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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. i ... uhm ... think olive oil isn't good for vaginas
  2. i have exactly 3 tissues left in my puffs box ... I've probably sneezed or coughed on them but .... you can totally has them
  3. So ... I'm getting this sense that you're not really keen on the idea of the blow jobs ... Now stop me if I'm wrong ... but thats what I'm feeling right now in the moment.
  4. >.> why ... were you jumping in the doorway?
  5. You just have to think about your custom rank when you're washing up afterwards.
  6. Oh sure ... Charisma
  7. oh thank gawd
  8. Definitely wasn't that deep >
  9. I dont. They're things fit strange to me. Maybe its vanity sizing? I dunno. I know damn well I'm not a D cup anything. C cup sure .... but D cup I am certainly not
  10. I cant watch people HotPockets .... something about them .... especially men
  11. Looking like blow jobs ....
  12. did the vacuum make it?
  13. for real though ... I hope all this stuff is a joke ...
  14. y'know every since they started taxing my orders I don't really order from Amazon anymore. fuck your $1.90 tax!
  15. Still gotta find one ... thats not gross ... or cheating on his wife
  16. I got food poisoning from taco bell last year ... wont go back there again
  17. might be time to buy gas elsewhere maaan
  18. fine! do it the hard way!
  19. I need to find a mechanic .... no ... date a mechanic or a handy man
  20. I work in a warehouse district in a really shady neighborhood
  21. blackmail gets people killed .... blow jobs are safer
  22. I went through the credit union at my job. I NEEDED it. I have to get to work, school, my internship, and everywhere else
  23. Im just waiting for a good opportunity ... then wham! Or for him to get senile
  24. The same way anybody gets anywhere ... bribes or blow jobs
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