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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. if it was a full grown forest then we'd have already seen voice actors being replaced by ai programs and video games/movies/tv shows being completely written by them but that isn't the case so stop acting like It is.... if you had any common sense You wouldn't call Erica Lindbeck's reaction a meltdown....She didn't deserve AI Bro's Shit-talking her
  2. Okay Here's my problem You Think People Should Have Stopped this three years ago when it was barely a blip on the radar....i don't even think voice actors started noticing it until the influx of AI Videos hit youtube nobody was gonna see one shit-post video and make an entire movement to stop something which had not happened yet especially since flushing money down the toilet monthly for casual shit-posting seemed like a very niche idea....not one that would eventually flood social media and also you are the one that said "Knowing it's easy to make a fake means we have to assume everything is fake" You Can't just backpedal and say well not exactly.... when you say assume everything is fake you mean everything the word everything means "Everything" there's no exception
  3. something should be done....anyone who disagrees might as well say "I'm In Favor of robots taking every role in every animated movie tv show and video game" three years ago we were busy with this big thing...oh what was it again? Oh Yeah! The Pandemic i think people were more preoccupied with trying to steer clear of covid-19 and navigating the dumpster fires caused by it than anything else.... Not sure i agree with your belief that everything will be seen as a fake and criminals will be able to get away with making threats because "It's Just AI Trolling Bro" leading everyone to think everything is a prank including bomb threats
  4. AI Voice replication needs to be nipped in the bud before it spirals out of control this isn't a children's toy....AI Voice Replication can be used to make horribly racist and homophobic things come out of anyone's voice you want it to be at that point it's no longer a joke and is possibly ruining somebody's career so it isn't just the idea of being replaced by ai voices that scares them it's the idea that you could get into hot water over something you didn't even say because some internet trolls paid a monthly fee to access AI Voice technology
  5. This is such a bad take and you know it....voice actors deserve more respect they shouldn't have to be worried about machines taking work away from them because selfish morons on youtube have normalized AI voice replication
  6. https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/announcements/2023/7/3/watch-one-piece-english-dub-on-crunchyroll-970-episodes-coming-this-week
  7. I Really wonder what's giving them so much trouble
  8. the facebook post said this "Don’t miss out on Toonami’s July 15th line up. We’ve got some new shows brewing so be sure to watch this space for updates."
  9. there will be a toonami panel and according to demarco's tweet there's going to be lot of announcements and news from them this will be the first time We've Seen Gil Austin in what seems like forever(That Twitter Account is dead because he hates social media and using the internet in general) regardless it's still silly to me that all the PR Work is left up to Jason Demarco instead of the Actual Block Captain
  10. It's nothing about being picky....There's less people working on the block and less resources going into toonami .... So They'd Be be low on cash no matter what they acquired....
  11. can't fill time if you don't have the money to barter and negotiate with consistently.....A Block run by a small skeleton crew doesn't say "We Can Handle this on our own" so why keep acting like "This Is Toonami's Own Damn Fault!" WBD has not given them a better budget to play around with and there's nothing to indicate that they did
  12. So Where do we go from here since streaming services aren't the future everyone thought they would be and nobody wants to go back to Cable TV Companies wish people would go back to cable television but that won't happen
  13. right now it feels like Adultswim's name makes less and less sense as they gain more time Adultswim makes sense when it's "Kids out adults in" but if adults are the only ones watching then does adult even need to be in the name? especially when you start mixing in cartoon network content
  14. What's weird to me is despite cable tv being a relic of the past....Companies like disney are now having to cut back on producing streaming content because they invested too much into it and saw little to no profits from all that spending
  15. I Think it's bullshit that while adultswim keeps getting more time....Toonami sees no benefit from any of that sometimes i wonder if they just don't think toonami's valuable enough to give it more support than "Here's a few ads during AEW" or "Here air this DC Animated movie for us"
  16. Do You Think The Cartoon Network Brand has any future outside catering to nostalgic adults? I'm not sure if Max would really do much with the branding moving forward
  17. The Next Adultswim Original to be airing every sunday night...will you be tuning?
  18. it was no accident i just don't think they cared to hype that up in the facebook post because that wasn't the surprise show they've been waiting to announce Food Wars is about to conclude and that will likely be when we see this mystery show
  19. Toonami gets these shows through the Japanese Production Studios that's who makes the call not crunchyroll Toonami got one piece through toei and they likely got mha S6 through Toho so please stop looking at it as "Crunchyroll is locking them out" or "They are too busy trying to work out a deal with crunchyroll" when they aren't the ones who toonami has to get the okay from... also toonami is run by a very small skeleton crew nothing about them says "We Have Enough Funding To Consistently Acquire shows without much trouble" they couldn't even air the dr stone S3 episode 2 promo without making a mistake and that mistake was airing it before episode one even concluded....then that promo was never seen for the rest of the night
  20. Yeah It isn't age otherwise i wouldn't be such a twig at 33 ooof I Don't go around making fun of fat people because I'm not a dick and also when you are into chunky women(Like Myself) that's probably not the kind of jokes you wanna be telling anyways
  21. watching something like that to make fun of fat people is ridiculous especially since anyone can become fat not everyone's an athlete and people tend to gain weight as they get older.... it's why i find fat jokes to be dumb as shit because that could be you one day and then You'd be on the other end of those jokes
  22. I'm not sure why people wanna watch that....maybe to make fun of fat people and be glad that isn't them maybe because they see reality tv as the ultimate entertainment because "It's so real!" or maybe because it doesn't require them to think and they can just turn it on as background noise while they do something else
  23. Look i know you think demarco has no brains and is the dumbest person around but i think pinning this all on him is stupid when he isn't even captain of the toonami team anymore That's Gill Austin and the only reason everyone dumps on demarco is because Austin doesn't give a shit about social media and avoids posting on it somebody has to be the PR Person and since The Team Leader doesn't want to do it....it falls on demarco to keep doing that but since he's still the pr person people think demarco controls everything about toonami and is why everything is the way it is right now because he insists on trying to acquire every expensive crunchyroll show without any proof whatsoever
  24. yeah it was all so they can promote more reality shows without tarnishing the hbo branding and so they could draw families to it but with cartoon network losing more and more time to adultswim it's odd they haven't added more to the cartoon network selection..... if it's not cartoon network then what's gonna draw families to Max?
  25. they put shit like that on there so people can say "Welp Sure Glad I'm Not Fat!" and then garbage like dr.pimple popper for who knows what reason apparently 20% of Max Subscribers are watching that content according to a recent article
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