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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. I just shaved my legs because I accidentally took a picture of them and I was like .... WHOSE LEGS ARE THESE?? ....... ........... I've not been taking care of myself like I used to before the miniature and I guess I'm just realizing it
  2. Maybe you would feel less awkward if you had enough room in your pants to stick your hands in your pockets?
  3. Earn a PS5
  4. They already blocked pornhub ... so ... what else can they take now?
  5. Sir this is a Wendy's
  6. Get back to the memes!! Or I post toe pics! This is your only warning
  7. Remember way back when you could get a copy of a movie somebody recorded with a video camera from a stranger at Sonic and Pizza Hut? XD
  8. I like the Funimation app on my XBOX and firestick so much better though ...
  9. I dont like to think about it .... espcially because I know I was like 15ish and there were definitely pedos around
  10. Bruh .... Medicare deciding these old people dont need transportation is fucking me up. Now everybody needs transportation. I DONT HAVE ANY. I called this one provider last week that assured me we were fine and to check back this week. Checked back .... oh sorry ... looks like we lied ... you need to call Wellcare. Called Wellcare after a whole fucking hour of phone trees and dead end transfers and they're like .... who told you to call us??!! BITCH I HAVE EXPLAINED THIS SHIT 12 TIMES!!! Looks like they're not going to approve shit either. Called the patient ... ring to VM Giiiiirl you better answer this phone or you going to be shit out of luck with no warning
  11. What kind of ideas is she saying no to?
  12. I wouldn't worry about. If he wants to go on a date, he'll call back and let you know. If not, on to the next. "A man is like a bus- miss one, catch the next" - Dr Koko Zauditu Selassie
  13. You dont want to go into that pact with me. I am not responsible for preventing anyone from getting dicked down. My philosophy is the opposite, get as much as you want. 1 serving, 2 servings, 2 simultaneous servings? Heap it on. I feel like you can be a concerned friend but not to the point that its detrimental. If you and this guy have just started dating and its nothing serious yet, they shouldn't have shoehorned their way into it. Its different if y'all have a history and were looking to take it another level. You can date casually and not have any expectations. I'd be turned off if somebody asked me as an adult, what my intentions were, even if my intentions were just to go and watch Spiderman. How did they get the opportunity to interrogate the guy in the first place?
  14. Whatever they try to say just ask .... you done now or what? Then ask him if they want to tell you how to put on a tampon while they're at it. Otherwise I'd just walk away every time. Oh lemme show you how to clean ? oh ... okay
  15. How did you even get in the situation of your friend acting like some teenager's dad asking what are your intentions with my daughter? Is their intention to cock block or .... ? I dunno ... if we're not getting dick together, aint nobody getting dick?
  16. So my stepdad has been out of the hospital I wanna say for a week ... maybe a week and a half. First he was too scared to eat anything really because of all the meds and the whole discussions about how your diet and non compliance with your meds got you into this mess in the first place. So surprise, surprise .... he decided oh I'm feeling a little better I can probably eat trash again. So my sister made a nice healthy old people dinner last night for him. He says I dont want that, I want all the sodium from a lasagna sampler at Fazzoli's or something. .... for some reason my mom goes to get it. Few hours later, his speech is slurred and he cant walk without assistance down the hallway. So I asked my sister wasnt he supposed to get a walker or a cane when he came home? He decided he didn't need one and declined it at the VA mhmm ... so they're back at the ER again. Now here's the part where I decided to make a joke at the wrong time .... so Imma just be quiet ... because clearly I'm retarded. So they're at the ER and my mom puts a message in the group chat asking my sister what does a code blue mean? ... Me: "In my extensive knowledge of Grey's anatomy, cardiac arrest or respiratory failure Bring the crash cart, charge the paddles to 200, push one of epi" My sister is like : .......why do you ask? My mom : they said they were putting your dad in room 201, they just called a code blue in 201 ..... so yeah ... Imma just be quiet ehhh .... I feel like if he coded they would've told my mom by now so ... whatever Nvm. It was him.
  17. My kid is suddenly into Pokemon after watching Ash and Go(?) in Pokemon Journey. ..... I feel like this new kid may have a crush on Ash?? >.> But also at this point is Team Rocket even still villains or are they just supervising Ash to make sure he doesn't die while he's away from home?
  18. Sounds like a whole lot of trouble to speed up a human death
  19. I fucked around and somehow overlooked my regular day to day bras when I did laundry so now I'm in this pretty decorative one .... but my tits are pushed up so high I feel like they're on a little serving tray. Why is there a little keyhole hole between the cups. No way people wear little sexy underwear under their clothes daily .... just for working.
  20. So .... lemme just give the visual .... you're asking for a horse to put in a ring with a person from my 600lb life ... only twice as fatt to see what happens
  21. Stumbled upon a tweet about the release of an Eren figure from AoT 98% of the comments were unexpectedly thirsty. It's like a whole new world of memes "Start the rumbling inside me" Nooo ... I'm taking a break XD
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