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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Vela

    Hey Poof

    😝You used to say it to me all the fricken time. I started to wonder if you said that to anybody else on the boards. And then I concluded no. No you just really wanted me in the kitchen. 🤣
  2. Vela

    Hey Poof

    Old #^.^# All I know is that as long as I stay in the kitchen where I belong then you stay happy too
  3. I was excited earlier today because I thought I glimpsed a bunny in my backyard. Turns out my grass is just really unkempt and it was an extremely bushy squirrel tail. I do have a skunk family living at the base of my lawn...under the mounds and mounds of leaves I shoved partially onto town property so I didn't have to bag it. We learned about the skunks when we left the cat out too late. Fun fact: tomato juice doesn't wash the stink off, just masks it a little. You're welcome
  4. Vela

    So it begins

    It lies though. I def tasted the sweet and then the sour.
  5. Vela

    So it begins

    That's the thing. I feel like this cereal came outta no where. I mean, not like I didn't try it. They're my favorite movie theater candy so...
  6. Vela

    Hey Poof

    Nope not fb Cause it's always fun and you're too nice of a guy to actually get mad? Bwahahahah.
  7. I was gunna yell at you for ruining the fun with reality...but...puns.
  8. Oh, Im female. Am I out now?
  9. Vela

    Hey Poof

    Nope, I don't think you have......on here. 😮🙃
  10. Maybe it's your mannerisms? I mean, I'm not sure what type of mannerisms denote having kids...there are guys that scream daddy material and if you're one of them and the right age to have gone and had the kids then I could see people assuming you've...got kids.
  11. I'm gladja didn't die
  12. Vela


    tell me about your icon
  14. Vela

    Hey Poof

    I'm basing this off of how old you look. And I don't have to spy on you, people think I'm you ...worried yet?
  15. It's a crime that it's a crime.
  16. Vela

    Hey Poof

    Well the one I was talking about is taken. Hwvr she has a sister that's single and closer in age to you
  17. Oh muh god no, just no
  18. What was that dick all the way to the right doing before this pic? There's a ring around it's...uh I'm gunna go with lip.
  19. wut? 😆
  20. That's funny - the only time I've ever been summoned was when I was in Jersey And...I'm not gunna say how I got out of it because it's extremely poor advise.
  21. ...as far as refrigerated garbage food goes... even though we don't know exactly how far that is. also maybe don't refer to your tummy as a garbage.
  22. But still. Good when we know just how useless we are. Or not, respectively.
  23. Vela

    Hey Poof

    Well like I said, she was just like you. A little older now but still found her one and we all really like him too. Actually he's kind of annoyingly good at everything and very good looking as well...but so is she (good looking, not good at everything, not by a long shot) - it's all very wonderfully annoying, lol.
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