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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. I've had more cake than pies .... but theres still time
  2. neeeerp .... rather not become part of a human centipede
  3. Kiff ... theres way too many people out there
  4. I only worked like 3 hours yesterday due to the weather. I could've stayed home .
  5. Im short on groups though ... maybe check back later
  6. Get pretty and go out
  7. Lesson of the day : booty is booty
  8. what all is involved in body worship?
  9. I have strict friendship boundaries that dont get crossed. If i feel theres a possibility of romance, i dont group you into my friends category. If i think of you as a friend .... then theres all they would be
  10. I hate the idea of starting over at the bottom. I know i have to but uhhh....
  11. Wait?! I would never suggest you have sex with your friends! Thats how things get awkward
  12. I guess .... my question would be .... well did you finish blowing her back out before you came out ... or did you stop abruptly? Me as your friend would have been cool if you finished
  13. space
  14. everybody always thought i was mean .... i just have resting bitch face
  15. wait ... hold on Im about to give birth to a murdering shadow man wait for it ...... oh wait no .... it was just a poot owo
  16. its ... hard to explain ... i like anticipation and knowing im not in control. I dun wanna be blindfolded because I have an irrational fear of going blind but being "manipulated" from behind. Then i have this thing about texture and temperature. I like restriction, especially over my boobs. Feeling any sort of hint of freedom on my nipples gets me going so I'm rarely without a bra. I like having them bound, teased, and then released but all from behind. I want to be able to just see arms and hands .... so like sometimes certain types of hands and fingers turn me off. Is that weird? I know people are like they notice people eyes and smile first .... im like .... hmm how would those hands look on my breasts >
  17. nooo .... i dont want fruity pebbles on my chest! They look like boogers
  18. we never get a lot. I went to the hood walmart when i got off ... fucking barren. All the nice snow is now icevso i slid right out of the parkinglot
  19. its not a fixation its like ... an ignition switch.
  20. l dunno about you but an ugly sweater and no bottoms gets me going
  21. I plan on being drunk in vegas for my dirty thirty
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