I remember now! It's been years, I'm such an old lady. I was gunna google but it's all coming back to me.
🎵The flesh and the fantasies all coming back to me I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me🎶 ::youtubes song instead::
How crisp is the image? It's hard to find a shower curtain with a clear print, especially with so much detail.
Is this supposed to be, like, Eden or something? He's the guy who kept painting heaven earth and hell, right?
And circle around again to why he would take it in the first place. It's not like anybody needs convincing of the seriousness of the situation..."grandma" "heart attack" is all that needs saying for that. Your cousin has a strike one in my mental notepad 😕and I remember random useless things like that 😠
Hah! Thank you 😊
And "Hi!" ::waves:: How we doin today?
Can't be that bad of a fracture, they told me to keep the thing on for only two weeks. Or is that normal for fractures, Idk.
Likely who ever contacted you and told you she had the attack would be the best person to get you the new the fastest. I would ask that person to please keep you updated.
They'e running tests, they have her under observation, she's at the best place to be if there winds up being any other complications.❣