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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Wait, are you also cyberbully? Or were you saying it like "That's ok. I still laughed."..?
  2. Honestly it sounds like the Dresser is the asshole in this case. Yes, uppercase D as it is now a culprit. I'm calling it out. If he's moved it twice then it must be a nice dresser, does what needs to be done, or maybe more, maybe it's super efficient, reliable, perhaps matches the other furniture... ...but Dresser is a douche. This asshole is eating your shirts and storing unwanted reminders of an ex girlfriend... .... .... and then presenting them to you when things are more or less going well for you. Dump the asshole Dresser. Sit down (or go out I guess) and pick one out together as a team...and THEN make D watch you move it into it's old spot and fill it up with it's own clothes before you kick it to the curb. Or sell it 'used' online and show it it's real worth, bwahahahahahaaaa. That's right D, you're old and used. >.> <.<
  3. Oh I get it too
  4. An excuse to get out? Normally I hate guessing games but this isn't so bad. How 'bout now today, any change in your predicament?
  5. Cobie Smulders I mean srsly. And also thank you for existing.
  6. Vela

    Cancer sucks.

    Yeah ๐Ÿ˜” And it's so different for everybody. Idk, I think he seems fun ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ถI'm still fairly new here.
  7. Oh noez! Life. ::pets your head:: That's the thing, I thought I already used my left hand for a lot of stuff. I read somewhere when I was like, 10, that using both hands helped stimulate both sides of the brain, which my be a crock of bull Idk...but I've been mindful of it ever since. Thought I was decent with my left hand...'til I tried eating dip ๐Ÿ˜ถ But maybe that experience had more to do with being impatient and hungry than my ineptitude...and maybe it was because I was sitting crotch level by a bunch of strangers at the time because there were no seats left and despite being successful at small talk that night I still don't like being watched when I eat or making messes when I eat...maybe possibly >.>
  8. Vela


    Yes, that's the correct spelling. Ail is the french word for 'garlic'. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. That's nice to hear. Busy is good if it's the good kind of busy ๐Ÿ˜„ Nah, just need it for everyday stuff. I'd like to say I can flip people off like a boss. But in actuality I've always thought and felt it a little too crude for my style.
  10. Constantly, basically whenever I use my right hand for anything. Omgosh thank you for getting me back on topic. I so easily get distracted
  11. an excuse for sleep?
  12. Ohhhhhh....hmmmm, dilemma. I also hate making decisions.
  13. Oh my word the hating on yourself. Stawp it.
  14. Top video was for me don't worry. Soooo pretty. I mean I'm mostly certain they're colored contacts but the combo is lovely. And her minimal expressions are adorable. On I side note I've been listening to this and laughing intermittently while I post for about 10 min. now. ๐Ÿ˜„ The squeaky noises really get me for some reason.๐Ÿ™ƒ
  15. Here yes. Thank you for explaining.
  16. Oh, and for you ^.^
  17. Oh..this might be way easier than I thought then ๐Ÿฑโ€๐Ÿ‘ค
  18. Thoughts are fuel. They feed emotion. That's what's propelling you through this life.
  19. lawl ๐Ÿ˜† I meant I was picturing you but this time in your proper stature. Which then made me imagine myself as a man...again. It's like a patty-cake game and if you're good at it it's almost like your hands never leave the others' hands ::slips sedatives into paper sleeve then tucks said sleeve behind bra-strap::
  20. Doing the right thing can sometimes feel like punishment so Imma go with all three again! ::uses 1960's batman voice:: TO THE PSYCHIC! ::and points in the air::
  21. Omfg yes I remember! Ahahahahah! I really want this to be real for some reason! ๐Ÿ˜† And I am imagining you as a man. Or I guess I'm imagining me as a man now... ... .. yeah still okay with that. Now to tracking you down and carefully drugging you just enough to keep you complacent and still able to play Numbers with me...::rubs hands tgthr::
  22. David Lynch?!?! No don't get up...I'm sure you can visualize the length of a pen in your hand...cause I took one of those too ::isdork:: Yeah for some reason I really need to know if we have the same size hands. I MUST KNOW!!!
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