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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Vamped

    Send newbs

  2. i dont fap with my eyes open
  3. oh gawd both nostrils x.x I can barely breathe now
  4. rape sexual assault violence against women sexual abuse against anyone really but especially against children and the elderly homelessness poverty unequal access to basic human needs Institutional racism racism in general sexism drug addiction war greed Donald Trump depression illiteracy suicide substandard medical care high infant mortality rates
  5. with fancy tea cakes and tea sandwiches?!
  6. dammit I thought I was reading and visualizing this for a reason!
  7. Do you want serious answers? Because if not I dun wanna depress anyone
  8. Vamped


    ... show tip?
  9. Vamped


    You uhm .... wanna be frosted? O0
  10. Hrmm... I feel like I just started posting here though
  11. Is ... it weird that our grocery stores carry lube? again ...we're in the south so ... I dunno if that means anything
  12. ... how do you get in shoes?! I dunno why this is so funny to me
  13. alot of them aren't attractive
  14. You sure you don't have any .... like all the way in the back?
  15. I dont wanna be impaled ... but I also dont wanna feel like I'm grinding against another woman's clitoris when I'm having sex with a man
  16. You mean ... like a loose one or like if its chubby ? I mean either way .... I'm a woman so all cooters are fine to me
  17. So far in the future ... people keep their cars in their pockets
  18. I wanted to be a Navy Veteran, poet, novelist, film maker, Egyptologist, Archaeologist, nurse, surgeon .... hmm also to be delightfully wealthy
  19. You cover your mouth or I'll cover it for you!
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