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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I name my wigs. Do you? It's uncanny how much of myself I saw in the Moira character in Shitt's Creek Also, you look lovely!
  2. I think this is a good answer. It becomes topless when you become self-aware *nods*.
  3. Congratulations Disco! Drop in one last time with a pic of the tumbler when it arrives
  4. that was perfect
  5. I'm not positive disco would do the same as me but there's a good chance we'd both drop out if there were a tie of any kind Not that this wasn't fun or that I wouldn't do it again, I absolutely would, but I know she mentioned business picking up soon and I myself have two projects that I've recently started which will likely take me away from the boards quite often now. Just throwing that out there
  6. there's all sorts of 'wrong' with us
  7. Your icon really does look like you! Cute
  8. Actually, this isn't exactly true. When I think about it seriously. I find it slightly easier to do things for people. It's mostly myself I have a hard time with. Kind of like when shit hits the fan and you want to rage but someone beats you to it, suddenly you're the calm and responsible one talking them off the ledge?
  9. I just realized that we can depend on each other for friendship...but...like...for nothing else 🤣 lmfao 🤣 we're both the worst at adulting.
  10. I still hear his voice in my head when people mention shoes to this day
  11. It's really only a rule in my head. Compulsory, if you will.
  12. And now it's too late because, just like me, you dreaded it for so long and therefore put it off until that very last feesable moment?
  13. omg phone calls. I usually sound like a crazy person when I have to make phone calls. I basically have to convince myself that I'm someone else for it to have a favorable outcome.
  14. I love everything about this picture. Dubious but proud expression, perfect mac&cheese casserole, glasses over helm, baby-appendage...Idk what's in the bowl in the corner but I want it to be a halved coconut (shh don't ruin it for me).
  15. Approved on both accounts!!!
  16. I'm procrastinating myself. I told my family that I'd go down for the week and visit...I hate packing
  17. Knows how to own his quirks.
  18. This got me lost imagining that Truman (in The Truman Show) had a brother who decided to stay inside the fourth wall, totally content. As long as he didn't have to interact with the viewers he would be totally fine with his life being a slightly different game than he originally thought it was.
  19. Tao just contemplated burning his new laptop and dropping his phone in a bucket of dirty mop-water just as a precaution @The_annoying_one it's okay, everything's okay. Nobody's coming to your house.
  20. Now I want a Tshirt that says "Own your quirks."
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