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Everything posted by molarbear

  2. But it does have a link of a pupper in it... so it's pretty fucking close http://imgur.com/gallery/4AuXXwr
  3. I guess this means I have a potato fetish
  4. OH GOOD! You're the King, huh? I've been trying to figure out who to send my complaints to for quite some time. Number A) Why do all of you talk funny? Seriously, depending on what region of the North I'm in I sometimes think I've accidentally crossed the border and am now talking to Canadian citizens. Number B) Why haven't you cast New Jersey off into the sea yet to a sacrificial meal for Cthulhu? Number C) They're called "Water Fountains" not "Bubblers". I don't know who came up with the term "Bubbler" but water fountains are a continuous stream and produce zero bubbles.
  5. I was told it was going to be the final season, can anyone confirm this?
  6. Please take a picture next time....... Actually I'm down for a full on photoshoot of any board members dog being posted
  7. I just watched a dude that vlogged his trip in "Residence" class on an Etihad flight. Dude got a private suite, a bed, a shower, and had a personal butler on the flight.
  8. Yes, I'm pretty ok at it too.
  9. I know the feelz.. I use to work overnight, random days off throughout the week were terrible. Have you ever been to the bar on a Tuesday night? That's how Country song are written
  10. Clearly you had a stroke and forgot to add ATHF to that list, FTFY! 8)
  11. I think you act your actual age, unfortunately, the people that argue with you act like 13 year olds most the time.
  12. ....That name screams late night Cinemax softcore
  13. Sometimes I wonder if a famous celebrity is/was an actual board member
  14. Wouldn't it be cheaper just to replace him? I'm pretty sure Oblongs was made before he got big doing movies.
  15. Sounds like some straight up Tommyknockers stuff.
  16. I heard a few years back they were trying to revive the Oblongs, I'm guessing it never got going though. I was just thinking of Mission Hill today, that show was pretty good.
  17. on a mosquitoes penis! My friend used this as a pick up line tonight and while I was doubled over laughing,......it worked.
  18. molarbear


    I don't know who david lynch is
  19. anything with Mushrooms, I hate Tomatoes and Onions..... but Mushrooms are my puke inducers. I can pretend to like the other things to a certain extent, but anything with mushrooms, i'm vomiting.
  20. No, ours came with the light gun and the track pad and a copy of Super Mario/Duck Hunt/the none rare field and track I got a Sega Genesis when I was in Kindergarten and played the shit out of it.
  21. inb4 actual qt
  22. I'm just glad the Packers got their shit together and clutched the playoff spot.
  23. Just replace "Hunger Force" with Star Panda
  24. My Grandparents bought my brother and I one as a joint present when I was like 4, I don't think I ever actually beat any games until I was a teenager.
  25. I had grilled wookiee, it was delicious
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