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Everything posted by Vela

  1. 🍰It can be anything from a cake to a single grape but please include the name/flavor/type of dessert it is. And also it's Title if you've titled your creation.🍮
  2. Have you tried Bromleys? You prob have.
  3. I had that cookie crumble frappuccino thing at Starbucks yesterday. Yummy. Definitely not sugar free though, zombninjkitten. But I like both tea and coffee, everything light and sweet. I make a very nice cup of tea, or so I've been told by the Irish folk. The type of cup and a ceramic lid make all the difference.
  4. Gahhh! why did I come to Food & Drinks, I don't think I belong here >.<
  5. Vela


    I can't tell if you're being serious or not...I've always had trouble with telling the difference.
  6. Vela


    I think he might be a Wonderlandian.
  7. I though it was an extremely appropriate response 😄
  8. Vela

    Love Tyrant

    GAH! NO, he's a raping penguin!!! SO MUCH WORSE!
  9. Vela

    Love Tyrant

    ...found the lost pack-man ghost
  10. 😑 😋
  11. Yipeeeee!!! We can make a night of it
  12. Me want with your hair...
  13. HAH! Nihilus'.
  14. Oh, sad egglplant =( lol
  15. That one seems HUGE too, deluxe I guess.
  16. I guess they're just not ready for all of....that ➡🤵
  17. Absolutely, I think of myself as appreciative of all the arts... ::falls into trap:: !
  18. It was the whole meatball!
  19. 🙃You need your own show🤪
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