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Everything posted by Vela

  1. It's pretty easy to use and the free version has enough basics to get stuff done. Made this for the Survivor Challenges. You can vote here and see the other team's submission on this page https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments
  2. Hey, when the competition's tough we be leaving flyers on people's doorsteps like
  3. I wasn't in the mood to cook either, so I went to my basil plants again.
  4. @Doom Metal Alchemist The Commish (Team Dean). Vote here: https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments
  5. @ben0119 Vote here https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments
  6. @saito34 @Jman @mochi @3ngag3 @OwlChemist81 @DangerMouse @atomicinumatt @AnimationFan14 @PokeNirvash Hi! ::waves:: We made a short clip for a UEMB challenge. We invite you to let us know what you think and place your vote over at the polls in this thread: https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments ✨Vote for The Commish (Team Dean)!✨ Hope you like it:
  7. We used Unicorn: Warriors Eternal in our campaign. Come to the polls and vote for out submission, The Commish (Team Dean) in this thread https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments Check out our Submission ^.^
  8. Show your support at the polls! The Commish (Team Dean) https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments
  9. It's for the Survivor Challenges, and if you like it you can vote for The Commish (Team Dean) over in this thread https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/#comments Hope you enjoy:
  10. The campaign isn't exactly over yet...there are people who haven't seen either teams' submissions. You've got a whole day to decide... ...to vote for Team Dean.
  11. I think we're at the 'eager' stage...but who knows, by later tonight we might be at the 'desperate' stage. Desperate for.... ...votes! Vote for The Commish (Team Dean) here: https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/
  12. Welcome to the UEMB! There's this little challenge thing going on, we're on our second phase. Drop on in and vote for your fellow toonami team =) Go to this page to vote in the polls https://unevenedge.com/topic/61367-asmb-survivor-the-second-challenge-all-is-fair-in-love-and-politics/ And vote for The Commish (Team Dean) This was the submission we made for the Challenge:
  13. Yep...these are the comments...we strive for consistency here...
  14. And I tried to make peanut butter blossom cookies but they came out so FLAT and WIDE! They just look like sad, burnt nipple patties now Still tasty though...less butter next time.
  15. That IS fancy! I don't think it's cheating, I didn't post the box o mac n cheese I had last night, but tonight I went Cajun!
  16. No, no, no...there were like four pages of discussions on this as a team, we voted on a candidate and toonami combo, spit-balled a bunch of ideas and then I...did stuff...with my eyeballs and my computer based off of a rough draft that I didn't even come up with. All truths.
  17. Ya'll got too comfy from your first victory. But no, in all seriousness your memes seem effortlessly hilarious considering I struggle to come up with just one or two.
  18. lol a horse is a horse ...but it's clear we had the same mind-set when we approached this challenge. Otherwise your meme doesn't meet the full requirements. Your endorsement is in one image and your candidate is in another. So to me our submissions are very similar in that respect and each should be treated as a unit. There a two panels that are actual memes in the video Wait no let me rephrase that. There are two panels that are actual memes in the video...
  19. *puts her serious face on* And now...it's our turn... Team Dean's Submission:
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