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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Oh. I...guess I'm a schmuck then too v.v
  2. omg the deadness of it ::muffled scream::
  3. So what kinda cakes were these?
  4. The first thing I see is how clean his glasses areπŸ˜„
  5. Vela

    Knock knock!!

  6. Is this your coworker? Cut (yes, I've been away from comp for 5 days)
  7. So that particular princess happens to be dumb and useless, not Mario's fault.
  8. Well that was sweet of you. lol was it a regular tshirt and did she tie it in a knot on her back, lol. j/k oh OH! Were you around when these first became a thing? I think it was the late 80's.
  9. I did too, but mentally. It stands out in my head because I'm not much of crier...but I was there picking up stuff to make a memorial board for my father's funeral. Not to make you feel bad and this whole thread awkward but you just reminded me of it happening. Thanks 😐 Also I don't have a car😢 lol. I'm just mess'n witcha. I mean it's a completely true story and I don't have a car. But it happened like a year ago so I'm just having funπŸ˜‹ you know what don'tevenreplytothispost.
  10. absolutely. indefinitely. wait no I mean precisely. ambiguously. nope did it again.
  11. OMGosh same! Well mostly my Mom but yeah.
  12. 😨😢...back to Xanatos' concearn...
  13. I do that a lot to people πŸ˜” Maybe I'm really the confused one πŸ™ƒ
  14. You a Danny Kaye fan too? I'd be super surprised anybody here knows who he is, lol.
  15. Ino! Use it with sun to determine time and direction. I'm withya ::nods:: Oh...yeah...duel the fates...gotcha =)
  16. Relay race!
  17. Ribbon twirling?
  18. Group Bull-Riding?
  19. I bought a house that doesn't face the street. I only have one neighbor on my side of the street and my house is facing their house. I often stand at the front door like this 😐 for no reason.
  20. Actually no. But only because he turned down the "honor" of Knighthood in 2000. Actual fact.πŸ˜‹
  21. Parkour Birthday Cake (it was for a little girl's party at a parkour gym with a ball pit, thus the donut-holes and padded walls the doll is on). The bottom layer is half vanilla and half chocolate chunk. The padded walls are walnut pound cake.
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