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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. The only difference in sun and moon are version exclusive pokemon, which you can get via trading in the game. They are releasing an ultra sun/ultra moon version though which are different games from sun and moon, so that may be what she is asking for.
  2. Best - Reese's Cups, Snickers, Laffy Taffy Worst - Candy Corn, Black Licorice, Chips (fuck people who give out chips on halloween)
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-XsehbuxUw
  4. No beef stick, like a smoked sausage.
  5. Where will the adventures of life take me next now that childhood dreams have come true.
  6. It's hard to pick between Hikari and Youko.
  7. I take it you never watched son of dracula.
  8. Out of the dumpires she still may be the smartest. https://res.cloudinary.com/sfp/image/upload/w_706,c_fill,q_60/oth/FunimationStoreFront/1351136/English/1351136_English_KeyArt-OfficialVideoImage_83f57e6b-9a65-e711-8175-020165574d09.jpg[/img]
  9. I'm just going to wear normal clothes and tell anyone who asks what I'm dressed up as that I'm a child molester. Wonder what the ratio will be of people who think I'm being serious to ones that think I'm joking.
  10. Funny that they used that hair as the base for the vampire in demichan.
  11. I don't want lube with the word spice in it on my dick. whut
  12. Wrote up some more pages, I'll send them to you sometime today.
  13. The "vacation" will be about as long as the festival arc if not a bit longer.
  14. Post bunny girls for Heff.
  15. Nice except Season 2 was in 2010 and I have probably forgotten as much as I remember. http://goboiano.com/a-certain-magical-index-season-3-was-accidentally-revealed/
  16. Not really, they just used a budget for the Misty episode since they knew people were going to watch it. For the most part I think it's just Ash that looks like hell, his model didn't transition to moe blob well. Doesn't help that last season it was like every episode was high budget. Probably why they had to change studios because of budget. Still sun/moon at least does well with the girl characters. Context Drunk on Juice, and Ash's mom Flirting with his friend.
  17. Context makes it sound more dirty than an 11 year old taking off her clothes already is. Misty - I'm not going to lose to her. When they go to edit this for the dub I imagine it's going to say something like Misty - Good thing I wore my swimsuit today.
  18. The AF guy only became a mangaka later on. When he did AF it was just fanfics for fun. Pretty much like me doing bhtsy but if I later got a real job writing a manga. He worked on GT and helped out with some character designs for Super. I'm not much of a fan of his stuff mainly because I get bored of robots. If you see a robot character in GT or Super odds are that they were designed by the AF guy. It does remind me a lot of how Toriyama keeps making villains the same. Thankfully the editor does step in to remind him that he has already drawn some characters. (from his interviews I seriously think her forgets). Still yeah Toriyama got full off bullshit over the years. He reminds me of Miyamoto from nintendo at times. Legends and respectable in their own right but they should be locked away in a retirement facility and monitored while heavily medicated for some of the dumb ass things they say and do. If we go off of earliest Goku day 1 of meeting Bulma his interest was living alone and eating. When he met Bulma she convinced him to help her, there was even a line that Goku says as to why he needs to go with her and that was " Grandpa Gohan always told me that I should always help a girl". Bulma says something along the lines of how Your grandpa must have been really smart. So his first motivation was because his grandpa told him to help people "namely girls". Through Dragonball there were many episodes where everyone else wanted to move on, but Goku wanted to stay and help. Half of the muscle tower arc was just him helping Snow's village and Android 8. Then there was him training at Korin's tower to save that indian kids dad that got killed by Tao. Most of the Dragonball fights he was in he even gave his opponents a chance to backout before the fight, and would just end up murdering them in cold blood if they didn't. In DB he kills hundreds of people, him and Yajarobi even eat Drum one of the mutant namekians that Piccolo made. Z though he only kills 2 enemies being Yakon who ate SS energy till he exploded and Kid Buu.
  19. Dende brings up to Goku that Uub was born and he wants him to train Uub when he is older. That just leads into how Z ended though.
  20. In the movie battle of the gods they bring up that they wished for shenron to make them younger, so he turned them into babies because they weren't specific. The anime I don't think bothered with an explanation. As for Tights she has been a character in Jaco space patrolman. I think he does it to try and get people interested in his other works. Like "oh now I need to read this to see if there is more dragonball back story". He also did it back in dragonball when he did a crossover with Dr.Slump, they do another slump crossover later in super as well.
  21. "Wedding ring" You might want to look at that again mochi.
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