as well.
  15. Well there, you can see in the above pic what I would have picked out instead I can't remember the actual dress from the show but it left enough of an impression for me to remember thinking it was waaaaaaaaaay too frilly for me and there being a shit ton of pink XD Hook me up with Inara's wardrobe and we're in business.
  16. Oh...I just thought of another Victorian-esque dress I made. This one I was trying to be a little more accurate with, had a bustle and everything...well, a faux bustle not a real wire one because it was for a friend's wedding and I had to use what I had on hand at the time. I think I know where to find it... Found it: This was it from the back: The front: The bustle would have been made out of a wood, wire or bone frame almost like a cage...lol mine was just cardboard and stuffing on a belt XD : Even though it was faux it was still a massive project. There were four pieces to the dress that I had to assemble when I got there because it was a two hour car ride to the wedding. Knowing what I know now I would have made the piece that covers the belt in the front less bulky. I can't imagine what it was really like back then, women had specific outfits for almost every encounter. House dress, morning wear, day wear, greeting wear, riding attire which was different for horse carriages vs. automobile, walking attire. Yeah we've got different outfits for that stuff too these days but it's like changing pants or a shirt, no corsets, bustles, bloomers or spats involved.
  17. Please tell me you're not referencing the dress that what's her name...the mechanic...Kalie? the dress that she picks out in the store window, lol.
  18. Greenworks. Because I had already bought the weedwacker and battery. And yes, even though the lawn is so big that I had to get a second battery I'll never get gas anything...they make a ride-on too but it's twice the cost of a gas mower >.< so I might stick with the push for a while.
  19. I used to dress up medieval too though! Both are fun. Corsets underneath, corsets on top, which ever way...corsets were probably the most interesting article of clothing I figured out how to make. They're...like...magic, because the pieces are such funny shapes and when you're tailoring to a specific body it's not only the size that changes from person to person but the actual shape of each individual panel is different for each person.
  20. I tried to find a Sackhoff gif to fit the sci fi bit but none of them fit my current mood
  21. I like the "Lenin could not have been a mushroom" because "a mammal cannot be a plant." when mushrooms aren't plants either. XD
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