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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. But more on this- yeah occasionally I'll see something on a news-aggregator site that probably leans leftish, so I find the exact firsthand source they're quoting so I can feel like I actually did research instead of just posting something I've been fed directly.
  2. Never said I took time off here. Again, just posting things I see out in the wild.
  3. Little bit of that, little bit of keeping an eye on the fascist's plans so I know what shit they're spreading, but mostly because that's what's around; like the Biden whipping tape and platypus. I'm just sharing the things I'm seeing folks talking about.
  4. Look here's another one for the exact same reasons. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/27/jena-griswold-colorado-elections-secretary-of-state-democracy
  5. Why what? Why is an American general openly calling for civil war? Because they're fascists. Why am i posting it? Because they're fascists.
  6. https://www.westernjournal.com/gen-flynn-friends-fellow-citizens-war-wage/
  7. I 100% concede this point. People don't randomly lean things about platypodes. I was wrong.
  8. Well there you have it.
  9. Because its out there? I mean why do you know about platypus? Just one of those things you come across.
  10. Again, I assumed y'all already knew about it.
  11. That's ok, just be aware that it's out there, and Biden is rocking a ghostrek-level hog.
  12. Like, sitting there watching somebody give a 10 minute long speech discussing aspects of a movie or demonstrating something or whatever. It's like, have we just been habituated to watching people giving presentations in front of the class? Is that the only reason I'm watching this video on how they make hot sauce? Before youtube if you wanted to sit and watch somebody break down the plot points and significance of the imagery in a movie you'd have to pay for some film appreciation class or something. I mean it's not exactly something you'd just choose do because you've got like 5 minutes before you have to swap the laundry. Ooooor, maybe it's the other way around. Maybe giving/watching all those presentations in school really did prepare us for the world. Crazy.
  13. I'm good, but have you seriously not seen that video? Russian bots have been spreading it around like crazy lately. https://m.beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/07/joe-biden-butt-naked-and-whipping-a-young-woman-another-young-woman-says-she-was-sold-to-joe-biden-several-times-had-sex-with-biden-and-obama-and-reveals-details-of-underworld-under-los-ange-3775926.html
  14. Have you seen the video of nude biden whipping kamala Harris while shes tied to the cross? Dude is swinging a bat all right.
  15. Yeah, but what about benghazi?
  16. https://www.npr.org/2020/10/05/918520692/facebook-keeps-data-secret-letting-conservative-bias-claims-persist https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/26/facebook-conservatives-2020-421146 https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/1/21544501/facebook-rules-protect-conservatives-instagram-bias-discipline
  17. What a stunning array of cuns.
  18. So I'm trying to get a picture of my wild-west condiment themed supervillain duo, the "Rancid Rancher" and the "Buffalo Buffalo", but nothing is coming out right. Ideally the bison would resemble a rack of flaming, demonic BBQ ribs, and the cowboy would be dripping with ranch dressing. That last part keeps giving me warnings about trying to create inappropriate content.
  19. Broke down and bought credits. $15 for 115 more prompts.
  20. Sorry looks like i jumped the gun a bit. https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/commentary/better-or-worse-religiously-affiliated-charter-schools-are-their-way https://www.manhattan-institute.org/religious-charter-schools-legally-permissible-constitutionally-required
  21. Charter schools are private, for profit, almost always christian schhols. You know catholic schools where everyone wears uniforms and nuns are allowed to hit them? Thats a private school. They make bank because rich conservatives pay to send their kids there. The controversy comes from public schools receiving tax revenue in order to run, because they're not for-profit and don't make lots of money for the investors. So private schools argue that they should get tax dollars as well, even though there is a seperation of church and state. Conservatives passed laws that pull money from the public school system and invest it into private schools. This serves three funtions- make the rich richer, cripple public education, and force religuous education. They call it "school choice". Same thing if you've ever heard "right to work". In wisconsin we have the "right to work", which means that our employers can legally fire us at any time with no reason given. Its literally doublespeak from 1984.
  22. Y'all ever deal with the feds? Half a mind to go out, knock on the side of the truck, and ask them to raid somebody or leave. They're killing my internet connection.
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