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Everything posted by Vela

  1. 🥙
  2. The SPLASH! THE SPLASH!!! *wildly gestures* lol When your pee first hits the surface of the toilet water there's an aftersplash! And I don't know about other girls but, unless I'm in a hurry, my approach to letting it go is somewhat mindful 'cause I'm not a huge fan of getting a mixture of toilet water and piss splashed back onto my underside! Also everybody should keep baby wipes in the bathroom if they don't already. *points to everybody*
  3. I think what he's trying to say is that in a flaccid state it doesn't extend passed the backside of his th... ... ... why am I talking about this....
  4. Maybe I shoulda said aftersplash.
  5. You make it sound like we should be grateful considering your unique attributes.
  6. Mm mm no! This is how it's going down... Heeeee heeeee heeeeee
  7. Now THAT's an icon.
  8. Uhhhhh likely story. No it is a likely story. I believe you 😀
  9. And then make sure you dry the yard off of you before coming back in from the pool.
  10. I'm shocked! Well good, glad you're not putting off 'til tomorrow what you could do to....wait... 😐
  11. It's such a nice day. We should go swim out to the pool!
  12. That depends, are you applying to be a stripper?
  13. I think this ⬇ guy knows.
  14. Focused. Nice. I lack that. In more ways than one. Hope you get the time you need.
  15. Yep. My nickname at the house, first thing when I got home and every time I'm being cautious, there's no mercy where I am. 😄 Although I now realize her portrayal of an older woman with vertigo probably isn't too far off...I don't know what I'm going to be like when I'm her age.😆 I just know I need to be better at finding things to hang on to than she was.
  16. Which would also explain why it's only a couple of posts here and there. *nods* Mystery solved.
  17. Maybe because of the splash effect? Idk, I'm not a guy.
  18. Which is why girls get so excited when they try on a dress they like...and discover it has pockets!
  19. My medial orbitofrontal cortex would agree.
  20. Race Car Wars? I wonder what kind of protective divider/partition thingy they'd use for spectators.
  21. This is a room I would have loved to have walked into irl
  22. This is the only time you're on here, isn't it. I only see you at like 3 am in the morning.
  23. Vela


    SEE?! Right there RIGHT THERE!!!
  24. Vela


    the devil is speaking through you
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