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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. Index is good Railgun is hit or miss. It mostly just develops side characters and shows events going on that interweave with the main story of index while the MC isn't around, so it world builds. Some episodes though are just cute girls doing cute things. Though when added into events in index it adds more impact to some characters. So you can only watch Index and understand the story fine. Though Railgun and Accelerator fill in the world, and explain some other events from Index. Where people get confused is that if you wanted to watch the series in perfect chronological order. Even then it's not that hard to follow. This one is a little out of date though since Railgun and index have gotten another season since then. Though Railguns season 3 takes place during the Festival arc, So it's easy to understand that while Touma was chasing after a Witch in the festival arc of season 2 of index that these events were going on in Railgun.
  2. Kirito has like 6 girls irl that want him and 5 AI that want him. "no it's not a harem" You do know that 99% of harem series don't have a harem end; right? It's annoying and dumb, but it's been that way forever. Tenchi for the longest time was the only harem show that actually had a harem end. The rest were bullshit that will give the MC a harem of girls who like him, but he only ends up with one of them. Either way it's a harem. He adventures with a bunch of girls, majority of them have shown that they want him romantically. Konosuba pretty much makes fun of tropes in isekai type shows. The party is pretty much made up of horrible people that can't get parties with others because they suck so bad. So Kazuma doesn't want any of them around, but at the same time he sucks so bad that he needs them. Anytime they win it's usually because they failed successfully.
  3. Yet DeMarco says they cost the same as new shows. If we're going to be picking up stuff from the past grab A Certain Magical Index. 3 seasons so far 74 episodes + a movie, 2 spin-offs with 86 episodes between the spin-offs. I never said that assclass was a bad pick, I just voiced why I'm not excited for it and am ducking out of the watch threads. I'm not going to just tune in and rip on a show I know everyone likes; that would be an asshole thing to do. I'll find something else to do with my time or go to sleep.
  4. The stitches on my head itch, should I pick at it?
  5. It amazes me that crunchy even heard out her pitch with no credit to her name. The plots I come up with for jokes probably would have had more of a chance of getting on than an avatar clone. One I remember was a comedy sol about delinquents, but they grew up and became teachers. I remember having a super long name for it as a joke about how long anime show names were, but the short name was Yankee-Sensei. Other one was an isekai where a guys friend dies via truck kun. He still has the hots for his friends big sis, goes to meet up with her, truck-kun comes for him. Big sis knew this would happen and springs a trap causing truck kun to wreck. They hold the driver hostage and he takes them to a goddess he works for, who is then beaten up by the big sis until she explains what is happening. She sent her little bro to fight a demon lord. Except his request was to become a girl. Also instead of slaying demons he is just laying them, and the world is now worse, so she was going to isekai his friend to correct her mistake,. The big sis then continues to beat up the goddess and says they're bringing her with them. I forget what I even named that one though, but I remember people on the /a/ come up with an anime idea thread liked it. Point being if you're going to emulate something that exists do something new with it at least. I mean hell Avatar with dark skinned characters isn't even a new idea.
  6. Also this concept art for cities is giving me stolen vibes. It doesn't match her artstyle at all for characters or scenery. Also I'm positive much of this is concept art from Oblivion/Skyrim and the DnD books. The church I believe is concept from the knights of nine DLC for oblivion, and the wraith was concept art from what the inside of an Oblivion gate may look like. Then they have the skyrim fjord with dragons reach or high rock on the top of the mountain. Some I think were just straight photographs that she placed a sketch filter over they look very familiar. But looking at her flash characters and backgrounds I can tell that this isn't in line with her art style right off the bat. So she put stolen work in her bible and is passing it off as her own.
  7. I'm reading through the pdf bible now. I'm not too far into it but I'm where the expy for Zuko has to grow and come to terms with his "insecurity". So pretty much imagine if Zuko was in the closet and getting beat up by girls. Also the series is kicked off by their black friend being stolen by slavers. They didn't say what race the slavers were but I have a hunch they're not going to have dark skin. Also the main girl has no powers, but is so powerful that everyone else has to use their powers to keep her in check....That is badly written. Also the bible is using terms like Tsundere...I know crunchy does anime but does this board of directors know weeb speak? Right now it's kinda difficult to read. She doesn't indent anything and often forgets to space some words. This is supposed to be the bible; also a lot of terms are repetitively used again and again. The formatting alone I wouldn't have passed high school English with what she's doing. Oh and I got to the part where it reveals that the white girls dad in that poster is the one who sold the MC's sister out to the slavers, so yeah white villainy and the daughter helping to get the sister back as reparation. Why does he do this? It doesn't say. Why did he reveal this to her? It doesn't say. A lot of the elements just seem to be torn from Avatar. Like in season 1 when Aang had flashbacks. That is pretty much all the MC does for the first 6 episodes is have flashbacks to her sister being taken. So that wouldn't get repetitive at all. Also they have to find a wise turtle to guide them; kinda feels like the turtle lion. To top it off the one studio which I've never heard of that endorsed this show as "the next Avatar the last airbender" only has like 2 followers. So was clearly a friend making an account to endorse this. Also here is her self assessment "I have watched every genre so that I could have a clear grasp of recurring storytelling themes. From researching via textbooks, video essays, along with my own analysis of other cartoons, I believe that Astur’s Rebellion does not fall short with its competitors in the slightest". So really this is like me saying that I'm fully capable of creating a series simply for the fact that I have consumed a considerable amount of media. Truth be told it's not the worst pitch that I've heard form crunchy, but at the same time it isn't original at all. It's you watched Avatar and maybe a few other mainstream anime; and made a clone with your OC. It's not a bad starting point if you were doing this as a fanfic. Though she's acting like she's an established creator and just got snubbed. She has nothing under her belt in terms of credits and is pulling a race card when they didn't give her a show.
