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Everything posted by Vela

  1. *tries her deep man voice* You're like my pinky toe. I'm gunna bang you on every piece of furniture in my home. *looks thoughtful*
  2. Like that McDonald's line? I'm not very good at these but I'll try...ehem *replies to discolemonade*
  3. That's pretty nasty although he sounds kinda jealous...I'm jus say'n
  4. oh...might he be interested in your ovaries?
  5. who's kevin? what's kevin? who knows? just get'n the ball rolling a little faster this time.
  6. Whooooaaa nooooo I wouldn't either. You and your ovaries might actually be in danger after all!
  7. The opposite. My phone is essentially a photo album, all systems not go 😋
  8. Not gunna respond with something random? Like... "Ovaries?" So the person has trouble discerning if you think your ovaries are texting you or if you're asking if they have ovaries. If they respond 'yes' then at least we've narrowed it down to them being a girl. Oh wait! No. Nope. Cause they might think you're offering them ovaries...in which case they've accepted and things might get a little complicated from there on out.
  9. Record set straight. Also I think I'm the only one who actually sits down at a computer anymore 😐
  10. Now that would be an oddly specific insult. "Oh YEAH!? Go eat a young white girl's PUSSY!!! Yuh...PUSSY!"
  11. 😶 I want to hit on your icon every time I see it. Even more so when you agree with me.🤨
  12. suppose to get up and move around every now and then with pneumonia, right? Or is that just ancient people in the hospital...
  13. Guess I gotta hunt around for that push-up bra I gots somewhere around here...
  14. Oh 😞 🙂like that?
  15. Despite taking ques from ⬅ this guy I hear that our boy Zen gets less annoying in the next episodes. Ino Ino stilgar ::soothingly:: Ino you know, and I'm sure it's exciting. I'm liking it very much so far thank you again for recommending it.
  16. It sounds like adulting. But tsar4 also has a good idea. There was only one job I enjoyed doing and I seriously thought I hated working in general until then, so maybe you should try another avenue.
  17. Vela


    Oh >.> <.< okay, sure ^.^
  18. I thought it was good. I couldn't help myself with the revisions, just ignore them.
  19. Any better today?
  20. It's... Well it's as silly as it sounds. Kinda dated and a really simple plot line.
  21. Vela

    So it begins

    They make a good dry snack too
  22. Vela

    So it begins

  23. same! Imma have to call because I ordered mine May 7th and according to 'track my package' it hasn't even shipped yet. So somebody didn't do their job. Oddly enough mine are shelves too. Well, it's called a Bakers Rack? Idk, it looked like what I need by my stove and now I don't know if I'll even get one!
  24. Like Water Bears? Those things are pretty awesome.
  25. My mother is keeping my grandpa alive through the will of God. We all feel so sorry for him.
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