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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Vela

    Love Tyrant

    😊 I like your icon
  2. Vela

    Love Tyrant

    Sometimes, for me, plot is only a bonus when watching anime. Not a necessity.
  3. Vela

    Love Tyrant

    Ino this is a month old but I just sent a PM asking how to take better screenshots. I'm always open for critique 😄
  4. Dah! Comic or 1995 Lori Petty I have her in my profile . And my gt for tankionline is BeccaBuck
  5. We're all ants to you
  6. Where does one even get burlap bags? Home Depot? Well I guess potato chip bags work for GuyBeardmane then.
  7. yes yes yes! I love Julianne Moore!
  8. probably to fill the boring in a sedentary life 😊 I mean, if it were me 🙃
  9. Don't be afraid of the zipper. The zipper is just there for versatility. If you wanted to you could just pretend it's not there, tell your balls they can come back down now, it's ttly safe.
  10. What IS it with you people and BURLAP?!
  11. 😆The image? Or the extra crisp dick?
  12. Well mine are apparently deep fried. I think we can manage ruffled. Penis ruffle
  13. *puts up hand* you've crossed a line somewhere. I'm not sure where but surely they don't need to be any SALTIER! Foil. My word!
  14. *laughed at nor a cocksucker*
  15. For some reason I just felt sorry for the dicks in the burlap bag even though they're completely severed. FOIL?!! FOIL!?!! WHAT KIND...OF...SICK... alrightI'mdonewithyou *looks away*
  16. is it a paper bag? It's a paper bag in my head. Now they're being shaken and covered in powdered sugar.
  17. I'm confused I feel really old right now
  18. Are you jiggling Doze right now?
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