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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. I'd prolly do like that lady in The Wolf Children and roll out to some super rural area full of old people and grow potatoes. Get a pick up truck and 2 dogs.
  2. Just gonna wait for the recap of the commercials tomorrow
  3. What in the actual fuck?!! I'm in the kitchen making dinner. Hear this loud ass bang. Come around the corner ... the miniature in a panic saying IM SORRY IM SORRY My whole Xbox on the floor infront of the entertainment system You. Are. Done. Do. Not. Touch. My. Xbox. Again.
  4. My patience is too short. I would have said something crazy or stopped replying and be right back on somebody's job XD Unless you find one that likes being talked crazy to
  5. I swear I missed everything ... or was oblivious
  6. Letting him crash was too nice. Maybe like a day here and there was okay but nah .... bitch ass Travis would've just had to drive 6 hours
  7. I've never looked at it as expendable. I'd say protective and considerate. Those are just behaviors of a gentleman ... to me anyway.
  8. Also stop being so nice.
  9. Look here bitch ..... err Travis .... nobody asked for you to cry to me in a text ... just give me my fucking stuff and continue suffering 3 hrs away from me ... I'd ask if I could change my locks though just to be on the safe side. Who knows what Bitch Ass Travis is currently going through
  10. So .... I was at work all of 5 mins. I just turned on my computer and my mom calls and says your step-dad is going to the hospital
  11. What are nice guy shenanigans? Also I didnt say I never pay or hold doors in general. On a date, if a man asks me out, holding a door and paying the check demonstrates interest and consideration.
  12. I expect chivalry on a date and to be treated like a lady. Open the door for me ..... pay the bill. These are basics. But please explain how it's selling out
  13. I'm never stuck. Say or do something crazy and bet I pull my keys out of my purse and walk off. Plus with ubers and lyfts .... even if I didn't meet you there
  14. Probably sexist of me to feel this way ... but I would be caught off guard if I went on a date and the guy didn't pay. Like I wouldn't say anything crazy outloud about it I'll offer to treat sometimes if we're dating for awhile and it's my idea I'll pay for another lady
  15. If we're waiting on games to load to experience physical simulation, I'll wait for Striking Vipers I'm not ashamed to say I would be equally excited to safely and responsibly relieve stress by beating the fuck out of Lee from Tekken but also ... wait ....WAIT ... WAIT Nvm I must be ovulating
  16. I don't think my internet activity is consistent enough to make someone suspect I'm in trouble
  17. Okay hoes ..... in general. Next person that comments about their sad love life .... your mom's a hoe too
  18. In their defense it was probably hard to get a good grip and momentum when everybody sliding in opposite directions. I just appreciate how after they were pulled apart he was like .... lemme grab my shoes real quick lol
  19. They didn't think about how slick the lanes were when they decided THIS was where they were gonna fight XD Don't fight on the lanes.
  20. in general
  21. What's the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
  22. As you can tell .... I'm not working for real today. I've been mad dashing all week and stressed. >.> so like ..... maybe tomorrow. That training I had earlier took a lot out of me ..... the training I wasn't watching because I was looking at memes
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