  8. So Crunchy said we want shows that are story driven, and not solely marketed for their diversity as their primary selling point... Why is this being pinned as a bad thing? She pitched the show as Black gurls doing black things, and well this character she's black, and her friend is black, and her other friend is also brown but it's anime so she could be black but is also lgbtq+ etc. The idea was that you would watch this show not because of it's story, but because of it's representation. It's banking on you being so starved for representation in media that you'll tune in just to see your race or sexual preference represented. Crunchy had bad backlash on that so they've decided that shows should be story driven; and she went off because they actually expect her to be a competent writer or some shit.
  9. The hype for this died down about as soon as it ended. It went from being on everyone's list of greatest anime of all time; to me not even hearing anyone give it a name drop for at least the last 3 years. It was flash in the pan knee jerk reactions. FMA ended we had like a decade of people still talking about it regularly. Evangelion and DBZ ended we have 25 years of people talking about it regularly etc. Also MAL are the ones who ranked Ping Pong the Animation as a better anime than One Piece or One Punch Man on their top 100 anime. Not to mention they removed Interspecies Reviewers that was chosen by the fans as the greatest anime of all time. I mean if we're going by mal scores being infallible then we can't ignore the masterpiece that won so hard they had to turn off voting for it. Cool hope you have fun watching it. Once was enough for me.
  10. It's not a bad show, but really not worth a rewatch imho. It's a one and done for me. I did say though that it's good that toonami is at least trying something different than their usual lineup. I don't what the takeaway for the series is aside from we need to start arming our students/joke. It's kinda the zootopia of anime. A overdone story in traditional media that is done slightly different then gets more praise than it really deserves. Like Zootopia was just a generic buddy cop flick. If you removed them being animated anthropomorphic animals then there's nothing new. Assclass is just stand and deliver and the two dozen knock offs that came after it, but with a squid for a teacher in the style of anime. Principal - These are problem kids they'll grow up to be nothing Teacher - They just need the right teacher Principal - Bah! Kids - We don't like authority! Teacher - (sits in chair backwards) Kids - Nani the fuck!? Hold on lets hear him out. I suddenly feel as if he is relatable. Teacher - (teaches lesson in unorthodox manner) Kids - I'm not dumb afterall, all I really needed was to apply myself. Principal - Most unorthodox! (tries to sabotage the teacher but the kids come together and prove that his teaching method works) Principal - I was wrong about You....About those kids; what do you say about coming back. Teacher - No they've learned all they can from me. I'm needed elsewhere (run credits) And I'll be damned if Assclass doesn't hit every beat of the most generic school drama put to film since the 1980s. To it's credit it at least added in some anime tropes to the mix to make it somewhat different. I think my enjoyment also hinders somewhat on the fact that I've watched a lot of film and anime. I run into that critics dilemma. When you watch too much media to the point you can see it repeating and stuff becomes generic that average audiences enjoy. For me at least assclass was so by the books in what it was doing that it was like watching a Tom and Jerry episode. Some entertaining parts but very predictable and by the end I was forcing myself to finish.
  11. He's the "chef" at chuck e cheese.
  12. It wasn't the worst show, but I never got into the hype for it. Story was meh. It felt like there were two entirely different things going on. Everything with the principal and main school felt like it belonged in another anime. I was fine with the smiley face squid with butts for hands, but had trouble suspending my disbelief when they added in real assassins that get beaten by children and then are just very "we are what they grow beyond" about it. Threats are usually dealt with via the trump card of clapping in someones face. Pretty much a well known but still nani moment among all assassins that they have no counter for. "I mean it's startling, they almost touched my nose and the inner ear thing caused me to trip". The wet bandits in home alone put up more of a fight. The morals were okay, felt too wholesome for me most of the time. I half expected them to say something stupid like "Maybe the real Assassination Classroom were the friends we made along the way". Last is just the cast is forgettable. I can remember every character and side characters name in Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, FMA, Inuyasha, etc without needing to look it up. Name every character in this picture from memory. I'll be surprised if anyone can. Most of the class is very NPC. Not saying it's a bad show, just I didn't care for it, and the hype it had at the time was pretty much a flash in the pan that vanished after a year for good reason.
  13. Ah yes fresh 5 year old school sol comedy. The freshest of content. At least it's trying something different. Wasn't a fan of it when I watched it on funimation years ago so I'll pass.
  14. Would have been more sad if it was Phill Hartman's wife on the card
  15. Pretty much what I said about he would make more money from a patreon account from just a few subs than he lost on that one video. Ainitubers seem to not really know how to cheat the system all that well. It's kinda in the nature I guess of a video that is pretty much a ted talk that needs some levels of familiarity with the subject. Clearly banking more on adsense to get money which is why they're making videos longer than they should be to squeeze in an extra ad. Also cringe as fuck that he is recording his damn monitor with a cell phone and is crying that his "hard work" is being demonetized. I would prefer a fucking panning shot of a still frame over a shaky phone recording of some retards monitor. It sounds like this person has been in youtube for years, but is using methods that didn't work 10 years ago.
  16. the only anituber I really watched a lot was douchebagchocolate and he's pretty much quit. I think it was also over demonetization drama.
  17. Money wise wtf is 3k views like $10? Anitubers are mostly hobbyists who do that shit for fun. If they're crying over pretty much lost lunch money they need to just quit. They'd probably make more money from a handful of people giving them a few bucks a month on patreon than they would form youtube.
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