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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Good job
  2. Haven't seen this porn before
  3. Can't come out of the gate with Naruto characters. Feel the crowd, see if they even talk about Naruto first. Mermista is safe. If nobody's seen She-ra then it's just a brown girl with a ponytail
  4. Got started in another online community and forgot people dont know Im a woman when I roll in with a Lotor avatar. Back to Mermista it is XD
  5. My anxiety is too bad. I always look away when people have to stick me or draw blood but I've seen people stare intently as they get stuck. I'm always like .... don't want to make anyone nervous These dramatic old people at the clinic scream everyday like they are being stabbed through the heart Too much pressure
  6. Suicide ideation is not suicidal intent. In an effort not to de-rail Jackie's thread into Dumpster Fires, I will excuse myself from this thread.
  7. Her story isn't concise enough, but your advice is? Your crisis intervention mumblings are too much. If you feel suicidal or are having suicidal thoughts ... go to the nearest ER, call 911 or call the suicide hotline for mobile crisis 1- 800-273-8255 Somebody in crisis is not going to sit here trying to figure out what the fuck you're talking about and then go through the effort of trying to follow all of your steps if they figure it out.
  8. Shit ... maybe I should have just went to nursing school. But my anxiety is too bad to stick needles in people and in little babies in their chunky baby legs.
  9. I hate when you're relatively new to the job and corporate decides they want to add a metric to the clinic grading system and your score is already tanked because whoever was doing the job before you wasn't doing it correctly. They couldn't find anyone to fill the spot for like 3 months so they had another person "filling in" via telehealth visits which led to things getting missed but I'm the one holding the bag in the meeting. Fuck. Y'all and yes I'm going to cut this avocado at my desk.
  10. Get. Out.
  11. OMG .. leave my mom in my apartment for 3 hrs and she has watered down my dish detergent STOP PUTTING WATER IN MY DAWN
  12. So my step-dad had a stroke so he's been in the hospital since Friday. Another small stroke last night and one this morning. My brother was supposed to be down there with him this morning while my mom does homeschool with the miniature so I could go to work super early and get off super early. Mom gets a call saying they may have to transfer my step-dad to Nashville. Meanwhile my brother is nowhere to be found so my mom is like I need you to come get the miniature so I can go to the hospital And I'm like WAIT WHAT?!! So I speed down to my apartment and my brother just now shows up like ... sup. Bitch I have already left work. Look we need to figure this shit out because I can't keep leaving work like this. I'm trying to work right now on my laptop even though technically I'm not allowed to work from home
  13. I haven't done that but I'll try to push my glasses up on my nose when I'm not wearing them so I just poke myself in the face
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