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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I believe this is the thread I belong in right now...as I hear birds signaling my retreat, safe behind my black-out curtains. Night all, sleep well when you do.
  2. I can ttly get into most chairs too
  3. NEVAR! oh wait...
  4. Vela


    I said remember that.
  5. 😊 πŸ™‚and you're a trooper. cause I woulda prob visited the urgent care.
  6. I had a cat that preferred throw rugs. I tested her one time to make sure it wasn't my imagination; she started heaving so I made to move the rug...she slowly followed it - pull rug, heaves and inches closer, heaves, I pull rug further, heaves, inches over to it, pull, follows, finally throws up on it 😐
  7. I'm so sorry hun ::hugs::
  8. Okay people, what do you think.? Average or tiny carny hands? My mouse for reference.
  9. ::applauds you::
  10. Well, get it and find out!
  11. You'd have to with killer cans on the loose in your house. also
  12. I have gone. I have seen. WTFlady!!! WTF PROGRESSO SOUP!!! Oh my gawd I will never approach a soup can so nonchalant ever EVER again! Nope NOPE! Mm!!! THATwasameancan!!!!!
  13. They make vape pens for children now?! They HAVE gone too far! No srsly tho. Think that thing's for a kid or is it an adults' pinky brace? I've got unusually small fingers, don't I. Maybe I should post a pic of my hand with some sort of reference...
  14. You mean dancing around to the Bird's the Word? Oddly it is. WAY more fun than watching a fictitious character doing it...yes.
  15. So titanium-niobium EVERYTHING all rigged to one of those old fashioned grounding rods they used to put in houses...
  16. I hit a cement floor with my forehead from five feet up when I was four, it was pretty radical for sure. I mean, the projectile vomiting that followed wasn't...so I've been told.
  17. Also, good morning Sir ^.^
  18. I have so many questions tho...
  19. Oh, I almost forgot. Sorry, something important came up earlier. (I ttly went downstairs for baby dills and got completely side-tracked.) But here... I give you the American AND the British version And look...I'll even put YOU in the post. Also...and I'm so very sorry for this but my hand wants what it wants...and it doesn't give fuck about what our ears and eyes want... ...
  20. ... This is a reoccurring incident for you? Is it an intentional endeavor of yours? I think I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you on this one. It was kinda painful and it made a gross cracking noise when it happened. I mean it's not so terrible now and my retelling of how it happened when people ask has improved but the splint makes certain things annoyingly impossible to do so that I wind up taking it off half the time. Things like the dishes...or typing >.> which just becomes mildly painful again. I guess it depends on how badly you've injure it? And which hand it's on. I've only ever fractured one other thing before, never completely broken anything. But please, do tell about your experiences. I'm very interested.
  21. I'm Dutch and Danish apparently. My results said I'm mostly Northern European...so guess I'm Norse too?
  22. lol My phone is charging. It is at...hold on... ...14% πŸ˜‹
  23. ::cuhhhRUNCH:: omnomnomnom
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