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Everything posted by Vela

  1. And you're still wondering if this is good or not. It was good. *wipes mouth*
  2. Mah posts are...
  3. Oh! Wutcha play'n?
  4. IB was a good way for me to get warmed up to some quality posts. Few that they may have been
  5. Eees all gud babeh. Lol, no I don't know either...I was just trying to type like her, which I also did with her when ever she was on. Now fork over that hand *brandishes fork*.
  6. lmfao XD XD XD Well are you sitting at home lathering slices of american cheese with strawberry jam or not?! Just...slices of cheese rolled up with jelly inside Like, I can see cheese and jam if it were the cream cheese variety like you would find on a Danish. Like these, I love these. Or cream cheese and jam on a bagel. I like that too...I actually really like it with orange jam or lemon curd....oooooo lemon curd....now I want that.
  7. Ha! Wait. I remind you of a hippo covered in shit and mud?
  8. Where's Nakez when we need her? "Jor hand ees looking tasty rite noa!"
  9. .... ... ...like...jam and...cream cheese?
  10. I don't think hippos need insect repellent, they have symbiotic relationships with birds for that kind of thing...maybe...I could be talking out of my ass I'm really tired too.
  11. Well clearly it isn't needed for writing...I'm sure it'd be fine if you left enough so that I can club my keyboard to death while attempting to type. Are you a jam kind of guy or a cheesy?
  12. You can look up online adult vs. nymph and then look up what it looks like engorged to see if it actually fed on anyone. It might have come in on someone's clothes, if it wasn't engorged then there's a good chance it didn't get the chance to feed on anyone. Avoid long grass and bushes.
  13. Lmao, like lemon oil and shit. Not literal shit, lol. Yes, my insect repellent is mud and shit...it magically repels more than mosquitos too.
  14. Well...I mean...*extends arm*...you can have mine...
  15. A completely normal and expectant interaction between two IBers (or the occasional interaction between an IBer and themselves) ... ...complete with self-contemplation while you replied to 30 different posts at the speed of light nonstop for who knows how many hours. No, shut up, fingers. Nobody asked you.
  16. I'm picky about mine. I like the natural stuff, except that like most all-natural stuff it wears off pretty quickly and you have to keep reapplying. But that means I keep it handy, I leave it by the door so I see it when I'm heading out.
  17. I just put repellent in my amazon cart.
  18. Lyme disease is big around here
  19. My dad used to call me creepette when I was little and I loved it
  20. I made spicy ramen (not the cheap packaged stuff, though I can dress those up pretty well too) like seasoned ramen in broth with, corn, carrot, chives, diced onion and lettuce, and I threw in a soft boiled egg. I had potstickers with it but all I did was heat those up in oil, garlic powder and soy sauce, they were the frozen kind.
  21. I believe my exact words when Scoob asked were, "I'm extremely unreliable," and then " maybe the word I was looking for was 'unstable.'"
  22. Therein lies the problem. People are selfish assholes Like Blackrose was saying after the extreme pulls from either side calm down and get over themselves we can find something that works for everybody like lifting laws but regulating things, which is what the smoking bans were trying to do. But again...assholes.
  23. YEAH...suck his ass!!! ...wait...
  24. I'm in the suburbs of Connecticut, it's legal here and you can smell it ehhhhvery where now
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