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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. If they ever do a live action of this I hope they get Clint Eastwood for batman. Only issue is they'd have to use a cgi body because he's old as hell and far from jacked.
  2. This is just making me think more and more that Alfred is dead and all these interactions are in Bruce's head.
  3. Night Yeah this movie flows like cold molasses
  4. Seeing as it's a Frank Miller character that's doubtful. He's homophobic and only makes gay characters if they're incompetent or cowardly villains. He's caught a lot of shit over that.
  5. I imagine a lot of old villains just did a spit take while watching the news hearing that these mutants killing just one child has made them the worst since the joker.
  6. I love it when my crack surgeon is wearing a superman shirt and I'm a super villain
  7. It works because he's meant to be fucking insane. The accepted one though is the backstory shown in the killing joke. Shit comedian that got caught up in crime to pay debts then went insane from his acid bath.
  8. I mean he'd have to. I doubt the slums are the quickest way to get to his billionaire manor
  9. Alfred - Sir you have to let me go, the accident wasn't your fault. Bruce - What? Alfred - It wasn't your fault Sir (fades away) Bruce - Alfred!!!
  10. Seriously though by 80 you think he'd have gotten over the dead parents thing.
  11. For a billionaire bruce sure walks through some shit areas
  12. Joker claims he can't remember who he was and changes his origin story on a whim.
  13. Something tells me they outsourced the animation for this, judging by those animator names.
  14. So they're ignoring that the Joker was the Red Hood, and batman knocked him into acid turning him into the joker. It's fucking up there with bruce's parents getting shot in crime alley. How do you fuck up that origin? Then again the live action films never seemed to give much of a fuck either.
  15. Something him and his daughter have in common.
  16. Homeless kids gotta eat. Not that many reputable businesses that employ underage anymore that pay enough to live on.
  17. It's an old 80s comic, they used it in the kids day dream episode of the animated series
  18. Nick doesn't own the rights to all turtles media. They just have the right to use the brand.
  19. Really just landed on Bruce being batman with that little to go on? Last I checked gothem was filled with billionaires.
  20. ADR - We're having a dinner scene with italian mobsters, what do you think they should sound like? Director - What do you think? ADR - Southern Gentlemen and people with pinched noses? Director - That's the kind of going with your gut that I like to see!
  21. Also how "sane" was this guy? Motherfucker was screaming about lunches and shit. Side note Asylums for the criminally insane don't work like that for a long time, like since the 60s. This is because people were worried that Manson was going to get off on the insanity plea. So they re-worked it to be that you "are not fit to stand trial". If you are ever found sane in the Asylum, then you've simply become fit to stand trial and will now go be trialed and possibly sent to prison.
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