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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Make sure you report back with the deets
  2. Shit .... game graphics have come such a long way You can make out an entire areola on crazy titty mechanics ... they don't even have separate fingers XD
  3. Enjoy your orgy!!!
  4. Better getcha some banana boat for the sun
  5. If you're recording for humanity as a whole, I expect there to be some pizzazz The red-orange of a dying planet amongst the rich violet of despair as the last of your tickle me pink human meat juice seeps into the dark forest green of a vengeful Earth
  6. Unbothered as usual. He also slept through the 6 fire trucks when somebody started a fire in the trash shoot and the firemen came to evacuate the higher floors Good news is the guy who I'm guessing got shot is good enough to walk to the ambulance They better not raise the fucking rent. First they had the US Marshals and FBI out here .... now somebody's getting shot outside the lobby
  7. Yo .... wtf .... just woke up to gunfire outside but I was like .... nah must've been a big rig running over something. Nooope definitely gunfire. There's a man yelling. I peep outside, 6 squad cars rolling up to the building .... then the fire department
  8. Who .... is Howard Johnson?
  9. ..... just sounds like me in my 30s if I'm being honest XD Oh wait ... without the having sex part
  10. You had 24 colored pencils at your disposal and you only used 1 color ....
  11. They should all just take off their various pants and have one big orgy. That way everybody has slept with everybody and everybody's equal.
  12. Gonna be real hard to adopt all these "preborn" babies if they're busy discriminating.
  13. What in the goddamn fuck!!?!!
  14. Where did you get date from? XD He got stranded after he dropped off some dick
  15. You missed .... ALOT. But you're probably better off for it
  16. And the comforter set?
  17. They asked what our dream job would be. Of course I said running a brothel .... you asked the question Also funeral director
  18. Make sure to check your battery, fluids, and tires before all dick appointments in the future. This helpful tip brought to you by AAA
  19. Damn I guess they all look the same then. The knee cap in the corner had me 2nd guessing.
  20. Are you driving an Escape or do the inside of all Fords look the same?
  21. Uh .... in the grey sweat pants
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